USB microphone on an Android tablet

Discussion in 'Mobile' started by 2poor2, Jul 12, 2024.

  1. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    The title says it all,
    Is anyone using a usb microphone with a samsung tablet (series 8 or 9) ?

    Which mic model ?
    Any issues ? Or is everything working flawlessly ? Which apps do you use with your mic ?

    Thanks ;)
  3. yossii

    yossii Newbie

    Jul 10, 2024
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    From my experience with a Samsung tablet, I connected a Samson microphone and an irig mic to it, both of which have a significant delay. I tried with cubasis in the latency setting and other programs, without success. I think this is a problem with the tablet itself
  4. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    My experience : forget about anything serious (music wise) on Android.
    Audio latency is horrible. And will stay like this probably forever (due to design choices).
    Whereas audio on ios is working right.

    So, until you record vocals with no time line and align it afterward, try to find another solution.

    If you really want to stay on Android, try to record wired first.
    Try with something like this first (usb C to mic/phones) :

    Sorry to rain on your parade, but i tried for a decade to use Android for audio ... it is NOT manageable to me.

    @yossii It is not the tablet, it is Android on ANY device. And since day one. They don't care about audio latency.
    And pushing ppl with bluetooth is even worst than wired. The lowest BT so called "low latency" is already unmanageable.
  5. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Thanks mate, for your reply.
    The other day I purchased a nice usbc hub, with a 4k60 hdmi out. I connected the tablet (samsung S8+) to a TV, (LG 120hz ports), I ran a few emulators and games, to test it, and I had at least 300 to 500ms of input lag... whereas, if I run the same games directly on the tablet, I have no latency at all.
    When I read you saying you had a significant latency, I start wondering if that's not problem with the implementation of the usbc, by Samsung... or maybe android is the main culprit.... or the Samsung software...

    Though, i need to give props to apple : since the very first iphones/ipads, a tremendous amount of work must have been put, on the audio layer.
    No latency issues, ultra optimized cpu usage, etc etc.
    It's almost a miracle, that cubasis manages to run, on android. By the way, i never saw it, but i would bet cubasis for ipad allows much more stuff to be done. Like inserting 3rd party plug-ins, using AU instruments, support for tons of audio interfaces, midi keyboards, etc etc etc.
    For sure, android audio has never been a (top) priority, at Google. " So, the android devices can play sounds on the stereo speakers, and the integrated mic can be used to make skype calls ? Perfect, that will be enough. "

    Shit, how many vst, or rather AU instruments are there, for ipad ? 200 .. 300 ... +500 ? ? ?

    It's weird, that the android audio seems to be so fuked up...If only there existed some android app, that could measure the latency.

    Even more weird, these android devices work flawlessly, like the files manager: I have a 256GB model with a fast 1TB sdxc card. I can connect the usbc hub, attach 2 usbc 3.1 drives, i can be downloading some files at 100MB, unzipping files on 1 disc , un-rarring files on another disc, copying files from the usbc drives to main drive, while copying or writing files via the local network... at the same time, some 4k movie might be playing, etc etc... and , not bragging, it's almost a miracle, that the files are handled so freakin well ! ! For sure, samsung and android made a great job there.
    Something crazy : i (i mean, everybody can do it), can connect to a computer, via wifi, by using a remote desktop app... then, at the same time, i can connect the same tablet to a lg tv, and 100% mirror the tablet display, at 120hz ! I can display a computer desktop, directly on a tv, all wirelessly. How can that shit even work ? !!!

    There's all these features, that work great. Then, there's the poor audio...

    Why has Google neglected the audio on android that bad ? 14 android versions, and that shit is as bad as on android v1.

    Anyway, thanks for your reply, i truly appreciate it.
  6. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    There is very little latency on USB protocol, since v1.
    Some ms only.

    And if you take your USB C mic and plug it on ios, OSX, linux or Windows, you will have only some negligible ms.
    Less than 20 ms for sure.

    Audio latency on Android is due to the way the structure was made ... and they are not going to program it again from the ground up just for audio.
    Even an S21 get 300ms minimum. And older devices get 500ms.
    Now add Bluetooth latency, and you are near 1 full second in some situations ... even watching films become a joke (especially dialogue).
    No ... they really don't care about audio.

    Anything over 50ms is not usable for any music making.
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