WAP - Cardi B

Discussion in 'Music' started by Lenny Belardo, Aug 17, 2020.

  1. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Surely is, but i don't see anything like that in WAP. But hmmm let's talk paradigms.
    Sexual Healing by Marvin Gaye is a famous old song about sex. Let's talk about Sex was a hit rap/hiphop track from SaltNPepa. I want your Sex was the first hit from late George Michael's first solo record. In art we try to present our thoughts in a manner that would offer something to make you stand and think for a while. Unless you find creative the "king cobra not a garter snake" the track and any track like that is no art because and in contrast to what you said, there has been no creative process. Just a mere attempt at cashing on provocation. And if you find this creative, then everything is art and everyone's an artist so i will rest my case, np.
    Now because i have much respect for you mate, i can tell you i am pissed you are taking this lightly.
    Every motherfucker and their friends think of ways to attract attention in order to make money, they disguise it as art and i have to accept this ? Brute art, Protest art blah blah.
    Tell me that it's art the guy who left a dog starve to death in public to make a protest example. I 'll just put you on ignore, for real. And if i see that guy in front of me, i remember his face vividly, i 'll make him remember my face too...
    So, what's next please? The fucking pederasts who formed a political party in Central Europe are legit and they 're entitled to do so, because.. freedom ? Perhaps they should make a song about touching-engaging with 8 year olds and we should accept it because hey they made it with music so it's art?
    Sorry mate, it's not. Just like WAP isn't. It's pure evil in disguise and by now you should know i am not the religious type. Because bro, money is the root of evil. Where is the fine line between their "freedom" and ours please. How fucking rotten have we become.

    I'm all with you. But what will you do if your daughter likes twerking on CardiB's WAP. What does that say about teaching them well or not. Were you successful or not or it doesn't mean anything please. What's your direct take on this.
    How liberating is it if my daughter wants to be in CardiB's place with a wet ass pussy ? Lol.
    I mean how proud of her "art" is CardiB's father. Let's ask him please...
    These are all difficult questions for parents. Personally i have no children of my own (yet) but i raised a kid from 8 to 18 yo. Even though my relationship with his mom has ended eons ago, i still have good ties with my ex-step son, we get together every now and then, sip a coffee, talk about music & life, share thoughts and problems. He recently became a dad and all i can say is, i 've seen him shifting gears in life like i haven't seen any other. It's extraordinary how perspective changes when being a parent.
    But at the end of the day, children grow up, stop being children and form an opinion of their own which -as proven in many examples- maybe very far from what they have been taught.
    Thanks for listening.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2020
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  2. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I thought that you were my friend. Why would you ask me to listen to that nasty thing again and perhaps again and again ad nauseum in order to do the article justice and to help me to deeply penetrate the song, to discover all it's moist, pungent secrets, it's cracks and crevaces and to peer into its darkness long enough for my eyes to adjust to its dim(witted) light? And besides, hypothetically, someone stole my computer, we lost internet access, I can't find my reading glasses and my dog ate my homework...oops, I've used that last one before.

    However, if I were to actually critique WAP I might intone that the libretto is a childish display of adolescent behavior with nothing relevent to add to the artistic discourse of the day except to shine a revealing light on the overtly egotistical personality of the creator.

    'Nuff said.

  3. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I don't know that it is more egotistical than other songs, but I think it is a very honest song.
    She is a whore and the song is a whore, using sex to shock and to "push limits".
    It's about the least creative way to do that.
    Another "cheap-way" top contender is - violence.

    Sure there are other cheap formulas for writing lyrics...and while they may tend to make me cringe, this one triggers my disgust responses strongly in multiple ways, and it is not due to the sexual content (I am certainly not offended by that) but the attitude that demeans everything and everyone else. As the common cultural memetic words go: "I don' give a fuck..."
    Well, the obvious conclusion is the writer, the speaker .. actually DOES give a fuck ...
    ..or we would never hear shit from them...
  4. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Ethics, morality, and outside influence on the youth are no doubt very important. The outrageous overtones mentioned in this track I believe make it unmistakable that "wet ass pussy" is intended for lighthearted comedic purposes and could easily be misunderstood by non-participants of the genre. Notice how using the term "wet pussy" by itself without "ass" the meaning seems about 99% more slutty and less comedic edgy, but maybe just me and besides the point. The obscenities in WAP are actually tame compared to a LOT of hip hop and stuff throughout history so the issue isn't whether or not explicit content should exist. The issue is kids accessibility to explicit stuff on the net. The major issue here is how they perceive issues of sex and understanding as well as the appropriate time and place for explicit content due to lack of a moral household. If the number of children who don't have a parent giving some sort of moral compass is so vast that it creates a sort of pandemic then it would indeed totally be a major freaking issue, not saying this isn't really the case but I think it's far from Cardi's fault. I feel like a lot of high-school kids have always had potty mouths including adult topics behind closed doors including pre net era since certain types of kids try to enjoy new levels of freedom in social circles away from their parents. If anyone unleashes an ill-timed "wet pussy" comment in the functional parts of society they would instantly realize that in order to get people's respect, a job, or a spouse a level of appropriate behavior is expected.

    If you participated in the wet pussy made available during the free love era spurred on by the Beatles please refrain from this conversation imo since you didn't even need Cardi's wet ass pussy to inspire you to twerk something. Rampant unprotected sex carries severe repercussions of their own no matter what set of morals you come from. When I was in high-school everyone was afraid of the pussy because of all the AIDs that was killing folks, and the vast supply of STD's readily available thanks to the Free Love Era. Society also benefited from some of the moral relaxations that were held by your grandparents as well.

    Regarding explicit content being too accessible to underdeveloped minds, I know entire religious youth groups who have no idea who Cardi B is despite countless hours using Youtube and the internet. And is it a fallacy to draw the conclusion that well-intended daughters are more likely to be corrupted by a song? Even so kids have enjoyed extremely violent, sexually explicit comics/media forever in Japan. The crime rate is very low and right now nobody is fuckin which is a strange newer trend carrying issues of its own. Maybe American parents don't teach the right morals or take a necessary active role in their kid's lives. I keep hearing society's successful types saying they don't even give their kids an ipad until a certain maturity level, seems legit. Maybe a lot of Western parent's think they are good and are actually shitty. To me logically there are too many competing factors with unclear data points to be jumping to some of the conclusions being made here.

    Cardi being declared a mover for feminism probably has more to do with her business sense and how she hustled to build an empire more than her lyrical content.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2020
  5. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    @taskforce I don't like the song, pay little mind to the artist and if it wasn't for this forum would perhaps not even know the tune existed in the first place as I don't generally listen to crap music like this and the genre isn't something that I've ever really gotten into unless am turned onto great stuff like Flatbush Zombies and Cav Emp, Kendrick Lamar, Tupac, NWA and Public Enemy. The difference is in my eyes is how we are experiencing this shitty song.

    You're misrepresenting me when you said that I imply that WAP is creative. It by my sensibilities is not. What I did say was that it is art although it is not particularly good art at all by my personal criteria. Read my last post and my "hypothetical" teardown. It's fucking trash in my opinion. Art doesn't need to be pretty and you don't need to like it. Here's a definition, not mine but one that I find agreement with; "The process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations and ways of expression, including music, literature, film, sculpture and paintings". WAP fits in there nicely. And no, hell no, starving a dog is cruel for whatever reason and is totally fucked up and definitely NOT art. Trying to back me into an ideological corner like that isn't logical at all to equate fomenting physical pain and suffering onto a being that neither deserves it or asks for it until it dies a sad and painful death with some foolish woman talking about wanting some dude to stick his big ol' dick up one of her holes is unfair and really reaching for straws to keep your argument afloat. In addition nobody is going to argue that sexually molesting children as a form of self expression should be allowed to do so except the pedophile who needs to be kept away from children at all costs and removed from society. Do you really think that I'd get behind that also and deem it exceptable? Gee wiz, taskforce!

    I do have a 16 yo daughter and she isn't twerking to anything. I've talked to her about the controversy raging around WAP and her take on it was that folks of her generation are arguing about Cardi B showing that she can't rap for shit and sounds even worse next to Megan Three Stallion or that Cardi is a Queen. The lyrics were for her an afterthought and she heard them for what they are, rather gross and attention seeking. She did show me that there are some pretty good dancers, some that are pretty amazing who are twerking to song snippits on Tik Tok. I'm not at all worried about my gurl who tells me just about everything because I have always treated her with respect for her feelings, haven't ever harshly judged her or unfairly criticized her, have supported her creatively and intellectually and is doing well in school in Gymnasium. I do my best to help guide her through the maze of life. She is a young woman and is growing in a world almost alien to what it was like it was when I was 16 nearly 45 years ago, what with everything seemingly happening at once, the cell phones, social media, the worst and the best instantly accessed on the screen right there in front of her face at the ready, and it can be challenging and scary for me to know the things that she hears and sees and how that they might affect her. She has made mistakes and will do so in the future, but I trust her to learn from them and she knows from direct experience that her parents love her and support her and that "I love you" is not just a pleasantry but is a verbal phrase with the actions in so many ways and levels that back it up. We certainly don't agree on everything, far from it, but we are not at war because of them and she does not feel alienated from us her parents like many, many of her friends feel. Being older parents help in some ways and hinder in others, but so far so good and the evil Cardi B hasn't sunk her long nails yet into her soul and dragged her away from us. So, no I'm not freaked out about a stupid song blinding my kid to the light and dragging her into the clutches of darkness.

    John Mapplethorpe photographed himself with a bull whip up his ass. One reason he did it was for the shock value and that pushed on the boundary of art and was VERY controversial at the time. The photograph was just one of hundreds in his catalog. He was openly gay and expoused his chosen lifestyle. He was to me a fantastic artist. Do you see merit in his work?




    There are no cut and dry answers to what I feel is your dilemma, but remember this...

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.
    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    — Martin Niemöller
  6. recycle

    recycle Guest

    The song by Cardi B is just boring, like all trap music.
    Generally speaking, I love vulgar songs, when in the message inside is "joie de vivre", youthfulness and goliardic spirit. On this topic, the Latin dembow has a lot to say:

    100% energetic vibes
  7. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
  8. korniceman3000

    korniceman3000 Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2011
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    With every passing year, the music industry finds a way to lower the bar while struggling to recognize and promote more diverse talent in favor of big names and shock value releases. To take the explicit edge off the song and add more humor, just imagine the lyrics being read by either Jackie Chan or Morgan Freeman... Also, I think people need to read music articles with a grain of salt (maybe a whole bottle) as writers often over analyze lyrics looking to find meaning when there isn't any in order to justify a song's content. Either that or it's payola at work to bring more positive spin to an otherwise horrible and forgettable piece of garbage. Whether you are a fan, hater, or indifferent spectator, everyone will have their own opinion and judgement on quality after listening, regardless of what writers have to say...
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2020
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  9. Jedi_Knight

    Jedi_Knight Kapellmeister

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Who even cares about Cardi B?!? After all, we all know Andrew Dice Clay was the greatest rapper of all time!! His rhymes surpassed the shock value of all during his hey day. :disco:
  10. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Hehehe, you got me. But not spot on. You misunderstand me for an activist when i specifically said i am a peaceful one. The Pistols were actively against authority, bringing riots wherever they played, singing 'bout what they believed in. That is 'till they grew up, Rotten became Lydon, confessed he teared down the Pistols because he wanted to play with better musicians and more serious music, later on he took Torry stances which almost made him look like a fascist prick, made a lot of gems with PIL, in a nutshell the guy is truly peculiar but that's another story.
    To the matter at hand, i don't see Cardi bringing any riots. In fact the only riot i can think of is, CardiB playing live her "hit" and some dude in the front row showing her his beefy part lol (because King Cobra etc).
    Fan fact: I have seen Cicciolina (Illona Staller, famous porn star in the 70s and 80s and later a member of the Italian Parliament) "singing" live back in 1990 and the reaction was the aforementioned x100. After 5-6 tracks she started undressing and then it went into a riot of sorts. 20-30 hungry "admirers" started chasing her - probably they thought she would gangbang the whole lot of them- all the way to the dressing rooms lol.
    I must admit, i 'm a sucker for this type of trash live, i can always tell apriori what's gonna happen. I just sit in the far back and wait for all hell to break loose, then burst into tears from laughing my ass off.
    On more serious thoughts, just thinking what the Pistols left behind them in only a few years, every fkn track is memorable. Even the covers. Now, i bet my 6k Manley Massive Passive that all we 'll remember from Cardi B's track next year is a cunt singing 'bout her cunt. Hidden meanings my a$$ dear. Lemme break down for you the production "values":
    1. Hey i got this beat (that i made in 10 mins) and i got a wet ass pussy hook (lol).
    2. Now read the e-news, what's new, ah ok, lemme paraphrase this and that so i'm not saying wet ass pussy 200 times over and over.
    End of story. It's how everybody does it in this kind of biz and takes no genious to do so either.
    But hey, press says revolutionary. Well i got some (old) news. Press is sold out. Or just morons who understand nothing about the music making process.
    Lemme spill the beans on what kind of world we 're living in, please. JayZ 's got 21 Grammys. No JB, no MJ, no Miles Davis, no Aretha, no Pink Floyd, no Stones or Beatles to name a few successful legendary ones. Fucking Jay Z. Even if i liked his artistic output, i could never digest how this has happened. My dad (92 yo) says we 're being sprayed or something. I guess it's time to start believing my dad and start investigating it... :rofl:
    Btw, calling the Pistols a boyband is almost the same like saying New Kids on the Block were punk rockers lol. Anyway, my best artist from that era - so you know- is Siouxsie and that's not a boyband.
    Much love :)
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2020
  11. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    @Lois Lane Np. Yes i thought you were sort of defending it. For that i apologize and i stand by you, art maybe provocative at times, just like what you posted, that doesn't take away its creativity and artistic value.
    But whether we like it or not there is always criteria. To me, those who are truly artists will struggle to create something carrying a specific signature, style and manner. The rest can cardib their wet ass pussy all night long, lol.
    All the best :)