Uploaded.net 1 Month Coupon/Contest

Discussion in 'UL.to Coupons' started by Catalyst, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be

  2. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    If you would win would that make you feel like you actually matter? I could care less about your musical skills as your skills of being a decent human being suck. When you're sure about something it comes across as confidence, when you're not it comes across as arrogance. Guess which category you fall into? Plus if you're so skilled, as your massive ego seems to think, how about instead of being an ass you post something useful for this thread? It would surely take less time than 2 days and you might even win something. In fact I wager that the only reason you're even challenging me is because you know in the back of your mind that I was asking about tips for electro-industrial so you know that I'm not proficient. Really you're just looking for validation because of how small you feel which honestly just makes you kind of pathetic. It's infantile to the point of absurdity that you would be willing to waste 2 days of your time on some schoolyard dick measuring contest yet these few questions are where you draw the line. Grow up.
  3. HebrewInTheRain

    HebrewInTheRain Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2012
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    well dam... I just wanted some competition didn't mean to get so offensive, but your rules for the contest/giveaway should have been more easier. And now that I know your not proficient in the genre I'd like to tell you that I teach sound design and music production in my community. My main genre is dubstep but i know a tad about yours. So id like to help you if you need tips or what not. here are a few websites to get your started for electro industrial:
    http://www.artfx-studios.com http://www.massivesynth.com http://findremix.com/category/tutorials/ http://www.djtechtools.com/category/dj_techniques_tips/production-tips/live/
    these are just a few.
    Btw I was totally hoping you would say yes to contest between me and you so i went ahead and made a track between my last response and now :D check it out My link Idk how to really make electro industrial but i know how to make electro so it may sound bad. If you still wanna have the comp; I can make another :D
  4. cripple9

    cripple9 Ultrasonic

    Dec 27, 2012
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    Nice track, thought I was listening to something from Zappa's "Jazz from Hell" album there for a minute.
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    @Hebrew In The Rain
    Look maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I just don't take kindly to people coming out of their mouth like that. People hide behind anonymity and are so willing to be rude when in real life they would never say anything like that because of the fear of repercussion. Anyway let's leave it in the past and move on. I appreciate your offer for help. I've studied the basics of music theory, sound design, mixing, etc. but I don't have as much time doing this as I wish I had. I'm sure you know there are an overwhelming amount of things to learn and you need to practice which I do every day. My main problem is I think a great way to learn is to review the MIDI files of various artist's compositions. However, there aren't many sites that have them. They'll have Depeche Mode and maybe Nine Inch Nails but no electro-industrial artists. This makes it hard to get an idea of motifs typical to the genre as well as basic composition, arrangements, etc. Plus I'm also a little lost on what a generic electro-industrial fx chain would look like. I know artists sometimes use a gated plate reverb on the snare and a bus with a distortion unit, a couple with reverb (I assume a room, hall, etc.) but not much more as I've never seen an example. The genre is very difficult for someone to pull off without sufficient experience and the lack of materials is frustrating. It's also a comparatively small genre so there aren't many people that are willing or able to help. On the subject of the contest I didn't think it was that difficult because I wasn't really expecting a book report. I figured that if a bunch of people posted some stuff it would be easier for those starting out to get some good information and direction all in one spot. All I wanted were a few sites, a few tips and possibly some learning resources as an optional answer. When I made it I reviewed how I would answer the questions and did it very quickly so I figured other people wouldn't have any issues particularly those that possessed more experience than me. I mean answers could have gone into detail on topics such as: cut narrow and boost wide in equalization, panning a reverb return or use of busses, voice leading, arrangement tips, the loudness war, aspects of harmony such as consecutive fifths and octaves or different types of part motion (similar, contrary, oblique) and a myriad of other topics. These are just the ones I came up with in less than a minute. If an opportunity like that came along I would surely enter. I listened to your song and it's good particularly considering it's not your main genre and it was done in a day. Reminds me of an old school electro-industrial track. I'd love to grab the MIDI from you if that's cool particularly if your tracks are all labeled so that it's easy to understand. Anyway happy holidays.
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I'm awarding the coupon to Pyrus Malus as his reply was the most in-depth and it's obvious that he put some time into his response. Therefore I think he earned it. Thanks for your entries and happy holidays to you all.

    Congratulations To Pyrus Malus!

    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
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    Grazie mio fratello !
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