Upgrade from Cubase 5.1 to Cubase 7 Elements, but too many features missing to be true!

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Adrianobet, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

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  2. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    never really a metal head.. but I did like this band...

    where are you @Adrianobet .. don't fear... :phunk:

  3. Adrianobet

    Adrianobet Noisemaker

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Thank you so much all for the very useful advices! Now I've finally understood that the function I was looking for is only in the Cubase Pro version, which unfortunately I can't afford. :-(
    Anyway I was also planning to pass on Reaper. This involves a lot of time to get acquainted with the new scenario, that's the reason why I didn't do this earlier.
    Anyway you made me curious... what is CUBENDO? Does is it really exist or it's just a gimmick among you Cubase and Nuendo users?
    I don't use 50% of all the features that Cubase offers, so I think I wouldn't mind moving to a less powerful daw if this offers me the features I use more often... Please let me know, you experts! =)
    Thank you so much in advance!!!
    P.S.: consider that I'm not into commercial music but my approach to music recording is quite naive, manual, creative, sometimes random too ;-)
  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    In that case get the artist edu version. You can sidechain with 3rd party plugins
    Cubendo is a child of cubase and nuendo, a play with words. :)
  5. Adrianobet

    Adrianobet Noisemaker

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Thank you, I will consider this, but I don 't think it would solve my problem, since I've been told it doesn't contain the feature I was talking about earlier... Sigh
    Ah, ok for Cubendo, nice name ;-)

    P.S.: btw, what EDU stands for?
    Last edited: May 5, 2017
  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    EDU means education.
  7. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I have a used CH one for sale.
  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I have one but probably somebody here is interested.:bow:
    Is there no way to use it in Reaper?
  9. Adrianobet

    Adrianobet Noisemaker

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Oh, thanks. But excuse me again, Artist Education is just another name for the artist version? (because a friend of mine has Cubase artist and the feature I'm looking for, it's not present either)
    Have a nice weekend ^_^
  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Adrianobet then stop bellyaching and save your pennies to buy Steinberg's expensive Pro stuff in a few years,
    if you're on 5.1, released 2001 ? Don't count on seeing a liberated version of it... any time soon..

    I'll stay with mine that cost around $60 and multiple updates included

    update post Steyr :

    bears repeating
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2017
  11. popeye

    popeye Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    The feature you're looking for is called "Offline Processing." I haven't been able to find any info on whether Cubase Artist 9 includes this feature.

    Artist EDU (Education) is a discounted version for any student with an I.D. card but it can only be upgraded to a full version (no incremental upgrades).

    "Cubendo" is a name given to any info that concerns "Cubase" or "Nuendo," henceforth "Cubendo." There's no such DAW, only a reference to the two.
  12. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    5.1 is 2009, when pitbull was dominating the charts and @foster911 still wore diapers.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2017
  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    ok 7-8 years still enough time to upgrade eh?

    so what's this.. ?

    Cubase VST32 5.1

    2001 Was available individually and as part of a Producer's Pack featuring Recycle loop editor and Rebirth virtual instrument (non-VST format), programs developed by Propellerheads but distributed by Steinberg. The Propellerheads products came on Mac and PC compatible CDs, but the disc and serial hasp for Cubase were PC-only. Primarily was introduced to run on the new Windows XP operating system.

    I see 5.1 further down the list yes... the one generally "available" is 5.1 ?

  14. Adrianobet

    Adrianobet Noisemaker

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Hahahaha, me bellyaching? LOL. Let me explain that music IS NOT an equation sounding like: "I own the newest stuff and my music is the best"... That's why I never cared about using a DAW which is dated 2001 or 2009 or any age... When I use a daw, instruments, and my own music ideas, the only thing which really counts is the EASE in using it.
    Now I was simply asking you (and myself) if I could get a new version of the daw I've been using for many years which was able to get full advantage of my new processor (faster) and my 64bit operative system. That's all. So, you can see there's no bellyaching and probably I'll stay with my 2001 Daw, which is fine for me still. (for your info: liberated version are already available... of everything... LOL)
    And, just for curiosity, your daw which costs around $60 is Reaper? Because a friend of mine uses it and me too I think it's very very good!!
    Have a nice week, cheers
    Last edited: May 7, 2017
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  15. Adrianobet

    Adrianobet Noisemaker

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Hi Popeye, thank you so much for your answer. I didn't know that the exact name of that function is "Offline processing". On the Steinberg site it's not clear about ALL the functions (of course, there are so many) that a version has or not. That's the reason I was so confused.
    I haven't seen in person the V9, but only Cubase 7 & 8. I don't like the v8, but only the V7, maybe because it's more similar to the v5 I still find great. Anyway I'll check again sooner or later.
    Regarding the Artist EDU, I fear I'm no more eligible, because I'm no more a student since many years... ;-)
    Have a nice week, cheers
  16. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Best Answer
    Both Reaper and samplitude have what you're looking for. They actually offer better options on that side IMHO, offline processing, as they can both be object/clip oriented daws. Basicely each obkect/clip has its own strip (samplitude being the most adavanced at least in the presentation, they have almost the same features), you can implement fxs, eqs, voulme, pan, etc at clip level, render and move on. Also with both you can do composite takes of your tracks, meaning render but keep several versions of your object with different applied fxs, so you unload the heat on your CPU, but you can still come backward. Samplitude also has the old Cubase way (select an area and offline processing), very practical with its cleaning suite.

    Here is how you do it in Reaper (BTW if you change skin in Reaper, and for example take the one @Exidus kindly made for us, you'll have an fx shortcut, volume, mute and solo button straight on the clip you work, which is very practical - and is closer to how samplitude does that part - and that the guy doesn't use on the video presentation as he works with Reaper original skin, but you can change that in the options).

    Samplitude has object editing at the core of its workflow so you might as well go on Magix website.
    Both are available on AZ, if you waant to go legit, Reaper is cheaper and is the best on the CPU (Samplitude is also good on that front). I don't know how they compare to cubase 5, I've never tried it.

    This part is very interesting in those two daws. That's why I still use them often, I've got some diehard habbits with those, specially for production process.
    Last edited: May 7, 2017
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  17. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    ohhh I get it.. so it's only your "ethics" that's keeping you from using cracked Cubase 9.0.20 Pro ,
    and you been holding out on everyone too? You got it and refuse to use it? or. or...

    if you got it.. or your imaginary elf friend has it.. then post it.. LOL) :bleh:
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  18. Adrianobet

    Adrianobet Noisemaker

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Lol, you're not that funny dear... And anyway my ethics would never suggest me to share anything with such an unfriendly and sarcastic person like you... LOL
    Peace and love. :-D
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  19. Adrianobet

    Adrianobet Noisemaker

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Thank you so much for your very interesting answer!!! This is the far more useful reply I got in this thread, thank you!!
    I didn't know about Samplitude but I knew Reaper because some of my friends using MACS suggested me to use it instead of Cubase, because it's the only one which makes projects made on PC & MAC compatible, so it's very useful if you're collaborating with MAC users in some music projects. (I'm stuck with PCs)
    Maybe when I looked at Reaper, I didn't look that well, since I didn't find immediately all the functions and commands I'm used to with Cubase. You know, it's very hard to change sometimes, if you're using Cubase since the very first version on Atari ST(and earlier I also used Pro24 and also Pro16 on Commodore 64, which shows I'm quite old hahahaha!!!)
    But I'm gonna look the video tutorial you sent me and I'll let you know!! Thanks again mate, have a nice weekend :)
  20. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah it's not easy to go against good old habbits. There are learning curves for all three daws we are talking about, they are all workhorses in their own right. But the advantage when you come from Cubase 5 is that it was such a reference that a lot of features from this daw were copied by other daws. In most cases, you will find equivalence for most tasks Cubase 5 used to do in both samplitude and reaper. Regarding latest Cubase, it's a different story, but next to the one you actually have, there are new features that you'll have fun with. The big advantage of Reaper upon Samplitude is that it's more flexible, and it will handle ressources of your computer better, and very important when you start with a new daw : there is a big community that is always helpfull. Also the 60$ price tag really helps.
    Anyway, I'm glad I could help, hope you'll find the right fit. :wink:
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