WavesLicenseEngine is missing on mac

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by elleton, Jan 12, 2021.

  1. elleton

    elleton Newbie

    Jan 11, 2021
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    hey yall, i recently did a clean install of my macbook and dragged and ropped my odl waves files to my macs directory , I have located the vsts in my daw ( fl studio ) but whenever i click a waves plugin
    i get the message "
    WavesLicenseEngine is missing."

    /Library/Application Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle

    - Restore it and then click 'Rescan Licenses'.

    - To continue without Waves products, click 'Skip'.

    i click rescan licences but nothing really happens from there so my only option is to skip the process.

    i did try and get the waves license engine in the cracked version torrent folder and replaced it in my waves module folder but nothing happens.

    no idea what to do now? should i completely uinstall waves ? or is there a way to scan the license?


  3. englesia

    englesia Newbie

    Jun 11, 2019
    Likes Received:
    I just upgraded from Mojave to Catalina and now I am getting the same errors you are. Tried reinstalling Waves 10, and also Waves 12, now nothing works at all.
  4. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    This may be why you haven't got an answer yet.
    Unless it was from AN and 'borrowed' from you-know-where.
  5. keygen.exe

    keygen.exe Producer

    Apr 29, 2020
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    Seems like you got it from rutracker since the torrent uploaded there are extracted, i use the same thing after a new version that is interesting to me. I recommend using the R2R version but just to simplify stuff a little bit i wrote these instructions to work with the VR version

    You either didn't put the patch in the right place if you are using the R2R patch and keygen, or you didn't install the patch at all if you are using VR release. Here is what you need to do and for everyone having a license issue.
    1 Start by deleting all these directories:
    /Library/Application Support/Waves
    /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/ All of the Waveshell components
    /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/ All of the Waveshell VST
    /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST 3/ All of the Waveshell Vst3
    /Users/YOURNAME/Library/Preferences/Caches/Waves Audio
    /Users/YOURNAME/Library/Preferences/Waves Preferences
    /Users/YOURNAME/Library/Application Support/Waves Audio
    /Users/YOURNAME/Library/Application Support/Waves Central
    /Users/YOURNAME/Public/WavesOffline Installers
    /Users/YOURNAME/Shared/Waves folder
    2 Create a Waves account and download the waves central latest version.
    Go to Settings and make sure that the license location isn't located in the external hard drive and on the internal instead Like here:


    3 Open the application and log in using the same account.
    4 Select all the plugins or the ones that you need and click on Install.
    5 Restart your mac or pc and use the patch installer that's provided in the latest VR release on the sister site.

    And you are all set.
  6. SCLP

    SCLP Newbie

    Jan 26, 2022
    Likes Received:
    Hi! Thanks for this, but it didn't work for me..
  7. alidonkaka6

    alidonkaka6 Noisemaker

    Dec 22, 2021
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  8. friendly123

    friendly123 Newbie

    Jul 24, 2023
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    Was facing this same issue. Did a complete clean install (Waves Central > Settings > Cleanup)
    Also used a deep application uninstaller using App Cleaner & Installer (Basically selecting the Waves Central App)

    Used the RET crack

    In my case, I was replacing the whole "WavesLicenseEngine.bundle" with the crack and changing the extension, but instead of that I had to replace the file inside Library/Application Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/
    You have to do "Show Package Contents for the original WavesLicenseEngine and replace the one inside it, not the whole bundle file

    Rest all was just following the instructions

    Hope it helps
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