Watch me working in Reason 5

Discussion in 'DAW' started by tulamide, Apr 27, 2017.

  1. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Well, you can sketch up stuff in Krystal Engine, too. I personally still sometimes do it in EnergyXT 1.41. It's easy to sketch up stuff in anything pretty much. The problem is when it comes to making a serious project that includes many tracks and sounds, hundreds of plugins. Then Reason starts to look a bit ridiculous just like EnergyXT or whatever. Mind you, I'm not saying Reason is bad, just not adequate for a really serious project that is not some simple EDM in nature, too. Especially Reason 5. Gosh I even remember fiddling with that one, too, looong time ago. :wink: Charming program, indeed. Especially for putting down quick and simple ideas.

    Personally I find it unusable for anything, really. Anything that doesn't let me draw notes freely anywhere in the project and using just "snippets" is unusable for me. I was brought up on Cubase. ;)

    I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, though! Have a great time making music, mate! :headbang: