USB eLicenser

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by devwhatsapp, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    I'm very sorry to say this, but you sir, are a "StupidifiedMonkey".
  2. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

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  3. dadgad

    dadgad Producer

    Jul 4, 2011
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    A little bit louder please...I can't hear you :bow:
  4. StupidifiedMoneky

    StupidifiedMoneky Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Listen carefully, because I won't repeat it!

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  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    If you stop by on V.R`s place he needs Cubase SX 3,Pro Tools 6 and Magix Music Maker 1.
  6. StupidifiedMoneky

    StupidifiedMoneky Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    He also accepts Beta testers using Windows Me.
    He's opening his internal vaults... Cubasis VST 5.0 is coming :drunks:I wonder if he will release Cubase 1.0 Atari 1989 too :beg:
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  7. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    this is relic=)
  8. StupidifiedMoneky

    StupidifiedMoneky Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Most people don't have Atari, but for V.R it's not an issue.. for him it's never too late to release an Internal release, even if it's too late to the party by a few decades and some people already literally died waiting for it... Vienna suite 2009... pro tools 6, Cubase 1.0 Atari 1989...
    He's opening his internal vaults... a scene to be seen... Cubase 8.5 is coming in the next three decades... brace yourselves...

  9. StupidifiedMoneky

    StupidifiedMoneky Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    V.R's Scuffham Amps S-GEAR release is unbelievable... I wonder if Cubendo will be as functional or should I say dysfunctional as that Scuffham release :rofl:I'm afraid a guy is highly messed up to not see that it doesn't work, Steinberg had a huge relieve party after seeing this f*** up, because a newbie like that can't take on Cubendo, can he? prove me wrong.... in the next three decades... I feel sorry for guys who bought his dysfunctional Cubendo:rofl:Did you ask him for refund?
    What about the guy he lobotomized? Did he get a refund?
  10. micheldelux

    micheldelux Newbie

    Nov 26, 2011
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    They are working:

    Steinberg Cubase Pro v8.5.15

    more info @

    0. download & install
    1. download & install
    2. apply patch

    Team V.R

    Know problem & solution beta-9 patch:
    patch now only for 64-bit - don't install 32-bit Cubase
    not working part crypted presets for some plugins (eg. an additional impulse to REverence, AmpRack). Use extraneous impulses ...
    VST Transit does not work because the required valid Steinberg server login
  11. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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  12. StupidifiedMoneky

    StupidifiedMoneky Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Funny things is that, when he releases something and if it's broken, he thinks it works... so he updates a broken thing over and over again... Line6 Pod Farm... zplane Elastique Pitch, not sure about it, but Pod Farm for sure.

    For people thinking that he keeps it to keep the "method alive"... he posted those links himself... Steinberg, everyone knows it, everyone who wants it have it, password protected of course... so he is not keeping "alive" anything... my guess is that he posted those links to sell it to naive people, he calls it "donations for an internal password"... I usually "donate" money in grocery store for food too... I also "donate" money for my ISP to keep me online... any other bright insights way he posted those links for everyone?
    So a guy who bought it, did you get a refund? :rofl:

    He should release it immediately or disappear from the "scene" forever with this kind of trolling... Cubase, Nuendo can wait for another decade... no one will die without it, such an attempt to get attention is beyond any respect, way to lose your name/credibility.
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  13. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    You just can't wait any longer, can't you?
    lol. Amazing how strange people are.
  14. StupidifiedMoneky

    StupidifiedMoneky Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    wait for what? His fake Cubase? We got Logic, Pro Tools, Studio One, Reaper..... everything... why would I wait for some half-baked failure?
    Amazing indeed, V.R posting his own "secret" site links on warez for everyone with his password protected trollfest... and written underneath it that if you're outsider you can buy a password... "donate" for a password... strange... hmmm... not so much... pathetic? indeed!
  15. thecow

    thecow Guest

    It's not "that" obvious...
    " Право на індивідуальні паролі мають тільки активні довірені члени V.R, а для решти паролі можливо отримати за бартер, ексклюзивні дистрибутиви, донатси або інші гарантії нерозповсюдження"
    It's written it can be obtained by a barter...means to me: if you have something to exchange, which could be other cracked programs, retail installers...nobody knows, in fact someone would have to talk with him to know with certainty.
  16. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Guys, cut this trolling and bashing of the crackers. Seriously, not cool. V.R may have not cracked Cubase, I have no idea and I couldn't care less, but in fact he did crack some of the good stuff that was posted on sister site to appreciation of the community. how about the entire XILS line? wasn't it the first XILS release since AIR? not an amateur's job by all means and BTW, if you're so concerned about everything to be "current and relevant", XILS stuff is not dated year 1985, you know. S-Gear seems to work only partially, but sometimes even R2R and Utopia had fuck ups and had to fix their releases later on. So what? It didn't diminish their value, their importance and they didn't get shit for that. They're still respected. And, while S-Gear is a half-baked release, some people were still thankful for the chance to use S-Gear Duke amplifier, which is reported by some to be fully working. Some of you claim the guy's asking money for a password, but personally, I haven't seen any of that shit. He seems to have a few internal releases that he's ready to exchange for some other retails. It doesn't actually say money. So what's up with all the trolling?
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  17. StupidifiedMoneky

    StupidifiedMoneky Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Trolling torrent sites, other audio sites with links to your password protected internal releases deserved no respect whatsoever... give me examples of any other group doing this? "Some"... reported that one out of 5 amps is working, while the rest who used demo version says none is working as it should, I can confirm that 4 amps are broken and only an idiot wouldn't notice that.... you forget to mention that some think it's fully working... one those "some" is a troll V.R himself, btw Duke is one of the broken amps. Sometimes other groups botch a release, but not this way, not ever, this only happens if they mistake some older version of work in progress and uploads it as a cracked, which they fix in a few moments, longest by the next day.

    That NFO posted about Cubase clearly shows that he appropriated method used in Cubase Artist 6, the same problems like in that version... what is not mentioned is most likely that it works just like S-Gear, in other words you're literally better off with Reaper than his half-baked POS and his trolling sites with his links to it. His links are still on some sites.

    Oh BTW... one of his "internal releases" is Steinberg Nuendo v6.0.7 (MacOSX)... are you telling me that this noob is the first man ever to crack Steinber's flagship DAW for a Mac? If someone were to troll someone with password protected "internal" releases, this kind of thing besides Nexus should be on the list.... so he passed a troll's test with flying colors.
    He should pack his things and go home, he is a disgrace to warez... no group ever trolled people.

    Xils releases doesn't excuse trolling internet with your links... attention noob got lucky with those xils releases... bTW syn'x is half-baked too, touch hardwired modulation section and you will know.... exactly the same way was broken last release by AiR of that synth... coincidence? Seeing what he did with Cubase, I say he appropriated AiR's method too, point blank obvious, how else do you end up with the same kind of botched release?...

    So he takes others methods, trolls people with "impossible" internal release links, Steinberg Nuendo v6.0.7 (MacOSX)? why would you post a link like that? and you want us to respect him? he would get his ass literally kicked by other groups in real life for doing this nonsense.

    EDIT: the first man ever to defeat eLicenser on a MAC..... there were some half-baked xils plugins, virsyn stuff, but not on this scale... he is on another level he took Nuendo and cracked it... on OSX... OS which he most likely doesn't even have...:hahaha:
    Last edited: May 8, 2016
  18. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    As I said, I haven't seen him flaming boards asking for money for his releases, so I can't comment on that. Can you post some links that show it's exactly him who's doing that shit? Because, if you think of it, it could be anybody. Anyone can take internal links from his homepage and engage in a scam, pretending to be him. Who would know?

    Monkey, it's funny you speak about trolls, because you're definitely a big one. Your remark about R2R stealing junk like some low-life thugs wasn't respectful either. Is it you, Hydrogen? Or maybe you, Chaos? That would explain it.

    Seems like guitar amp plugs can be a problem. Remember a recent TSE X-50 2.4 release by R2R? Well, it's not working, guys. You say that big teams fix things right away, but it's been a few months since and people are still waiting for a fix. And some quit waiting, they've got tired of it. So never say never. Big team or little team, you mess it up once in a while.

    I don't know, guys. I just don't find this shit funny and most of the time it comes off as highly ungrateful and rude to the teams. I was sure Audiosex is not the place for this and it looks like I was wrong.

    Maybe sometimes these people fail to deliver what we're waiting from them, but at least they're trying to give us a chance to try stuff. I guess, we can be a little more appreciative of their efforts. Or we call troll and bash them. I'll choose the first option, thanks.
  19. StupidifiedMoneky

    StupidifiedMoneky Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    He speaks for himself on rutracker... he posted on at least two sites a direct link to his internal releases on his site. Not a link to Cubase or something else, a link to everything.... password protected... I bet a guy hasn't used a mac in a lifetime... yet he have Nuendo for Mac on his site..... :hahaha: that's 100% his site, 100% he on multiple sites going by the same name with minor adjustments... on audioz he posted that link under THE f***king Cubase 8.5 request... :lmao:

    So R2R didn't crack something, did they update it over and over again, the same none working release as if they were braindead or something? They messed it up, they gave up, next time they maybe do it right or may never care about it... oh BTW I just looked it up lol, it's a release by "integral" using their old keygen, it's not their release... So so far only V.R is braindead, any other examples? You gotta love a guy, he cracked Nuendo for Mac.... different from other guys, I have zero respect to him, trolling people with Nuendo for mac? Nuendo 6, as if it's not a big deal and he cracked it long time ago, but didn't share?.... :hahaha:

    I don't care about his cubase, I don't care about a single release from this troll, yet I'll use something from him and what you gonna do about that, what he gonna do about it, cry in the corner after trying to mess with people and getting his teeth kicked out?
    Instead of wasting your life worrying about some groups "hurt feelings" for being dismissed as trolls... get a job and you won't need to worry if god forbid some noob gets his feelings hurt after trolling people and being called out for it and won't release a virtual plugin for you anymore... you don't "own" a single thank, he is not distributing food for poor... posting releases is his decision, trolling people with nonsensical internal releases on his site is his decision... he needs attention, now he got attention, got dismissed as a troll.

    So can you gimme explanation about his internal releases site links which he posted himself? How about Nuendo 6 for Mac? You call it not trolling? A guy makes a fool of himself with his last release and yet he managed to crack Neundo for Mac? Does he even know what is a kext?
    He trolled people, now he have to put his money where his mouth is or get lost. :yes:

    Get a job man, it's just pathetic to be so servile for virtual things on your screen, get some self respect, you're being fooled and yet you're still kneeling to the false god...
    Nuendo for Mac.... man oh man... guy has some issues, probably always wanted to be like AiR, H2O, obviously that never happened, so with age he went of the rails... He cracked Nuendo for Mac... No one in a life time saw any Steinberg DAW for Mac... until V.R came along... now they can see it on his internal releases site... what a guy, a true legend...

    Also learn to take a joke... because R2R is stealing aluminum from abandoned Train depots, I saw them myself burning a bunch of wires to get the coating off and sell a remaining copper, scrap yards don't except wires with coating, so they told me:sad: You should have seen their faces.. all f***ing black from burning those wires, hands dirty as if they were coal miners... they took me over to their place... as you can imagine in every corner of their house there are piles of wires, all kind of metals, broken washing machines, old school black and white CRT vacuum tube TVs, man that place is apocalyptic... but guys don't complain, they work, get things done, they don't care if V.R will not release his Nuendo for Mac, because they're 100% certain that he is a lying attention seeking troll:rofl:
  20. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Damn, stupid monkey, you're one ugly, hairy, disgusting, stinky piece of shit troll. And wise old saying has it - "Don't feed the troll". I'll leave you alone with your ugliness.
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