UAD Customer Support want me to send my System Report

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by R&B-Lover, Dec 6, 2022.

  1. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You realize they will not care about anything other than blaming someone else and getting you off the phone, while "keeping the product sold". So once it works with one machine and OS, that will be that. It's on you. The device nor it's software are defective. It's whatever you are using that will be at fault.

    The more devices you include in the discussion, the more likely they will be able to point in multiple directions.

    "You can make a clean install and it will work" is all they will need to hear, and you will be right back with the same problem.

    You are confusing yourself. Focus on one machine and one device. You want this thing working? Wipe a SSD. Reinstall MacOS. Catalina or newer. Not Ventura.

    Your possible issue can be power related, or any of a universe of other possibilities. For testing, use 1 device, and 1 Mac. 1 trusted power supply.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2022
  2. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    if your main has been upgraded, as in not the original os version that you started with, then it could be that so i do recommand you go for it, grab a new ssd install a new clean os on it, clean drivers, and just enough plugins to test with and see what the issue is.
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    So that is now 2 votes for wiping an SSD and reinstalling. But I'd already be looking for a box to ship that shit back with.

    You have to remember that the onboard DSP plugins are going to cause the unit to Draw more power. It will not encounter the issue until the device is under a realistic work load. By connecting at 40GB/s Thunderbolt 3 speeds, it has all the throughput in the world to pull from. First it will spin up the CPU fan on the Mac. Then it will fail as it loses connectivity.

    I think the issue is a design flaw starting with the 40gbs connectivity. Who needs this? Not me. It causes a burden on both devices; and if you have underlying electrical issues this only ramps up the outcome. It's going to work just great, on a newly wiped system under no load. Like the engine on a generator with a bad genset. Runs great, perfect Frequency. Load is applied, engine dies. Simple mechanical stuff, but not covered in Electronics For Audio 101. Because it's electrical for a electrician, not a musician.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2022
  4. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    It sounds like a similar issue that I had with my USB Apollo (PC), which was Firmware related and downgrading fixed it for me. Sounds like it might be worth downgrading one device only to check if it happens

    The switching clock sounds like some kind of attempt to synchronise... Is it possible that your DAW is causing it? Does it happen with both Cubase and Studio One?

    I've had issues similar with my MIDI keyboard before as well. I know in Ableton there is the option to 'sync' the MIDI keyboard, so is it possible that you have a sync activated in the DAW with a different device? In Ableton you could activate sync on several devices so that might cause constant flipping when it can't decide which is the primary

    Its also not clear if the Babyface is connected together. That sounds like both manufacturers might be attempting to be the primary. Do you get issues with just the Octo and Babyface, where the Octo can't take control of the clock so you'd know for certain that the Babyface has the clock?

    Another random thought... Do you reuse the same track as a Template? If so, could you have copied across some data that has been written into a lane like a SysEx message telling UAD to switch clock? I can't remember if that's even possible and from vague Cubase memory I know SysEx data can be shown in a list, so if its written somewhere you'd see the line for 'change clock source'... You could probably repeat that deliberately by turning on SysEx recording, hit record and switch clock to see if it gets captured
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The clock jumping back and forth is because with the digital connections it is attempting make, both carry their own word clock.

    It has to be digitally locked to function. thats why you see sync failure symptoms. The problem is the same one; but people frequently misinterpret what it is doing or why. The primary problem is not the clock. That is a byproduct. It is why when you digitally lock 2 devices, you cannot use MTC but instead are stuck using MMC (midi machine control) because the clock is set by the digital connections built in word clock information. As soon as digital lock is lost, they default immediately back to hunting for a clock source. Remember that the X series devices are running 40 gigabytes per second connectivity over usb (thunderbolt 3 same thing). The most small amount of power loss or signal loss, will trip that clock light.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2022

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Seems like you are at an impasse.

    They aren't going to diagnose if there are warez causing a problem, that is a little outside of their purview. If you can not reproduce the problem on a clean system with only legitimate software and even you yourself think it might be warez, I don't understand where all the drama is coming from.

    A system report could point to a driver or something they knowingly have a problem with. If it was transmit error due firmware and driver errors problem a kernel dump might help.

    Seems to me like you want the doctor to patch up a haemorrhoid but are unwilling to drop your trousers.

    If you can get the problem to manifest itself on a clean system it narrows things down a bit, if you can not then at least you can self diagnose and try to find the offending code.

    Everything else is crystal balls and hullabaloo.
  7. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    no, i said
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You're right. I Kindly paraphrased my own post for you to repeat it with more accuracy. He has already spent 1000$ on a device that is not going to work one way or another; without a trip to the store and 100 bucks more for a new SSD before re-reading my posts.

    Sorry about that. :bow:
  9. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    You can open the report with text edit or a plist editor and check if any of your plugins/tools are listed and delete the corresonding entries section. But be careful to not mess up the file structure.
  10. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    No worries

    usually a clean os would solve any problem on the user's end, if that didn't fix it, then it's hardware related, from cable to thunderbolt ports to anything.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2022
  11. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest


    1. Backup (Clone your system as it is)
    2. After confirming it is successful in cloning, uninstall every piece of cracked software.
    3. Run the UAD again.
    4. If the same problem exists, send them the system report with confidence.
    5. If it does not happen anymore, UAD support is not needed so reinstall your software gradually and test it randomly until the same issue reoccurs which would identify the culprit software.
    - After step #2 above, send them a system report.
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  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    What I am saying, and so is he; is that a clean fresh install will most certainly fix it. But there is a caveat to that. He has to install all sorts of other stuff between now and the day he gets a big project open to really see this happen. But it will happen. So in the meantime he is adding more work and lack of productivity to it all. Exactly as @BaSsDuDe suggests.

    And then it will happen again. and again. And by the time you have really gotten to the end of it; you are outside the period of time where the retailer will take it back. And "It works as designed" means you are stuck with it. To the tune of 1000$. The little devices are like introductory Crack.
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