VSX Platinum should i?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by funkman, Jul 30, 2024.

  1. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Realphones got 4 club's (3 from v2 and one from v1) and all of them got 3 different perspectives Tight, Ambience and FOH, that one from v1 got Full, Clean and Empty. Personally I listen to music in those club's almost exclusively, if I'm on cans, at this point I just know how good low end should sound in those (then you can jump on car emulations, which give you again nice perspective on low end, than Public Spaces, Party, which is like in lounge of the club kind of thing), dunno, I'm starting to sound like car salesman, but give it a whirl, it doesn't cost you anything, you already got great cans, plenty of time to demo it.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2024
  2. funkman

    funkman Ultrasonic

    Feb 10, 2019
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    and did u have to pay for new pair each time?
  3. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    k712 ?
  4. funkman

    funkman Ultrasonic

    Feb 10, 2019
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  5. InFiNiGhTe

    InFiNiGhTe Ultrasonic

    Sep 14, 2023
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    I can vouch for Realphones aswell. Not exactly a replacement for VSX I'd say, both have their pros and cons. Realphones may have loads of model profiles but some does not like having a "flat" profile, like SoundID has.. SoundID simply is the worst for many headphones. Not to say what an excuse the room modes they've introduced really are in practice.

    I mean, it's not like I've never used SoundID with headphones before, but the only pair I ever had that liked it was Pioneer's HDJ500... Any other pair sounded worse to me.. Especially Beyerdynamic ones, and they're already harsh on their own, except my DT 900 Pro X's. It sounded better with Realphones by the end of the day regardless.

    None of my headphones, whether it be planar or dynamics, sounded great with SoundID. And only some of them sounds even better without correction, like my Sennheiser HD 25's.

    When I had the chance to try VSX it was outright amazing. And i'll probably buy them someday.. But a pair of Sundara's with Realphones is just perfection to me. Especially after I've recreated a room profile that sounds almost identical to my home studio while I travel around places.

    So yea, I'd still give Realphones a shot with their 41 day trial. The only downside would be finding the ideal pair for it.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2024
  6. Euphonic

    Euphonic Member

    Dec 19, 2015
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    VSX is the best solution. The steel frames do not break. I sold all of my other headphones after my mixes were translating to every medium I tested it on. I only put on my speakers for clients. I won't even mix on my speakers. I've had them for years and would never mix without them
  7. 6ixcore

    6ixcore Producer

    Apr 4, 2016
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    Get them! Like many ive read i also consider them one if not the best investment for my studio, i use them every single day and mixes translate really well, have them for over 3 yrs without any problems. Just learn 1 or 2 rooms well listening to your favorite records for a week or 2 and use other rooms for checks and you ready to roll.
  8. InFiNiGhTe

    InFiNiGhTe Ultrasonic

    Sep 14, 2023
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    I don't doubt that VSX is awesome, as long you just use their software with the headphones themselves, because they sound like utter garbage without it imho. It's fairly subjective what is the best and whatnot however. For every medium ive checked, Realphones didn't lie either, but that is also just thanks to my subjective experience.. It can't be translated to everyones perception.

    As for the steel frames... I've seen my fair share of damages but experiences may vary, right? x)
  9. robbieeparker14

    robbieeparker14 Producer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    no slate sent me replaments each time thier customer service is top notch
  10. Orglblork

    Orglblork Ultrasonic

    Nov 9, 2018
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    I would definitely recommend on the VSX, I've had the platinum about 10 months.

    SoundID and VSX are different tools for the most part. VSX does have a room-less flattened eq model, which is what I've been using lately. Kind of like what SoundID does but without it sounding like ass lol
  11. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    i agree that their customer serive is top notch, but each time they break and have to send them for a replacement is a down time that some people can't afford especially if they get used to them...
  12. MarkSlater

    MarkSlater Producer

    May 16, 2012
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    VSX breaking is an issue of the past. I've overused and abused mine and still didn't break for the last one year and a half. Before buying them, I was very afraid that they would break, as well. As, for the sound, they translate much better than the monitors in my pretty well treated room. (Eve SC 208 with Sound Id or ARC system)
  13. robbieeparker14

    robbieeparker14 Producer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    true the plus side is and this is just for others clarification, you dont need to send the broken pair in, just a photo of the damage and serial number my last pair got here in 2 days, im in the US tho
  14. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    i got mine in the mail today. already breezed through a mix. didnt even give time to learn them or the room, just jumped right in. Used mike deans room, and bounced to the car, and howie mastering studio when i was done with the basic mix. The mix translated very well to my studio, my home studio, and my GF's studio.
  15. iswingwood

    iswingwood Producer

    Jun 7, 2012
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    Yea those early VSX Headphone build quality was terrible. Honeestly, the current revision is nothing to be proud of. They add a thin metal strip to prevent easily snapping. They really tried to save costs while charging a lot for the software combo. Now after realizing I can translate between my other headphones, I would not replace VSX hardware if it breaks unless it fall under warranty period.

    With all that said, the software gets the job done without needing to tweak or calibrate much at all.
  16. iswingwood

    iswingwood Producer

    Jun 7, 2012
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    I think it will help him realize how to translate his headphones. Often what sounds good in the cans, sucks in the vans. Its also a misconception that each sound in a production must sound full. I've witnessed some mix sessions where almost every track was band-passed into a limited range and each track sounded like it was missing a part of itself. Then all together the the song was an excellent mix.

    Starting with band-pass, high-pass, low-pass for all tracks, and slowly adding the essential range of each specific instrument will make your club mixes better. With VSX, you'll get a decent reference without leaving that DAW. Also keeping your sub-bass frequencies mono is a good practice until you know how to break the 'rules' with good results.
  17. funkman

    funkman Ultrasonic

    Feb 10, 2019
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    i purchased the other night when i started the topic,after a few replies.
    shortly after purchasing the guilt got the better of me(can i really justify forking out almost 400 quid( even though deep down i knew they would be a good job).
    needless to say i cancelled the order.:grooves: i figured if on offer next year i can go through the same mental torture again!
    im guessing a new version comming out soon though and that why the offer was on.thanks for the comments though,was good feedback.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2024
  18. Mr.Mister

    Mr.Mister Ultrasonic

    Sep 4, 2024
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    Maybe I can cure you of the torture:
    Have you ever heard a good sounding mix, made on VSX? Or on headphones alone? Not me. Never.
    Mixing only on headphones does not translate well.
    Headphones can be very helpful, if you know fromt he monitors, what to listen for. Using headphones like the 2nd or 3rd pair of monitors, that really works. But the promise to make good sounding mixes on headphones only - forget it.

    If you do not have a professionally sounding room, there are a few things, you may want to consider:

    Get a pair of Auratone 5Cs and choose the acoustically correct position for the speakers and your monitoring position accordingly (UNF). Investing a bit in first reflection treatment and trying to get the RT60 down to 300 ms for the 100 Hz, should get you very far with Auratones (the less bass the speakers reproduce, the less problem you have with resonances, which are masking everything; a big mistake of amateurs is, they always go for bass heavy speakers, without having the necessary acoustics for the bass).

    Then learn how everything sounds on the 5Cs (= listen to a lot of songs and reference material on the 5Cs).
    Even bass can be produced and mixed very well on Auratones. Kicks and all kinds of transient material is wonderful to judge, because of their amazing impulse response and the stereo imaging is absolute reference class. Chorus, delays, reverbs: easy, peasy on 5Cs.

    So you will only really need headphones for checking the (sub)bass.
    And that is - again - more about learning how the headphone really sounds. For the Sony MDR 7506 I find the Hornet VHS 7506 profile very helpful, because it is quite bright (contrary to all other headphone correction systems I have tried), but not bright in the sense of masking the midrange. In conjunction with good old 112dB Redline Monitor, the details I work on with the headphones, translate well to the monitors.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2024
  19. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    All of this is great advice, but i somewhat disagree with your first statement. I have done some great mixes only on headphones, and i know there are plenty of others out there as well. Theres some huge mixer, im drawing a blank on who, maybe Andrew Scheps, where he stated he is mixing almost all in headphones. I know a lot of these DJ producer types also mix exclusively on headphones, and while their mixes may not be the most dynamic or "correct" mixes, they are still "good", if not great.

    You should of course, always check on other playback systems, including studio monitors, but you can get very far with headphones, especially, and this is important in this discussion, with headphones that also work with room emulations. Until you have tried the VSX with the plugin, its really hard to understand. I thought they were snake oil for the longest time, until i tried Acustica's version of room correction, and later a friends VSX. its actually pretty crazy what they can do. It really feels / sounds like you are mixing in an actual space. Its weird at first, but once you learn them, and listen to music through them with the rooms enabled, its very eye opening. Im saying this coming from working in some top notch rooms, with PMC's, Focals, Adams, etc. I often times prefer to mix on the VSX over the PMC's, as i find they translate better.
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  20. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    It's Andrew Scheps, and he has said as such in a number of videos and interviews that he mixes 90% in headphones; and ironically the MDR 7506's.

    But the part I think is more silly than even this, is telling someone who just cancelled a $400 order for VSX because of monetary considerations, to go buy $700 worth of mixcubes, to treat the room, and other somewhat costly plans for someone who is buying VSX. They probably already know the room is not sonically perfect and maybe even have an idea what some starting room treatment would cost.

    The technical aspects are decent enough maybe, but the entire post stinks of Foster. :rofl:
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