VAST Dynamics update Vaporizer Synth Plugin to v1.20

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    AST Dynamics has released version 1.20 of Vaporizer, a synthesizer plug-in designed to combine a fat virtual
    analog sound, low system CPU resource usage and a low price.

    On Feb 7th 2015, we announce a major release with many free functional enhancements and usability improvements.
    This is now a stable release that is intended to stay here for a while. Please update your version.

    Changes in Vaporizer v1.20
    - Major step in terms of functionality, usability and stability.

    - Added a sophisticated attenuation model to ensure that detune, random retriggering, invert with multiple
    oscillators within a bank will generate similar output levels and loudness.

    - Added VCF and VCA envelope modes (analog, digital, linear).

    - Added 7th & 8th modulation matrix slot.

    - Added a complete new bank of 28 high-quality presets (thanks to TRUEPIANO for contributing here!)

    - Made knobs per default not velocity sensitive – they become only velocity sensitive when Ctrl or Cmd/Mac
    is pressed (for fine tuning of values).

    - Added version and plugin type info.

    - Added separate sync button for LFO2.

    - Increased ARP and LFO1&2 steps to 64 to allow sixty-fourth notes.

    - Increased all attack, decay and release times.

    - Made ENV sliders logartihmical for attack, decay and release to allow better visibility and fine tuning
    of lower times.

    - Added twelve (12!) new modulation matrix destinations for all effect settings: DistortionDryWet,
    DistortionDrive, DistortionFuzz, ChorusDryWet, - ChorusFrequency, ChorusDepth, DelayDryWet, DelayTime,
    DelayFeedback, ReverbDryWet, ReverbSize, ReverbFeedback.

    - Added modulation matrix destination for panning.

    - Increased pitch mod range.

    - Cleaned up sequence of mod matrix sources and destinations.

    - Improved Windows installer: VST3s are now automatically copied to Common Files/VST3.

    - Fixed: ARP issue with first notes played.

    - Fixed: oscillator invert was not working.

    - Fixed: issue with envelope sustain.

    - Fixed: LFO modulating LFO2 issue.

    - Fixed: LPF filter aliasing issue when using detune knob.

    - Fixed: issue with pitch bender.

    - Fixed: clicks when adding oscillator while note on.

    - Vaporizer supports Windows 32/x64 VSTs and Mac OS X (VST/AU) 32bit / 64bit

    [​IMG] Windows X86 VST | Windows X64 VST | Mac OS X (VST/AU) 32bit / 64bit
    The demo version will mute audio out after two minutes of testing and does not allow saving of patches / exporting to host

    Vaporizer for Windows and Mac (VST/AU) is available for purchase for 24.90 EUR (+VAT within EU).

    More INFO: VAST Dynamics | Vaporizer