Voxengo releases PrimeEQ

Discussion in 'Software News' started by mild pump milk, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Voxengo PrimeEQ parametric equalizer plugin released - Press Release

    Jan 3, 2016: Voxengo is happy to announce the release of PrimeEQ - a parametric equalizer plug-in for professional music production applications. PrimeEQ was designed to be the first equalizer to reach for when track or mix equalization is necessary: just insert the plug-in, put and drag the control points to the desired positions.

    PrimeEQ implements an extremely optimized user interface. It features an innovative “differential” filter display which shows you how exactly a given selected filter contributes to the overall EQ shape. All control points are placed on the overall EQ shape making the workflow with this equalizer fast and efficient. PrimeEQ is similar to CurveEQ in this respect except that PrimeEQ uses independent parametric filters instead of a continuous EQ curve.

    PrimeEQ features deeply customizable spectrum analyzer of the same high quality as found in SPAN, GlissEQ, and other Voxengo plug-ins.


    PrimeEQ features:

    • Extremely optimized workflow
    • New “differential” filter display
    • Real-time spectrum analysis
    • Up to 32 parametric filter bands
    • 13 filter types
    • Narrow-band sweeping
    • User interface window resizing
    • Stereo and multi-channel processing
    • 64-bit floating point processing
    • Preset manager
    • Undo/redo history
    • All sample rates support
    • Zero processing latency

    PrimeEQ is available for on-line purchase for $79.95. Demo version of PrimeEQ can be downloaded freely at the Voxengo web site:http://www.voxengo.com/product/primeeq/
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  3. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    It's kinda sad to admit it but... taking in consideration the existing Fabfilter's Pro-Q2 and other EQs alike, this one will hardly get purchased enough to justify the effort behind it. Of course unless it's bought enough times by the Voxengo fanboys, otherwise...
  4. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Pro-Q2 is very overrated and overadvertised, that's why everybody buys it. Voxengo is not worse. GUIs are not good, but quality is at the top.
    Why again Pro-Q2? WHY NOT DMG EQUILIBRIUM? There are more options, functions, eq types/curves, working with phase is extended. Again the rule of "overrated/overadvertised" works....looks like there are no EQs more, only Pro-Q2......??? :D
  5. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    There are for certain other valuable EQs (Acon Digital comes to mind) but probably not as complete and with the insane workflow of Pro-Q. How many eqs can you name with a grab peek function or a 96 db per octave slope? :)

    They wiped out the competition for now.
  6. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Taking in consideration the most important aspect AFTER the sound, which is Workflow, then you already know how clumsy Equilibrium is to use.. and i meant that it requires more clicks to do something in it which you'd easily do in ProQ/Q2.

    In fabfilter's ProQ2 you just click wherever you want and create the bell which you also partially manipulate through the mouse wheel, the Solo button pops up only when you need it right next to the bell, you can also create bells right in the spike of a frequency resonance just by grabbing the spectrum, everything moves so fluently in it that you just can't get it as fast on Equlibrium and even PrimeEQ.

    The most important mixing decissions are taken in the first listens so if you wrap your head too much in the plugin's parameters then you'll eventually lose the objective perception of that certain audio material.

    Take songs for examples, in general. First time you hate them.. but the more you listen to them the more you get used to them and eventually like them. That's why workflow is so important in the music-making process.
  7. noise.maker

    noise.maker Platinum Record

    Feb 10, 2015
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    If a lot of youngs looperz think FL is the best DAW for they, FL-pattern style is a big joke for others(aka linear composing oriented ppl, scoring, etc). Same with some hyped plugins. For me Pro-Q2 is good but not good enough. Voxengo has good sounding math filters, DMG, DDMF,VOS, PSP and so one.To put it frankly, its all about math behind the EQ's. If you guys dont make diference between various filters, take a break and educate your ears.
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  8. an07her

    an07her Producer

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Voxengo plugs are OK sound wise, price is great, but it's nothing special. Also the design is very ugly in my eyes. Looks like the plugins we used in 2001.

    I agree Pro-Q is overrated.
  9. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Voxengo Plugins are top notch, and I know what I'm saying!
    FF Pro-Q was the first of it's kind, and indeed a truly amazing EQ, but, now that I see that Voxengo release this babe, time to make a test drive
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