Waves Plugins M1 Mac

Discussion in 'Software' started by Lucas Schauer, Oct 5, 2023.

  1. Lucas Schauer

    Lucas Schauer Member

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Hey guys,

    I can't get my head around this I tried to install the 31/07/2023 version from the sister site but it doesn't generate a Waves folder inside Application Support. All I see is a Waves Audio and Waves Central folder. No matter if I install it via online or offline installer, it never generates a folder called Waves in my application support folder.

    Thanks for your help.
  3. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    not fluent in apple yargo at all, but very fluent in wares. you attempted to install the cracked version of waves via the online installer and now you're wondering why you're having problems? suggestion: REMOVE the internet connection - uninstall any/all trace of waves on that system. you might have to use a grep-like tool to search for stuff that isn't removed by the uninstaller alone - do not connect to internet - re-install waves offline following all instructions to the letter. should work, unless the online installer wrote some kind of blocking code to that system...
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2023
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    These are the directions for that release from 07/31/23:

    1. Download the latest waves v14 release by RET.
    2. Extract and install waves central.
    3. Perform an online installation by choosing plugins you like to install or install all (you need to have waves account as well)
    4. Replace "WavesLicenseEngine" in
    /Library/Application Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/
    ******control click on "WavesLicenseEngine.bundle" and select show package contents*******
    5. Replace "index.js" in
    /Library/Application Support/Waves/COSMOS/HTML/
    6. Replace "app.asar" in
    ******control click on "COSMOS.app" and select show package contents*******
    7. Open terminal and paste following commands:
    xattr -cr /Library/Application\ Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle
    sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /Library/Application\ Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle
    8. Run waves keygen on a windows pc or with crossover on M1 macs.
    9. Find your computer id on waves central licenses tab, enter exact id to keygen and generate license file.
    You can also find ID on Library>Application Support>Waves>Licenses>LastAcceptableMACAddress
    10. Copy license file to Library>Application Support>Waves>Licenses
    11. RESTART your mac FIRST and run waves au reg utility 14 and click let's go, it will identify your plugins.
    12. Open your daw it will automatically scan plugins, if not rescan plugins manually.

    With most older versions, the content folder is usually copied from the files you downloaded into users/public and then a folder created, and all files pasted into that directory. That is the data which is used by the offline installer in those versions.

    You apparently need to create a Waves account, and login so when you are using this set of instructions you can download the additional files from them. When anything needs a specific folder to install data to and it is not there; you just create that folder.
  5. Erre9277

    Erre9277 Newbie

    Oct 9, 2023
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    I have problem with the license. I been able to install and see the plugins in logic but when i try to open them it doesnt work.
    Would really appriacte if someone can help me with this.
    Im on a macbook pro m1 with ventura. I tried v13 and v14 and doesnt seem to work.

    What is the sister site? and where can i find 31/07/2023 version? only was able to find v2023.01.17.

  6. Pedra Sofia

    Pedra Sofia Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2023
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    you guys need to make sure that you use the offline installer you got with RET in it, and you can verify it works by starting waves central from inside that folder not by installing it first...let it decide to move it., if it cant then you need to restart in recovery, open disk utilities and fix permissions.., then reboot, start clean., if you mix this RET file with any download you will end up with some new plugs still been demos.