Watermarked Sound Libraries : How and Who ?

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by Studio 555, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. DanteUruzu

    DanteUruzu Kapellmeister

    Mar 3, 2013
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    Not sure I recall anyone complaining about soundminer data, it was simply mentioned and that is it.
  2. jayhind

    jayhind Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2011
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    Perhaps the word "complaining" was too strong. "Point out" is more suitable and in the context of anti-piracy watermarking, the mention of Soundminer could only suggest one train of thought.
  3. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    ok ok ok so to get to the point...which one of ya'll motherfuckers downloaded a warez library so i can come and bust yo ass...FBI's gtta do shit too...
  4. anthonyvivaldi

    anthonyvivaldi Newbie

    Nov 10, 2013
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    According to this thread on vi-control
    the watermarking gets done on the cloud server before the files are presented for download to the customer, not altered during installation: "watermarking gets done on EC2"
    Maybe the installers you looked at were pre-Continuata when 8dio and Soundiron did their own installers and watermarking process? Just a guess...

    This thread has more detail on the process
    "They [the watermarked files] are securely generated at purchase time from your S3 account's master-file (a zip secure file containing files to be watermarked ... usually a zip of your Instruments folder) then uploaded to an assigned bucket on your S3 account, where the delivery system will distribute them from to the buyer along with their other files."

    The same thread as above also confirms that the info is embedded into NKI, NKR and NKM files, not the actual audio data.
    "The watermarking process embeds information such as the buyer's email address etc into NKIs, NKRs and NKMs."

    Although their website claims "This watermark can't be discovered or removed", I'm sure an examination and comparison of 2 disassembled legit NKI files (same file, different customer) would show where the data is being embedded...
  5. xavid

    xavid Newbie

    Dec 15, 2013
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    I am a composer from Barcelona and I as a user of a lot of libraries, purchased or not, I need to check them first cos it's not the first time we are waiting for a library much time and after to "unpacked it" , it becomes a truly piece of...I don't want to give exaimples..

    Well, so after try to read a lot about risks of use watermarked stuff on profesional projects for third party etc, at least I see decent information, focused on this kind of software (OT bww, Soundir...)

    I would like to know something really important...If I use one library, "installed" without installer (just download folders, nki etc and go) I can make a composition without fear the instruments or samples are watermarked, cos I've not used its installer? I say this cos I have finished some important stuff for a well knowed company, and...stupid of me, I can have used some sound with some watermark, and I am really worried about this, it's not the same you asume the risk personally, that who gives you the chance and who pays you, becomes the guilty!

    Personally I think it's imposible to detect if I have worked in my studio, in the neiborgh's studio or if I have founded a hard disk drive fully charged with dreamed libs...and if there is information about the buyer of the original library, IP adress, e-mail etc, I understand again it's imposible, if I am uploading my new hit in soundcloud etc, if my IP adress is different cos I have change my residence...!! uff...

    Could you give more info about details about all this?

    Thans in advance!
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