Waves Ultimate on M3

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Reno87, Dec 4, 2023.

  1. Tlbaudi9

    Tlbaudi9 Newbie

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    Hey how did you do that? I'm trying on my M1 with the Sonoma and nothing works, I tried everything that I read everywhere
  2. Chas_Red

    Chas_Red Newbie

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    Hi Mate, Excuse me if I take the liberty, can I ask you to help me with the installation? Sonoma 14.5 it's possible?

    I have followed every step to the letter multiple times, but I always see the plugins in demo mode (Ableton 12).
    What am I doing wrong? Is there any latest update why it doesn't work?

    Tnx in advance, F.
  3. lechatelier001

    lechatelier001 Newbie

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    Hi there,

    My last macbook broke a couple days ago (it was a macbook pro 2019 running Intel7) and I just bought the macbook pro M3 MAX.
    I can't seem to skip demo mode. Did everything written in this forum for about 3 times but some folders dont match .

    i cant find /Contents/MacOS/ after /Library/Application Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle
    when i try to codeshine WavesLicenseEngine.bundle i get this:

    /Library/Application Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/WavesLicenseEngine: No such file or directory

    to codeshine i wrote this in the terminal:

    sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /Library/Application\ Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/WavesLicenseEngine

    i will attach a screenshot as it might be helpful

    im losing my mind please someone help, i need to deliver some tracks very soon and canĀ“t wait much longer, i hope i explained myself enough, not the best at this but trying to learn and understand progressively. luvvvvvya

    Attached Files:

  4. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Try to right click on WavesLicenseEngine.bundle, choose "Show Package Content" and then open Contents, then MacOS and there it is, WavesLicenseEngine, drag and drop that file into Terminal after "sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - " and that should work.
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  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    @OP: Any time you see this "/Contents/MacOS/" in a path, it's always inside a bundle, package, plugin, or whatever else. Sometimes MacOS will not show "Show Contents" as an option in the contextual menu. If it is a .pkg file, a handy piece of utility software for this is Suspicious Package, it's free. https://www.mothersruin.com/software/SuspiciousPackage/. If it is a .dmg file, mount it first and then you will be able to look into the package file underneath it. .Pkg files can be opened inside Suspicious Package from the contextual menu. (aka option+click, or "right click").
  6. lechatelier001

    lechatelier001 Newbie

    Likes Received:
    thankyou i found the path and the folders. I'm still in demo mode. I think i might not be doing right the codeshine. Or maybe is something else that i cant find. This is exactly what I did running Sonoma 14.4 with M3 MAX chip:

    1. Downloaded Waves Central V15

    2. Registered with my mail and selected products i wanted to install (basically Waves Ultimate bundle). Proceeded to successful installation. Quited Waves Central.

    3. Replaced WavesLicenseEngine in /Library/Application Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/WavesLicenseEngine

    4. Opened Terminal and wrote: sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /Library/Application Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/WavesLicenseEngine. wrote my password.
    Response was:
    /Library/Application Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/WavesLicenseEngine: replacing existing signature

    5. Replaced "index.js" in
    /Library/Application Support/Waves/COSMOS/HTML/
    Replaced "app.asar" in

    6. Yesterday i ran the keygen on a windows pc, so i replaced the generated license assigned to my macintosh (i guess it will always be the same, i generated it yesterday and it doesnt matter when you apply it (?) correct me if im wrong) in /Library/Application Support/Waves/Licenses/

    7. restarted my mac and ran waves au reg utility and clicked let's go. I found it in
    Applications/Waves/WavesShells 15

    8. Opened Logic (rossetta mode) and clicked on a waves plugin : demo mode :((((

    What am I doing wrong??

    Maybe I should have codeshined the existing WavesLicenseEngine file instead of the replaced one from RET on /Library/Application Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/WavesLicenseEngine ???? idk...
    Also i tried to do offline installation but i couldnt do it cause it opens a window on google that needs wifi connection.

    Thankyou guys so much
  7. lechatelier001

    lechatelier001 Newbie

    Likes Received:
    I codeshined and IT WORKED for ONCE. Then I quit logic, opened Waves Central (dont know why) and opened logic back again. All plugins AGAIN IN DEMO MODE :( . I just tried to codeshine again, restart macbook and opened logic, all in demo mode. Please someone help there must be a solution
    What happened ????? how did it work once and went back again to demo mode ?
  8. lechatelier001

    lechatelier001 Newbie

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    FINALLY SOLVED !!!!!!!! SO, personally, running Sonoma 14.4 chip M3 MAX it worked when downloading Waves Central V14 and V14 pluggins. Did the whole process written in this forum. As for the last issue I had; working fine and later in DEMO again, I checked /Library/Application Support/Waves/Licenses and my license appeared as .wle.out instead of .wle . I put the .wle license again, moved to trash the .wle.out file and it started working again. Thank you guys so much this felt like a nightmare lol loveyou :)
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