
Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by Frubbs, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    This may be slightly off-topic, but appeals to the tech support for both uploaded and JDownloader have so far be unanswered, and my need is rather desperate at this point. I recently purchased a premium account with ul.to, for use primarily via Jdownloder on OSX. Though I have properly entered the account data in JD's settings page, at the app acknowledges it as an unlimited premium account, I have yet to see any performance improvement at all. Every attempt to download gives me the same "waiting for new IP.. Wait 59:12" crap. My previous preferred hoster was Filesonic, and while they may have had their problems with throughput at times, the account was literally plug-and-play from day one. I rarely waited for an available plug, and my current connect settings (max connections, max DIs, speed, etc) are identical to when I used the Filesonic account.

    I am not a drooling idiot with technology, but it's quite possible that user error is to blame here. JD for OSX is a rather half-assed port of the windows version, and my fluency with windows is only slightly better than my fluency with German (dialing either of them up a notch would likely help me with the developer and the hoster). Given that ul.to is the preferred hoster in the AudioZ community, I'm assuming that many in AudioSEX have some insight into account setup, so perhaps you could let me know if you've had the same issue, and how you resolved it. Thanks, and apologies for straying off the main focus of the forum.
  3. korgrog

    korgrog Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    I use windows,

    on the profile page, uploaded.net

    Direct downloads:

    Downloads will start directly after call-up of the link , make sure this has a check mark in it

    I use IDM, could never get it to work like , old filesonic copy 10 links paste and away you go, need to open each link one at a time ,IDM picks up the link and puts it in
    the download cue. If the link is in the download cue to long,this varies depending on the link, the link seems to change and is no longer valid, so you must get the link again

    downloads are generally fast most of the time, my connection limit is 675 KB/sec and it is always maxed out.

    IDM is set for 2 connections per file, this may not be the case if you have Mb download capabilities

    I would go from the beginning, login ,etc, firewall, just to make sure some link in the chain is not broken

    Hope this helps
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    update to JDownloader nightly - itll give you access to new features and will fix faster any problems with hosters.
    im running JDownloader 2 for windows for OSX should be something equally.
    (nightly is a beta/alpha version with the latest tests and working hosters and it works pretty stable never had a crash in 4 years use)
  5. edweste

    edweste Newbie

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Everytime 'ul.to' did not work withing 'jdown' just updated it and gone on. Or try Mipony. But, do not ask to ul.to, because they don't like us, they don't like to answer nobody, but they just want to bill us. Last July I did some questions for ul.to, they didn't answer, but simply deleted all the files of my folders in their servers, I lost 40 GB. Then I've sended a message for explanations and they said that I should go to the subscribe section and delete my self from ul.to. They are the next to be shotted.
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    alot of file hoster do not like apps like jdownloader or Cryptload because they ignore ad popups and sometimes solves captcha automatically. so fro sure they will just do it for sure to make people like you angry to stop using it.
  7. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Thanks for the various suggestions. I'm beginning to realize that ul.to really is hostile to DL programs, as Articstorm says. With everything I try I get a "wait" flag, and it doesn't recognize my premium account when the material is restricted, even though JDownloader does. Oddly enough, until a few weeks ago I got reliable, if rather slow, performance from ul.to files in JD, and that was before I bought a premium account. Perhaps their policies have changed.

    The good news is that, using straight Safari downloads I have more success. No one stream is wider than ~100 kB/s, but I can easily run 10 at a time, so while it isn't the 2-3 Mb/s I was getting out of Filesonic, it sucks much less than it does with JD. It's a shame, because I like using the JD list as a record of where I got things - not very practical with a regular web browser with all its unrelated DL traffic.