Well, Here's my music!

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Impressive, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    It's entirely me playing the instruments - guitars, bass, keyboards, and mixing. If the quality sounds crappy, it's because of the compression down by Bandcamp - which is normal.
    Tell me what you think?

    Guitars used: 1987 Gibson Les Paul Studio, 2009 Fender Standard Stratocaster, 1983 Rickenbacker 330.
    Bass: 2007 Fender American Standard Precision Bass
    Synths: Synthmaster 2.7, ReFX Nexus 2.7 (different expansions), U-he Zebra 2.7
    Drums: ReFX Nexus 2.7 (different expansions), Steinberg Groove Agent 4
    DAW: Avid Pro Tools HD 12.3

    Hope you like it!
    Cheers :mates:
  3. abletonmax

    abletonmax Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Hmmm.... on a positive note, not a lot wrong with the sound quality.

    However personally I found the track monotonous and had to start to skip through from about 2 mins onwards because it was giving me fatigue.
    Same drums all the way through. Not enough variation with the guitar melodies. No tension release whatsoever. Even a crash cymbal here or there to break things up would have helped.
  4. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Wow does band camp add a layer of cotton wool over the drums like that? Must avoid, it completely ruins a decent track. That said your bass is missing too.
  5. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Ya know wot? I was tempted to parody a well-known lager advertisement and say it's probably the finest intro in the world. But... well... that's just cruel and unwarranted.

    There is a place for music like this. It's neither glamorous, nor chart-topping, and it won't turn you into an overnight sensation. Music libraries, dude. TV and, sometimes, radio has a rapacious appetite for unobtrusive music that sounds just right in the background.

    If I can give you two small tips, though, it's these: make a 0:05", 0:20", 0:40" and 01:00" version to accompany the full version. Each short-duration piece must, also, cleanly start and finish - no fade outs. Most importantly, if you're into doing some so-called theme music, get your hooks in fast. The person who is flipping through hundreds of CD's in order to grab a theme tune won't spend more than 30 seconds on listening to your tracks unless they get to the point very, very quickly. And that's on a good day.
  6. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    well, i liked it a lot. i get what the others are saying about the repetitiveness. some variation in the rhythm section would be welcome. i particularly liked the section of the song from about the two minute mark to about the three minute mark. if you decide to take darth's advice, i would find a way to get that section closer to the beginning.
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