Waves 14 Not Working On Mac

Discussion in 'Software' started by runswithscissors, Oct 5, 2023.

  1. runswithscissors

    runswithscissors Newbie

    Jan 29, 2014
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    Hey guys, so after a ton of googling, I'm baffled. I'm working with Monterey, Ableton, and Waves 14. I downloaded Waves 14 from a.downloadz, followed this guide

    Download this latest waves v14 release by RET.

    2. Extract and install waves central.

    3. Perform an offline installation by choosing plugins you like to install or install all online

    4. Replace WavesLicenseEngine.bundle in Library>Application Support>Waves>Modules

    5. Replace "index.js" in
    /Library/Application Support/Waves/COSMOS/HTML/

    6. Replace "app.asar" in

    7. Open terminal and paste following commands:
    xattr -cr /Library/Application\ Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle

    sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /Library/Application\ Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle

    8. Run waves keygen on a windows pc or with crossover on M1 macs.

    9. Find your computer id on waves central licenses tab, enter exact id to keygen and generate license file.
    You can also find ID on Library>Application Support>Waves>Licenses>LastAcceptableMACAddress

    10. Copy license file to Library>Application Support>Waves>Licenses

    11. RESTART your mac FIRST and run waves au reg utility 14 and click let's go, it will identify your plugins.

    12. Open your daw it will automatically scan plugins, if not rescan plugins manually.

    Tested on several macs with macos monterey 12.5.1, Nuendo 12.0.40 and Logic pro 10.7.4 M1 NATIVE

    Everything works completely , COSMOS too

    The problem is it doesn't work. The only step that's giving me issues is step 7. I believe this may be what's keeping Ableton from seeing Waves. Everytime I use
    sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /Library/Application\ Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle
    I keep getting
    error: The specified item could not be found in the keychain.
    I'm googled the crap out of this error message. Even downloaded Xcode and created a developer certificate. Set my developer certificate to "always trust" I still get the same message. Requested a certificate from Keychain Access, set it to always trust. Same. What's going on. what can I do??
  3. Javith7

    Javith7 Newbie

    Jan 19, 2024
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    Replace "WavesLicenseEngine" in
    /Library/Application Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/

    and then follow the steps:

    5. Replace "index.js" in
    /Library/Application Support/Waves/COSMOS/HTML/

    6. Replace "app.asar" in

    7. Open terminal and paste following commands:
    xattr -cr /Library/Application\ Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle

    sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /Library/Application\ Support/Waves/Modules/WavesLicenseEngine.bundle

    8. Run waves keygen on a windows pc or with crossover on M1 macs.

    9. Find your computer id on waves central licenses tab, enter exact id to keygen and generate license file.
    You can also find ID on Library>Application Support>Waves>Licenses>LastAcceptableMACAddress

    10. Copy license file to Library>Application Support>Waves>Licenses

    11. RESTART your mac FIRST and run waves au reg utility 14 and click let's go, it will identify your plugins.

    12. Open your daw it will automatically scan plugins, if not rescan plugins manually.