UAD - Spark / UAD went native

Discussion in 'Software News' started by FinalMasterv7.3, Mar 30, 2022.

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  1. bravesounds

    bravesounds Producer

    Sep 4, 2017
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    Anyway, guys. The crack we hope for won't be there until the Windows version is released this fall. maybe next year And I don't think they will release all the plugins natively. Because dsp power is their main selling item. uad spark can be said to be an experiential service to create new uad customers. The uads I know have a knack for making the best sales plans and tricking consumers. Good luck.
  2. Qiloo

    Qiloo Ultrasonic

    May 26, 2016
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    I just tried the native versions of the Neve 1073 and API 2500 and oh god they suck. Really heavy CPU load and there's a lot of peaks too.
    Just so you have an idea, these plugins use more CPU than the last couple KORG synths (Opsix & wavestate).

    This was from a M1 Macbook Pro with macOS monterrey. Not worth it yet. I just hope they update it to something lighter.

    EDIT: This was without Rosetta. When launching Logic Pro 10.7.3 in Rosetta mode the CPU load it's lighter but still it's heavy. Just so you have an idea: the PA version of Shadow Hills Class A Mastering Comp and Pulsar Mu take less CPU
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2022
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  3. starkid84

    starkid84 Platinum Record

    Mar 29, 2015
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    UAD possibly chose the shark dsp emulation route (aka SPARK) for a few reasons:

    1: it potentially acts as a second layer of complexity for crackers or exploits, as the wrapper itself could contain instructions that are tied to the (anti-piracy) protection scheme.

    2. It basically means that little to no reworking, or optimizing of old code to be updated to perform on newer CPU architecture's. Only the emulation of the sharc dsp platform would need to be reworked and updated, in contrast to each individual plug-in having its own set of potential variables to be re-coded.

    3. With a system that emulates sharc architecture, it makes it easier to maintain overall compatibility with pre-existing UAD platforms and systems without overhauling each plugin individually as mentioned above.

    4. It is entirely possible that some UAD products were coded specifically using some sort of sharc dev kit, rather than being coded natively first. That combined with the ported plugins from 3rd party developers (softube, Townsend labs, Brainworks, antares, ect) make it more efficient to use a emulated environment for a mix of pre-existing plugins instead of having to develop new ports of each plugin (and their variables) to run on a native (UAD integrated) eco system

    5. I assume the spark application also will function as a hub for managing subscriptions, and updates as well.

    6. Although a plug-in may be coded natively, subsequent versions (after being ported to another platform, in this case UAD's sharc dsp platform) will be updated a maintained using the ported versions code rather than the native that it was coded originally.

    So in short, its cheaper, takes less R&D, adds/keeps a layer of protection and compatibility that was already existing in UAD products.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2022
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  4. Rockefeller31395

    Rockefeller31395 Member

    Nov 22, 2016
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    After months staying in the 9.12 version, I have just installed the new 10 version of UAD...

    What the f*ck is the new GUI update in the 1176 and LA-2A collection? I know it sounds the same, but it is awful af, looks like freeware to me.

    Do you guys know how could I recover the classic GUI without having to get back to previous versions of UAD?
  5. deevaz

    deevaz Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    F**King iCloud:dont:
    Come On UAD

    Also i own the LA-2A 1176 Bundle And the Studer A800 BUT Its not come up in the native Package WTF

    I think thats a straight uninstall
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2022
  6. Bandit

    Bandit Producer

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Interesting, have not seen or heard more people stating this. Very curious indeed about the CPU hit.
  7. FinalMasterv7.3

    FinalMasterv7.3 Member

    Jul 20, 2021
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    Weird, just seen this video:

    and it doesnt cover what you said. ~10 min
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  8. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Wow, that seems like quite the hit. But DKNY was reading different from another quote of his in this thread:

    So, I don't know.... I'm not about to try them out myself yet, but I guess we will get the reports as more people do....and obviously different ones have different hits, so YMMV..
  9. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Yeah, that video tells a different story.... some of them can be heavier then others obviously, but pretty impressive in a native setting, and even faster for rendering/bounce etc, and they are phase accurate with the hardware in terms of latency and null test.
  10. I'm familiar with several of Hepworth's videos and commentary. I wouldn't expect to see anything negative about UAD from him. Not going to happen. I don't know if he has a formal relationship with the company (e.g., they pay him...) but he always seems to promote their stuff in one way or another.
  11. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    It's taking a few days to issue *hundreds of thousands* of iLok licenses, that's all. It's in the support stuff, if you look.
    They will appear, and should be complete soon.

    That sounds like a "quick to judge, slow to inform yourself" type deal - but if you're not interested in this product, then sure, move along...
  12. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Yeah, I hear you on that... but I don't think he would fudge the results right in front of our eyes though right? That would be the end of his little channel...
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  13. deevaz

    deevaz Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    I Prefer To Work Offline Thank You
    So yes very quick judgment (and thanks for your quick to judge comment 2)
    UA Should give users the option of using ilok LM as opposed to just icloud
  14. It's not so much a matter of 'fudging the results right in front of our eyes'. It's what you show and what you don't show in these videos. It's the fact that he can run through it before filming so he knows in advance what will work and what won't. It's also an issue of how he presents it. For example, he doesn't say the numbers on both things matched, it's they match PERFECTLY or EXACTLY, when coming up with 'exact' or 'perfect' results is just plain impossible. He's doing a sales job, and he likely either gets paid for it or he gets free products from UAD for it. I just have serious doubts people will try these products at home and everyone will come up with the PERFECT results he's claiming. Hepworth lives on the UAD forums, whether he's working for them or he's just a total fanboi, he's not going to come out and say their products suck.
  15. Kyrad

    Kyrad Ultrasonic

    Mar 18, 2014
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    Same thought... but i just checked out again today. Now i could see my Stuff i actually own.
  16. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I hear you on that. Cherry picking good results is a thing, and I don't hang out in UAD forums as I don't use their stuff anymore. But good catch, and agreed. Time will tell I guess...
  17. Rodrick Williams

    Rodrick Williams Member

    Feb 1, 2019
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    I'm happy they are going native since i own most of the plugs what I'm pissed about is my 2 octo sattelites that may as well be papweights when they port them all over to native instead of the few the have now
  18. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Rodrick? How is more not more? Maybe you will not have the latest 10K Mac and your native power won't come close to your 16 cores? Maybe you will want to do some mixing on your laptop?

    All this complaining from current UA customers is hilarious. They are giving you native for FREE!


    UA saw the new bump in power and gave their customers native for FREE!

    (Honestly this forum sounds like a bunch of whiney, spoiled, entitled amateurs that think they deserve all software for free. I am a little ashamed of you right now.)
  19. Qiloo

    Qiloo Ultrasonic

    May 26, 2016
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    That was with the native version of Logic. When I switched to Rosetta the CPU decreased a lot. However I think it still uses a lot of CPU for a compressor and an EQ
  20. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Native means something different here. Means the code is runable on the system without card, but this could still leave a wrapper option/emulator maybe similar to the DSP56300 emu (i mean the concept, not the emulation strategy used)? It would make sense, write one SHARC emu and emulate all plugins that way without further doing and you wouldnt even see it in the CPU manager.

    And this has nothing to do with M1 and intel blabla ...

    But in the video it kinda looks smooth.
    idk ... maybe mac people can give some more insight if its emulated or runs on the system wihtout going the extra mile?!
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