Video with still image on youtube (SUCCESS!!) of my songs, check it out

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by muaB, Jul 12, 2017.

  1. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    yaaguys - back in the day (5 months ago) i was contemplating about how to make a video using only an image with free software. and as easy as possible.

    Well it took a while and as a part time linux noob i came along kdenlive. open source video software. beta available for win, too!

    Well guess what it takes to make the aforementioned video?

    Click. Import clip. Browse to picture to use on the vid.
    click. Import clip. Browse to audio (even imports flac).

    Drag those two guys on the timeline and make the image clip as long as the music- DONE!
    Export is extremely easy too.

    Here are my babies, im happy if you give criticism, advice and likes and suscribes. of just give me money. that will do ,too. :)

  3. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I really liked the How to write a song (A step by step tutorial), but I don't understand if you made it with someone else, you added the voice, or you produced and someone else added the voice. I like all the effects
    The first track seems a bit "generic" (if you get what i mean) and has less quality compared to the other one IMHO

    cheers mate
  4. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    yeah thank you m8, the first one is more a product of randomness as the other "how to write a song" took me a while!

    i found that guys video tutorial about how to write a song

    ...and i found it funny and nice so i did this track!

    He then gave me the ok to use it :D

    haha someone posted this under the first one:

    "I think i made music like this like 10 years ago when i was bored ... each track like the one here took me like 15 mins until it was finished with even better sound and mastering on the fly while creating... the artist here is way overrating himself.... he thinks his music is great for his short time working with DAW´s :D nothing to see here.... lets move on"
  5. Lovely crisp, clear audio. Love it!
  6. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    thanks! great to hear that :)