u he or not u he, that's the fkin $270 question

Discussion in 'Software' started by wouala woualouf, Feb 14, 2019.

  1. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Every public people (especially in EU) is (or simulate) radical leftist,in this way you might please to most of people around this world,with pseudo-humanist values.
  2. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I think it's fair and pro consumer to have a demo version, for something that needs to be played and experienced to judge whether it's worth buying. Ditto games. Needless to say this is rarely the case. I'd rather have a softsynth where the sound is moar important than the AP. This is sometimes the case. Urs seems awfully proud of his AP. Less so of his synths.

    You assume that he didn't code Tone2's agressive AP and let them take the heat for it? I'm not so sure about that, he does seem awfully proud of the idea, defends it and justifies it to the hilt - a strange thing to do for something ur not intimately wrapped up in. I think it's a safe assumption to make that he helped write it, given how pleased he is of his furtive "cryptographic" work?

    Anyway, I'll let Urs speak for himself, maybe you can tell me if he's referring only to "cracking groups"?:

    Having been a ex-customer on the receiving end of his AP efforts, this confession should be food for thought for anyone wishing to encourage this kind of entitled, I'm-always-right, everything-is-justified thinking. I think that anyone daring to have the temerity to change their clock, hosts file or have IDA installed might wanna beware of how "stressed" their PC might become?

    Technically difficult to tell whether someone knowingly leaked anything, including the devs themselves. Mind-read-me-don't. But illuminating, still. It would be difficult to know what extra AP measures these unfortunate blacklisters are put thru? Urs does say that he is "investigating" AiR IRL, maybe he's sitting outside the homes of suspected blacklisters, like a chubbier, hairier version of Red? =)

    Seems like an out-and-out confession that his AP has a lot in common w/ Tone2; "exploit" is a very interesting, very telling word. Are you willing to be "exploited" by a soft-synth?! =) I would not be surprised if DIVA bitcoin-mines suspected "pirates", it certainly would explain where all those CPU cycles went! :D
  3. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Based on the former saying that he "shares code" with them behind the scenes. This is (absolutely) confessed, proud, much-vaunted (across multiple sites) connective tissue and given how keenly supportive he is of (indefensible) Tone2, hardly weak.

    I say that (as someone who has been subject to his AP despite having a license) I hold him to no standard except the one his words hold him to. I believe I have summed up the jist of his meaning fairly, but I quoted him directly in my last reply.

    I suppose it is an "absurd standard" to expect our legit software to work at least? =)

    Actually (and hopefully not just as someone who has been treated as an unlicensed user despite having a license) I just see users, without distinction.

    Who's taking things out of context :P
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
  4. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    My dear, you must agree with my points as you never refuted either. It seems that the rather large emotional commitment that you have for Urs Heckman is clouding your judgement. Additional filters and an on board arp constitute greater capabilities as well as the modular aspect of Diva. I love The Legend, you love The Legend, we all love The Legend, though logic dictates that Diva has more choices and so capabilities in which to design a patch. If you outlive him one day you can do a jig on Heckman's grave, until then eat lots of greens and drink plenty of water until that greater end.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
  5. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    @famouslut, look man, respectfully, this is a waste of time. What you wrote goes deep into "conspiracy theory" territory, and it's not worth my time. You have zero evidence of U-He participating in Tone2's actions, and you have zero evidence of him using the same or similar methods in his own products. What he thinks or feels about Tone2's actions (or about anything else, really) is not relevant. Of course I assume that what someone else does is that other person's doing and not U-He's, why would I ever assume anything else? This is also why I am telling you that your post is nonsense, and I don't go after, say, your brother, just because I might catch him enthusiastically being proud of you engaging in pointless online debates, because I know that what he says or thinks about your actions has nothing to do with your actions, because they belong to you and not to him, and because it is completely normal to assume that you are the author of your own actions. Anyway, this is enough. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
  6. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    As I said, you are entitled to your opinion and your ears and what you value. I don't rly care about what fx a softsynth has, let alone whether it has an ARP, these "capabilities" are usually turned off ASAP in every synth I use. It's seen as a "capability", for me, to not have them! When you said "The Legend cannot hold a candle to Diva's capabilities", it is as an emulation of the original I'm judging it against. I think the video posted earlier does a pretty fair assessment. But it was moar the "I really dig The Legend but Diva sings a more complex melody" thing I most disagreed with. I think DIVA sings a less accurate (less complex?) melody. Again, I'd refer to the comparison video. I'm not sure if this proves anything, but I hope you can appreciate that we just have different perspectives? I can't refute your ears, if you like it use it!

    I don't know, I think that anyone thinking of supporting a dev with their cash should know what the dev stands for. I've tried to be fair to Urs, use his own words fairly and be objective as I can about sound waves in the ether. I think it should give pause to anyone thinking of backing him that he doesn't see any fault, but instead lends support to those involved in the Tone2 scandal. As well as to know explicitly that he'd "welcome" it if you become "blacklisted" or be "exploited" or your PC "stressed" should his softsynth malfunction. Although if I were being emotional, maybe I'd just say function? These are not causes I'd want to put my money into.

    XD nice line. Have a good weekend urself. I'd just like everyone to know what they're getting into. These triumphant posts do seem rather like a proud parent excusing his kid, in tone. 2. (Anyway, I was being a bit /s with the bitcoin mining et al, but it was Urs who claimed that he was "exploiting" ppl. His "advanced cryptography" means we may never know precisely how?)
  7. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    @famouslut.. Are you saying that Einstein wasn't a genius because he didn't appeal to your notion of what you feel is a definition of attractiveness? Diva has more capabilities to create a patch and has nothing to do about my opinion or your's.
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  8. Raddler777

    Raddler777 Guest

  9. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I'm saying that (for me) DIVA has a lot more obstacles (things to switch off) and doesn't do as good a job emulating the original, which is subjective I know. The capability to sound like the original is one of the few things I'm interested in, rly. It's fine if DIVA does a good job for you, enjoy it! Why you think that moar fx or arpeggiator et al make a softsynth "more capable" is genuinely puzzling, tho. Less focused on the core sound maybe, is my perspective. I'd argue that all those things you list are totally irrelevant, really like saying how you think Einstein is defo a bigger genius because he wore bigger spectacles & moar often than Hawking or w/e. "My irrelevant list is provable beyond doubt as a fact for everyone"! =)

    I don't consider that FX / ARPs (!!) are part of "creating a patch". The increased tab browsing and gui clicking are a massive hinderance to the nuts and bolts of patch design, in fact. *ugh* sub-par ARPs & crappy delay / verb *shudder*
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2023
  10. Stripes

    Stripes Noisemaker

    Nov 25, 2017
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    It would be easier to verify if there was a record of a certain Dan S. or slutboyfame@xxx ever owning a u-he product.
  11. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I don't suppose there is a list of this sort of culprit? Even with proper licenses I tend to keep rolling with software that remains easy to install.

    Btw, It took a minute for me to realize you guys were talking about Urs of uhe, not to be confused with URS the mysterious Dev who has one of the best channel strips ever programmed.
  12. Stripes

    Stripes Noisemaker

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Let's recall what happened. Tone2 checked if their website was blacklisted in the HOSTS file. He then swapped the o for a 0. Out of all things Tone2 alledgedly did, I found this one the most benign, if not good enough for a chuckle.

    Other than that, there's enough public record of openly fought out fewds between Tone2 and u-he, there's no way they'd ever worked together on copy protection.

    In case of doubt, it's very easy to verify. Run any u-he software in Sandboxie and check which files they access. Nada.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
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  13. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    No Zebra - Not Interested! Period!
  14. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Well, given that there is a verified (by devs) blacklist, it would certainly make sense to willingly add my registration details to it! XD

    Urs says exactly, precisely that in a topic about their abortive AP! Worse, he seems inordinately proud of Tone2 and their methods. And shamelessly admits that they are one of the devs he works closely with:

  15. Stripes

    Stripes Noisemaker

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Sharing ideas and experience does not mean that everyone also uses them.

    I think you're reading to much into that. I don't think you'll find any quote where anyone from u-he condones formatting your hard drive, crashing your computer, restarting it, holding it captive or whatever crappy stuff Tone2 alledgedly do. You're just being outraged because you want to broadcast outraged. How many years ago was that?

    I'd also be surprised if you find any evidence of users having trouble with their copy protection. The internet would be full of it if that was the case.

    Your posts sound like those of a disgruntled ex-customer who's holding a grudge over expectations which were not met. Accidents happen. Customers and support staff get off on the wrong foot. That's pretty much true with any software company. It's not exclusive to u-he.
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  16. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Sorry to bother, but in the end its all just about music. And U-He got quality stuff, no doubt about that.
    If u dont like it dont use it. If u like it, try it or buy it (if you got the budget, im constantly in Try-Mode unfortunately)!
    Back to the program
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
  17. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I think ur reading too little into it, I can understand why. Urs shamelessly admits they plan this AP together as a common goal, admitting too that (paraphrase) "it is silly to repeat ourselves". He spends time defending the indefensible. Like I said earlier, it smacks of a proud parent, especially when he says something like: "Ha! I see AiR only cracked one softsynth! They must be hurt that our AP is too strong, that's the real reason for the info leak!" or smthn.

    Edit: if you read the latest posts from R2R, I think you can see exactly how a legit user could get blacklisted, since the shared key API (that eats all the VSTs' cycles) and have their legit synth fail. You will never hear about this, since Urs keeps a tight reign on any site carrying this info. (See: deleted topics I linked to.)
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2023
  18. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    In fact the plugin developer with better reputations & approximately better than most cash flow seems to have best protection, im talking bout u-he, softube, soundtoys, slate, nearly zero plugins from those 4 @ sistersite for osx at least. No coincidence
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
  19. Stripes

    Stripes Noisemaker

    Nov 25, 2017
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    But apparently none of their plug-ins has ever written into the HOSTS file, or done any of these things Tone2s apparently did.

    How long ago was your incident then? Before u-he had support staff or after? Before they fired the guy who wasn't good at it or after?

    See, what you make an argument here is pretty much whataboutism. You take singular experiences and your own impressions and sell them as the common reality. Even though evidently, most people have quite the opposite experience.
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  20. No list that I know of. I started maintaining a HOSTS file when my kid wanted us to run a Windows gaming computer (Windows games totally pwn PC games), and I secured it by running noscript, and adding all of the shady-looking IP addresses to the host file. And I still do that to kill popups and redirects.

    Over the years I have also started to add software IPs as more stuff phones home. And then I need to remember to remove them from the HOSTS file if/when I go legit. IMO it is easy to do, but I was already used to it. But because I am used to managing my HOSTS directly, that's why maybe I am more outraged by the thought of a developer undermining that. Giving an installer root permissions is something that shouldn't be abused, that's a violation of trust.

    Of course, a really secure household network will have a dedicated standalone firewall, so that somebody getting permissions on your box doesn't compromise your security. But, understandably, not everybody does that.
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