Using Aux Sends to apply as take FX?

Discussion in 'Reaper' started by filtersweep, May 10, 2018.

  1. Jaybe Sharpe

    Jaybe Sharpe Newbie

    May 14, 2018
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    To send from an item in reaper is possible, once you understand it can be done quickly.
    1. Add a simple plugin like a vol. Fader to the item
    2. Route the output of plugin to 3/4 or higher
    3. Send 3/4 of track to desired effect
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  2. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I get your tweak. You divert the audio of the clip through the volume fx, so that despite using track send the clip audio is the only thing sent. Smart, even if it's not clip sent... I have to test.
    Natively in reaper I don't think you can do what the OP is after.
    On the other hand I might have thought of a solution that involves a vst that could allow that. I have to check if it works at object/clip level though, I'm not sure about that. Might test tonight, if I can't I will try tomorrow.
    Last edited: May 14, 2018
  3. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    So yeah. You can do it through Metaplugin.
    @filtersweep : insert in the clip you want to send to your verb the tool included with metaplugin call sendit. Choose a channel, for example 1, and put it in "send" position<;
    On the track where you want the reverb insert metaplugin. In metaplugin first insert another sendit, this time in "receive" position, then choose matching channel, here channel 1. Then insert your reverb in metaplugin. Finally link the output of sendit receiver in metaplugin to your reverb inputs and then the outputs of your reverb to the output of metaplugin.
    Done and that should do the trick for clip only sends. It works here on my side.

    Not the most elegant solution, not native, but it works.
    On a side note, I can't guaranty anything regarding what it'll look like upon bouncing, with a lot of clips involved, you'll have to test.
    The problem at heart here are respective architectures of both sam and reaper, and how they are "wired". Objects in Sam have a relative independance regarding tracks by design and since the beginning, their routing and their processing are done prior to the ones of the tracks. In sam that's why it can really make a difference in term in cpu use to put insert in tracks or in objects, they are two different process, tracks are always on unless they are turned off (and thus effects are also always on), the fxs in the objects only come in and use ressources when the objects come in and are being played. On top of that objects in sam offer routes to other sub buses and auxes. Their outputs aren't limited to the track they reside on.
    Reaper wasn't designed like that and I'm guessing it's difficult for the devs to change that now without doing major changes in the way it works inernaly, not an easy task. I'm sure they would love to offer sends directly from clips but in term of routing it's not easy to implement in an environment already designed differently.
    Last edited: May 14, 2018
  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Unfortunately I've tested both ways (sendit and through 3/4 with a gain fx), and it's not cutting it, at least for me. It works for the send part with both ways, but in both methods none of the fxs present on the track (where the clip(s) sent reside) are applied.
    The sent are bound to be made pre-fx because of the way reaper is designed -which is not a way that allows to do sends from clips while keeping all settings present on the tracks intact in the clips being sent, like sam offers.
    If you don't want to have to duplicate in your sent clips all the fxs chains you have present on your track - which obviously would be both a ressource killer and unpractical as hell specially if you want to send many clips - then you have to go through automations like mention before.
  5. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Try to make a request. 5.90 coming soon with a lot of features. But maybe this requested stuff will be in 6.0
  6. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    i still cannot get my head aroubd this which i think just means the functionality i am after does not exist in Reaper. i've tried every way i can thik to have an aux send on selected clips. applying an effect to the clip is simple, but that only puts an instance of that FX on THAT clip. and so you have to do this for every clip you want to be effected. so kind of a waste of time, may as well just get into having automation bypassing on stuff i don;t want to treat.
    it's no biggie. i just love that feature in Samplitude, the Object Editor is fine indeed...
    as you say, perhaps in reaper 6??