UAD Spark - Windows Releases Today

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Madagasca, Sep 27, 2022.

  1. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Definitely disagree with you regarding your statement that UAD plugins sound like Plugin Alliance plugins. UAD's are definitely better sounding!
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  2. Madagasca

    Madagasca Member

    Jan 7, 2021
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    That's why there's a free 14-day trial buddy. I'm sure anyone with a decent sense of understanding can make their mind up after trying them.
  3. Chandos2021

    Chandos2021 Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    Since I am a UAD owner I also got this Mail about UAD Spark Plugins available for Windows today.. Here my Experience: There are unfortunately !! not all !! UAD2 powered plugins available for native usage (may change in the future, but this is at the moment). They actually took a few of their UAD2 powered plugins and created a custom UAD Spark library for 19.99$ a month. You can place the Spark license into the iLok cloud or on your physical iLok 2 USB dongle (to stay offline). The iLok 2 USB dongle has to be "refreshed" every month on a PC connected to the internet with a software called iLok license Manager. It looks like the same system East/West Composer cloud uses. If you bought some plugins and activated them before on your UAD2 device then, if you are lucky and this plugin is a part of the Spark library family, you can download a free native version of this plugin. This plugin comes with a "never expire" license, so stored on a physical iLok 2 you can completly stay offline and never have to refresh the license again (until you use the iLok T/L loss). In my case, from a list of 36 UAD2 powered plugins,there are 11 native versions available wich i can download and also got 11 licenses stored on my iLok 2. A first test with Cubase and Win10 : The CPU usage on the Spark plugins are really low.
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  4. HammerTiMe

    HammerTiMe Producer

    Oct 20, 2021
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    I have a subscription with UAD Spark since June, and personally with the same native system, PA plugins (Brainworx, Vertigo, AMEK, SSL, Lindell, Focusrite, etc) sound as good as UAD Spark. Neither more nor less. Maybe you're used to work with UAD sound cards, which run internally at 192K, but Waves also sound divinely at 192K. Trust me: PA and UADx sound extremely similar (and very good), but there is no substantial difference in quality, quite the contrary. I respect your opinion, but I recommend you try UAD Spark. You will draw the consequences too.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2022
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  5. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    All I can say is I can't wait to try this stuff out, if that becomes possible. I remember episodes of Top Gear where the guys got to drive Lamborghinis they had lusted over as posters since they were kids. The verdict? Never meet your heros. I suspect the UAD reality will never match the legend.
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  6. ThorntonQ

    ThorntonQ Producer

    Jun 21, 2018
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    There are many videos on YouTube clearly showing without doubt that any UAD offering of a Plugin Alliance vst 100% null. There is no difference between them.
    Got the Plugin Alliance version? No need whatsoever to purchase the same UAD plugin.
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  7. Gyorgy Ligeti

    Gyorgy Ligeti Rock Star

    Apr 5, 2020
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    So far they are right. iLok 3 dongle I think is probably impossible to handle for Teams. So they are very confident on their protection.
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  8. Ariel Gonzalez

    Ariel Gonzalez Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Somewhere Out There
    isn't it the same security most of the latest plugins released by R2R have?? (like slate digital or uvi)
  9. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    As much I have understand with R2R ilok releases, well there is a difference in layers of protection. As many layers they include in code, the plugin will be heavier for crack and the overall performance will be heavier.
    That is the thing for example with latest release of Empirical Labs Arousor
    where they have told

    So yes, there is a huge difference with stupid iLok system. In that matter not user friendly at all.
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  10. Gyorgy Ligeti

    Gyorgy Ligeti Rock Star

    Apr 5, 2020
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    That's right, iLok protections are not all the same. There are many different layers. But one thing is sure: to get your hands on them and work on these protections you need immense work and unprecedented skills.
  11. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    If you have a poor Internet connection this could be a nightmare if you are relying on it. It needs to be active to load a plugin. Once its loaded it seems to stay active but if you drop out for a while you could be waiting a long time to do that simple task of loading a plugin that should be instant. That would drive me crazy.

    I don't know if this is due to online iLok and buying an extra dongle (after some people already bought a £1000 dongle off UAD) would be more stable, but it seems like you are hostage to your ISP being stable to work on music reliably with Spark. The UAConnect thing takes its time loading as well.

    Needs some proper offline support and I don't know why we can't use our £1000 dongle bricks to authorise plugins we already paid a fortune for?
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  12. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Honestly, everything that is Ilok is a nightmare, not to mention the cloud-based stuff, you have to be always connected to use it, and many times you prefer to work offline. I also don't like that you have to provide a payment method to try them out.
    Ok I'm talking hypothetically, but hypothetically, I would never pay to rent a plugin, let alone have to be online. I prefer to buy something that I have for life and I can use it without being online all the time.
    That's my humble opinion.

    (Behind the camera... I wanted to test the UAD plugins ) : Snif....:suicide:)
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  13. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Thread summary so far

    • UAD Spark is on Windows and works.
    • A large majority dislike iLok and all it entails.
    • UAD Spark is very good for CPU and computer usage.
    • The quality is very high though some believe it is no better than PluginAlliance or Softube.
    • The subscription price is considered too much for many for what you get.
    • It authenticates regularly so people who pretty much buy next to nothing and have computers full of cracked software are shitting themselves.
    • Some people believe R2R will get around the authentication, others do not and so far the cart is beating the horse in the race.
    • 'Never meet your heroes' has been insinuated in different ways which means at least one person has watched "Thor Love & Thunder".
    Summary in one:
    It works well, sounds from good to great in opinion but the iLok perpetual authentication is a deterrent for many for now.

    Watch and wait


    There is a great cliche which says "never put the cart before the horse"
    The Horse (R2R) decides whether or not it is going to carry the Cart or leave it where it is (in this UAD) but the Cart NEVER carries the horse, makes decisions for it, and never comes before (leads) the horse.

    Put it on an R2R Black Friday Wishlist along with OPUS and Sonnox plugins.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2022
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  14. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I guess this has what has come to fruition for many, those willing to further and participate in the racket of "own nothing and be happy" scenario. Just imagine that your computer operating system itself need be online to function (coming sooner than later). While UAD plugins might be the grail for many, the sacrifice is way over the top in my opinion for the return of sovereign investment sacrificed in the name of art. YMMV.
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  15. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Just like some people will always keep an old truck with a carburetor on it around I guess I'll always have an old laptop with Win7 SP3 and my drives of compatible plugs so I can do music without permission of the Priests of Syrinx...
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  16. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I totally understand what both are saying and I get it regardless of my own philosophies. While it is overused, hisotrically in every field it has shown to be true that whether we like it or not...
    "Everything must change, nothing stays the same".
  17. Ariel Gonzalez

    Ariel Gonzalez Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Somewhere Out There
    they have been really quite (i mean it outside the regular releases or updates of original releases), so i can totally see them with sonnox plugins at least...
  18. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Change for the better is always welcome, lateral change can be a benefit, but if outside sources dictate the behavior of an individual where they have no right to trespass, ie, in one's ability to use a creative tool to further one's art, to roadblock and/or cause scarcity of a software instrument or effect unless jacked in and constantly needing to pay for in order to use, well, that to me crosses the line.

    Imagine the new rule...BaSsDuDe is no longer allowed to play his bass unless he monthly shells out dollars for the rest of his days, paying a monthly fee, and if he misses a payment the bass disappears minutes later from his hands, taken by robots droned onto his front lawn who have the right to break into his house to reclaim the real property of the owner (you didn't read the fine print where it is stated so, did you?). Need to change strings or swap out pickups? Sorry, you can't because it's not your's to do with as you please.

    Why will it only pertain to software?
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  19. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I totally hear you. Now we are entering into the realm of how society has gradually allowed autocracy in blindly, which we probably should not delve into as its off topic but I hear you. United we stand... people forgot that along the way. If the majority refuse to accept something it eventually fails or there is a revolution to ensure it does not continue. Everyone got too busy seeking their 15 minutes of fame and selfies and the autocrats walked in and did what they wanted to the music industry and too many other areas to list.

    UAD is just another like Reason, Steinberg, AVID, East West, Spitfire, etc etc who has jumped onto the subscription bandwagon - The thing is, if they were not making enough money from it, they would change their tactics.
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  20. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    I don't know for you guys but I am trying to get trial version, no success, I input email nothing happens...

    EDIT : Kaspersky have blocked whole site because it was collecting all kind of data so in order to continue I had to turn off all protections etc...
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2022
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