VPS Avenger from Vengeance: opinions?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Highdom, May 25, 2017.


Would you like to use Avenger in your tracks?

  1. Yes

  2. Not so much

  3. No, the sound is shit

  4. No, the idea isn't good

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  1. EastBoundSounds

    EastBoundSounds Ultrasonic

    Jul 17, 2017
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  2. EastBoundSounds

    EastBoundSounds Ultrasonic

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Also be sure to check out the Acoustic Guitar Pack that will released soon.
    These Demos Tracks are made 100% with VPS Avenger.

    Only at www.EastBoundSounds.com
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2018
  3. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yeah this is why I never even bothered with Falcon. It looks nice and all, and I don't doubt that its strange design would influence me to do things that I might not otherwise, but unfortunately it would also influence me to take a lot longer to get shit done, and I'm already pretty slow for all the time I put in. I like synths where most of what I need is one one page + a few switchable internal panels.

    Based on the responses here, this forum is pretty divided about Avenger, but I personally think it's the best synth I own, best synth I've used. I'm not much for analog snobbery, and I do own a few U-he synths so if I need that rich, imperfect oscillator sound, or the realistic filter drive/resonance of physical modeling, I have that at hand. But for everything else, it's really hard to beat Avenger. I haven't seen any other developer achieve such a great balance between giving you the freedom to do whatever you want within a synth and making sure the UI is an asset rather than an obstacle.

    The developers seem like great people too. Manuel is constantly on the KVR forums, responding to questions and concerns. When I write to Renee for support - I shit you not - I usually get a response with 3-5 hours. Right on par with Soundtoys, Xfer, U-he, and some of the other extremely user-conscious developers I've dealt with.

    My advice: if you're just into synths for preset browsing, it's got plenty to offer to EDM producers, but isn't necessarily offering too much that's unique except for the quality of Vengeance's sound design. However, if you like doing sound design absolutely give it a shot. Give the manual a quick once-over because it's got lots of useful parameters cleverly hidden in the UI that you might not initially notice but will jump out at you once you understand the "philosophy". For instance, many knobs have internal 'knobs' that adjust the way a parameter functions, which you adjust by rightclick dragging the knob or reset by double rightclicking. Envelope curves, internal filtering on the noise oscillators, filter resonance on the shapers' EQ section, etc. Spend some till you get used to it and see if you don't feel fairly handicapped the next time you Work in Serum or whatever is your chosen workhorse synth.

    Nothing annoys me more than when I get halfway through making a patch and I realize the synth I'm using won't allow me to do what I had in mind because of some sort of routing limitation, or not having enough oscillators or filters, or whatever. Then I have to use MaxForLive and save my patch as an instrument rack or whatever, or change synths and rebuild my work up to that point. No thanks. The biggest benefit of working in Avenger is the peace of mind knowing it's not going to get in your way and say Slow down there buddy. Are you sure you want more than two oscillators? Or hey you don't need FX on one oscillator but not the other. don't we just run everything through the global FX module, it'll be fine. Or sorry you can't modulate that. Or you can modulate that, but only the exact same way as all the other stuff is modulated. 2 LFOs and one mod envelope is plenty.

    Fuck outta my face with that, other synths :rofl:
  4. EastBoundSounds

    EastBoundSounds Ultrasonic

    Jul 17, 2017
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  5. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    reFX is a company registered in Canada, if my memory serves me well. Vengeance samples is Manuel and some "guest" designers. Nexus design team is again, Manuel and several people. Vengeance-Sound (software) is a 2 man team - Manuel (sound design) and Rene (coding). Rene does not do the coding for Nexus - so is clearly "some" connection between Vengeance & reFx but not an ownership level imho.

    As for copy protection, they will 100% not going the dongle route. The current copy protection system is really tough to beat (it is not the same since VR team did it), it is something similar with Rapid from Parawave.

    I know, yeah, nothing is impossible, never say never, bla bla... when was the last time Nexus was cracked? Exactly. At this point, to put it in perspective, whoever manages to crack Avenger and it's encoded expansions, may very well crack eLicenser during a lunch break.
  6. EastBoundSounds

    EastBoundSounds Ultrasonic

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Agreed Manuel is always very helpful and is a phenomenal sound designer. He saw the Acoustic Guitar Expansion on KVR and said he thought it sounded really good. Ill be honest though I make patches for both UVI Falcon and VPS Avenger and they both have ups and downs.. But hands down Falcon sounds better.. Falcon can go up to 250 polyphonic voicings and sounds amazingly crisp with their IRCAM technology. Ive never heard anything like it. The problem with falcon is its very buggy and CPU hungry.. The people that code it have to figure this out because I have a beast of a comp (4.1ghz octacore w/ 32gb (2100) DDR3) and when you start using alot of multi samples, moving the polyphonic voicings up and/or god forbid you wanna run a couple falcons instances instead of bouncing to wav every two seconds ... it cant handle it.. VPS avenger is way easier on the resources and has a nice layout.. Its very easy to automate parameters, map, and build FX chains quickly in less steps and it sounds really good. Ive can run 8 avengers instances at the same time easily with 5-8 OSC's in each one before with no problems. So latly VPS has been my go to synth.. Hopefully oneday in the future they will allow scripting like Kontakt and Falcon so I can implement some wicked ideas..
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2018
  7. EastBoundSounds

    EastBoundSounds Ultrasonic

    Jul 17, 2017
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  8. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Manuel said only good things about anything Avenger-related (skins or sound packs). He wants as many contributors (for sale or even free) to it's Avenger project as possible, for more awareness. What I want to say, he is extremely subjective when it comes to Avenger so you can't take his feedback in account.

    OK, what you can do in 100 maxed-out Avenger instances, you can do in ONE Falcon instance. You can't really compare Falcon with any synth out there. It's almost like a small daw. On the CPU consumption it is pretty predictible: you add FX (don't forget you have oversampled ones), you add CPU usage. It's so easy to add 12 instances of oversampled Xpander filter in a multi-keygroup patch :) Be aware at take care. Cheers!
  9. EastBoundSounds

    EastBoundSounds Ultrasonic

    Jul 17, 2017
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  10. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Avenger support Multicore processing.... Falcon NOT