Waves v12/v13 Installation on Big Sur And Higher

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by kuth7, Aug 28, 2021.

  1. Marubaron

    Marubaron Newbie

    Jun 30, 2022
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    i have the exactly same problem and the same mac if you have a solution tell me ?
  2. AurelT

    AurelT Newbie

    Oct 10, 2022
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    I would, but I still struggle :(

    Honestly at this point I'll happily pay whoever helps me installing them all.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2022
  3. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Can you explain in step by step how you
    --"code sign",
    --edit "host files"
    --or any other security to prevent issues on m1 Macs
  4. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    I can confirm that the Sonible smartbundle v22-04-29 in Ventura causes logic to crash during the opening of a session with it in a instance, so while some plugs appear to load they can not actually load and cause crashes

    New note: If it does load and passes validation then its something else causing the smart bundle to crash, I found out that you have to at least load it once before opening sessions that contain any of the smart aka stupid plugins., so I can confirm it works but this is how plugs behave in Ventura aka iOS for Mac m1-2s
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2022
  5. kuth7

    kuth7 Newbie

    Jul 7, 2019
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    sadly, same here :( @BigM
  6. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    now there are m1 versions s that actually work...im still waiting due to SSD space here
  7. Jim Bob

    Jim Bob Kapellmeister

    Jul 14, 2015
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    Do a search around here for the CodeSigner app. Drop you plugin on that and it does it all.
    I sense your frustration but we can only say so much here with in the boundaries of the site.
    If you can't find it I'll try to send it.

    How to Edit Hosts File on Mac OS
    Let’s get started making some edits to /etc/hosts in macOS and Mac OS X!
    1. Launch Terminal, found in /Applications/Utilities/ or launched through Spotlight
    2. Type the following command at the prompt:
    3. sudo nano /private/etc/hosts
    4. Enter the administrator password when requested, you will not see it typed on screen as usual with the command line
    5. Once the hosts file is loaded within nano, use the arrow keys to navigate to the bottom of the hosts file to make your modifications
    6. When finished, hit Control+O followed by ENTER/RETURN to save changes to /private/etc/hosts, then hit Control+X to exit out of nano
    7. Quit out of Terminal when finished
  8. mhtch

    mhtch Newbie

    Nov 7, 2017
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    Hi,my friend, long time! today was the install for the new WAVES 14 FOR APPLE M1( OS 13.1), unfortunately,after all the cleaning steps, the aax version can't be used, and AU JUST STUCK THE LOGIC PRO 10.7.4 (10.7.6 STUCK WORSE). THIS IS THE REAL SITUATION NOW. I THINK STH IS WRONG WITH RET'S PATCHED FILES. how about you?
  9. ozelive

    ozelive Newbie

    Feb 5, 2023
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    Thank you everyone Big sur 11.7 studio one is working fine too.
  10. chiefvideos

    chiefvideos Newbie

    Feb 12, 2023
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    Can you please help me! I do everything correctly up until entering this in Terminal:

    xattr -cr / Library / Application \ Support / Waves / Modules / WavesLicenseEngine.bundle

    I get an error message saying command not available. Ive been trying for days and even did some mistake in terminal which deleted something import and and my mac booted up as if it were a fresh install, files were still there but some system settings were reset /:

    Thanks you for your help, I made an account to ask you this.

    Im on m1 pro macbook, Monterey 12.5, and I have tried the 3 following RET releases:

    Waves V13 2021.11.15
    Waves V14 2022.06.21
    Waves V14 2023.1.17
  11. chiefvideos

    chiefvideos Newbie

    Feb 12, 2023
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    I GOT IT TO WORK Natively ON M1 MAC!! Heres my specs and everything I did, I have been working days to figure this out and had to do some creative weird things after spending many hours in these message boards, I hope this saves you time and lets you get back to creating:


    Macbook Pro M1 Pro, Monterey 12.5, Logic Pro 7.1 & 7.7

    1.If you have already installed Waves, go to Central and perform a complete waves cleanup / Uninstall inside the app

    2. Delete Waves Central, Waves folder in Applications, and all waves folders in following locations (if available):

    Library>Application Support>Waves(unhidden)
    Library>Audio>Plugins>WPAPI(sometimes this thing is left after uninstall)
    ~Libarary> Application Support>Waves Audio and Waves Central(hidden)
    Macintosh HD>Users>Shared>Waves

    *Also make sure that all st/vst3/au/aax waveshell plugins are removed.
    *Also search EasyFind (an app better than Spotlight) for 'waves' and search in hidden and system files (You might have to give EasyFind Full Disk Access, detailed below if you don't know how), and delete anything Waves. There might be some files with the word Waves inside your browser information, so don't delete that, and don't delete anything inside the actual crack folder (There will be many things called Waves in there)

    Basically we want to make it seem like your mac has never even heard of Waves before lol

    3. Completely Turn off wifi, so do everything you would need internet for before, because this whole process is offline

    4. Restart Mac

    5. Download Waves Complete V13 2021.11.15 RET release (I tried many others and this is the only one I got to work)
    Put this in Public Folder

    6. Extract and install the Waves Central that comes with the download, you will have to drag icon to Applications Folder

    7. Unmount Waves Central, and before opening the program, add Waves Central App to Full Disk Access by going to Settings, Privacy & Security, selecting Full Disk Access, Clicking Lock in bottom left, type password, Plus icon, then adding App

    8. Perform an offline installation by choosing Offline Installer, navigate to the Install.cen file (In the crack in the public folder) and select plugins you like to install, I only used the following - you might have issues if you select all:

    Abbey Road Collection
    SSL 4000 Collection
    Mercury Collection
    Ovox Vocal Resynthesis
    GTR Solo

    9. After Installation, dont exit Waves Central

    Go to licenses tab and write down the numerical code under your computer, you will need this for the keygen

    10. VERY IMPORTANT, and I have seen no one mention this, go into Activity Monitor, search Waves and you will find something called WavesLocalServer - select it and press Stop > Force Quit. Do this directly after installing plug ins and before doing anything else, do not delete WavesLocalServer.bundle just yet, just stop it

    11. Replace WavesLicenseEngine.bundle (from our downloaded crack) to Mactosh HD>Library>Application Support>Waves>Modules

    12. Open terminal and paste following command:

    sudo xattr-cr /Library/ApplicationlSupport/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle

    This one was very difficult for me and I had to do many things to get it to work, and I'm still not sure exactly what I did. You will know it is successful if it asks you to input your password. Just input and press enter, you will not see your password as you type and you will not see much of a confirmation. Like I said, I tried many things, like downloading an XCode installation thing, switching my terminal preferences from the default to Homebrew, and then back to the default, and even tried something I could only do while my mac was in recovery mode - like I said, I tried many things and I'm not sure what worked. perhaps it will work first time for you, but I had to do trial and error. Back up all your files before messing around with terminal. I'm not a programmer so I just searched online when I received an error code

    Because I sometimes got a 'path does not exist' type error,

    I would type:

    sudo xattr-cr

    With a single space at the end (the sudo part seemed to be important for me), and then actually dragged the WavesLicenseEngine.bundle (The one we replaced in the Modules folder) into the terminal window, and pressed enter. If it works, it will ask you for a password, and do it's funky thing

    13. Code sign the app by typing this into terminal:

    sudo codesign -force -deep -sign - /Library/Application\ Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle

    This was also difficult for me and I could not get my computer to do it. If you see an error, do what I did and download an app called CodeSigner (someone posted a link in one of these forums) and sign the app through there by browsing to the folder and selecting it, choosing Deep sign, and you will get a success confirmation if it works. I also got an error when I first used this app, but searched how to fix it. These two terminal things were annoying but important, and if one or both doesn't work, I dont think the plug ins will be able to validate, so search around here and online if thery are not successful.

    14. Run waves keygen on a windows pc or with crossover, maybe there is another way (like with Wine Bottler) to run the keygen, but I'm not sure, my mom had an extra PC lying around that I used. Maybe your friend Jim has one

    This was also confusing as there were 2 options, computer and key, within the keygen and nowhere does anyone specify which option - for me, it worked when I selected Computer, the default option. Enter in your Computer ID we got from the License Tab in Waves Central, It will generate a license file.

    15. Copy this license file to Macintosh HD>Library>Application Support>Waves>Licenses

    Dont delete the other file there, just add your new license file. Because we don't want you to go online, you can already have this key handy and ready because your Computer code (which we got from the licenses tab) does not change no matter how many times you uninstall and try again

    16. Restart your mac (for the first time since installing plug ins)

    17. Check WavesLocalServer is not running after restarting, kill it if it is

    18. Add Waves AU Reg Utility ( under Applications>Waves>Waveshells V13> Waves AU Reg Utility ) to receive Full Disk Access like we did for Waves Central, do this before opening.

    19. Open AU Reg Utility under Applications>Waves>Waveshells V13 , it should now find your plug ins and do it's magic!!

    20. FINALLY go into your DAW, and it should search for and find your plug-ins!! Woohoo!!

    21. Search and delete (Use EasyFind because Spotlight search is trash) something called WavesLocalServer

    22. Dance around and make some kick ass music, and when youre rich and famous, pay for the apps :)

    Big hug, I am not the kind of person to spend time posting this but I figured it out and want to help other creators
    Let me know if you have questions and Ill try to help. It's unfortunate but you will probably have to go through this process a few times to figure out what's happening. I can't remember ever dealing with such a difficult crack but now I can work on all my unfinished projects in super HD, and I've saved thousands of dollars :)
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