Uli Behringer cloned my mockup!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by recycle, Mar 5, 2020.

  1. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    I hope Uli copyrights cycles real name and makes a video series based around the buthhurt and virtue signaling just so I can have a few laughs.

    I'm so third party offended guys! :suicide:
  2. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    sure behringer is now not making a key chain bassline...dam it
    its obvious he did joking...
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2020
  3. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Yeah, it is pretty obvious the keychain thing was a joke. Virtually everyone in the Behringer page/group on Facebook understood that. It’s not a one off either. They often post stuff like that or share memes, or ask people to caption pictures. They like to have this thing called fun.

    It’s amusing that some people, usually Behringer haters, just straight assume at best or lie at worst, that it is in fact Uli sitting there posting this stuff. Behringer is massive and the company obviously has a team of people who engage in social media besides the occasional post from the man himself.


    Also, since when are “journalist” above reproach and or just plain out of bounds to make fun of or mock? Never in my book. Any and all people who put themselves out there are fair game.

    That guy is definitely a cork sniffer. Well played Behringer. They should have never apologized but I get that they wanted to shut down the anti-semitic angle some people and “journalist” were pushing. That’s how it is these days when some a*****s want to shut someone or something down, straight for the ist, ism, and phobias with a helping of oppression hierarchy on top.
  4. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Well, I wrote on Behringer's Instagram they should release some Eurorack modules, price them between 50-100$, and a month later they released the news they're releasing System-100M modules... :wink: I'm ecstatic about these. :P

    Speaking of a company that listens to their customers. :)

    I almost can't understand those who are complaining about Behringer's products. People who forked 1000s of dollars on the originals, and those who buy old stuff, repair them, and sell them at ridiculous prices are very unhappy about Behringer cloning these wonderful pieces of gear. :wink:
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2020
  5. Klefths

    Klefths Ultrasonic

    Apr 9, 2019
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    I knew a guy with 2 of those in his studio and both broke within two years and few other guys that would never buy anything from them.
    On the other hand, I still use my MX9000 with original PSU, only prob a flat cable became loose once and had to open the mixer and hot glue it, for the rest it's still going strong, i would never have thought that those pan pots and faders would last for so long.
    The quality gap of the electronics between top notch gear and a ripoff is ever so small, most boards today come fron China.
    So respectable companies should lower their prices, otherwise the majority of potencial buyers who can only afford Behringer, would turn to them.
    Copying a design might be unethical but on the other hand it would benefit those who can't afford the originals price tag.
    To be fair, behringer made some decent gear like their patch-bays, DIs and phone amps, the X32 and the BCF2000, but they made some nasty rip-offs too.
    Like those "tube" compressors without tubes, those horrible guitar pedals and the self destructing bass cabinets, while their costumer service is non existing.
    Would i risk it to buy their gear again? Sure, if i do my research online first.
    But i wouldn't trust Uli next to an analogue synth for a second.
  6. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    With the resonance,because this filter is nothing special without its juicy resonance.
  7. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    i like the behringer synths. fantastic that he actually listens to customers!

    the video mocking mr. K. is funny (i found funny)

    but buying or attempting to buy the name switched to a slightly sinister area and the backlash showed
    how the people received it too.

    One cant deny that there is a difference between ulli the person hashing it out with jokes and talking smack on GS.
    And behringer the the multinational conglomerate "attacking" a citizen/competitor.

    as i see it. he apologized, nothing was lost. Ulli & behringer even helped shine a light on indie makers :winker:
  8. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    "Uli Behringer cloned my mockup!"

    Sue that meme stealing mockup messer-upper for 68 trillion dollars!

    They did it out of humor. FFS, you posted it a meme group. lol
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  9. retroboy

    retroboy Producer

    Jan 4, 2014
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    I broke my Eurodesk 24-8 on the very first day back in the 1996! :rofl:
    On the other hand my Behringer Composer served me well for over a decade.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2020
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