TZH136 // Sakdat & Balaur - Summon The Magic EP incl. Hansel!

Discussion in 'Music Releases' started by TzinahRecords, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. TzinahRecords

    TzinahRecords Member

    Apr 21, 2015
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    As we continue our mission, we explore more and we dig the greatest under-ground artists out there. We have developed a great relation with Sakdat & Balaur brothers, from our north relatives. They are truly responsible for many anthems and we hope you cherish the tracks from this album too. Fore remixing our brother-in-law Hansel! has waken up straight to the after-hours party with his main drums on and with his finesse touch at hand. This is the story of Summon The Magic EP by Sakdat and Balaur including Hansel! remix. From Tzinah with Love!
    Sakdat & Balaur - Summon The Magic EP [TZH136] incl. Hansel! is supported by Richie Hawtin, Marco Carola, Paco Osuna, Archie Hamilton, Jorge Savoretti, Viceversa, Primarie, Vincent Casanova, Marcelo Cura, Michel de Hey, Fedotov, Sebastian Eric, Costin Rp, Dragos Ungureanu, Alex Rusu, Georgia Girl, Iuly.B and many more! Thank you!
    Feedbacks :
    raresh: merci
    richie hawtin: "downloaded for r hawtin"
    marco carola: "downloading for Marco carola: thanks"
    PACO OSUNA: "Will try thanks
    joseph capriati: "downloading for joseph capriati: thanks !"
    cesar merveille: "good stuff thanks!"
    Archie Hamilton: "Great stuff thanks"
    mihai popoviciu: "nice! will try summon the magic."
    Jorge Savoretti: "endlevel is super nice!"
    viceversa: thanks
    Primarie: "smooth and clear! attractive vibes"
    Vincent Casanova: "Fantastic time-travellers: nice one boys!"
    Marcelo CUra: "nice ep thx"
    michel de hey: "superb stuff: many thanks"
    Fedotov: Awesome!
    sebastian eric: "well done for this 2 guys Sakdat & Balaur"
    Costin Rp: "thanks :)"
    dragos ungureanu: "Thank you
    Alex Rusu: "very nice ep ! hansel remix for me"
    Georgia Girl: "Nice: thanks!"
    iuly.b: "As far as we can go is really nice!"
    Iftodee: "all of them"
    arseniu: "thank you"
    Bronxy: "Hansel! is good. Thx"
    Valts Incis: "Well done EP with tracks with various vibes"
    Junker: "Massive! Thanks. Big up TZH!"
    vlf: "thank you!"
    GREGO G: "as always from hansell and tzinah : very nice one :)"
    Vern: "Good Ep ! Thank you:)"
    crescent: "nice to have this ! great work to all ! thnx !"
    Vlad Bretan: "always love the sound of this guys"
    Phoq: "Nice one thanks !"
    petyt: good
    iON: "Nice EP!"
    Petit Batou: "Nice EP ! Endlevel is my fav: I love Hansel! remix too"
    Angel Mosteiro: "Nice release! Thanks"
    Rush Arp: "Thanks for the music"
    vloon: "super EP thanks!!"
    Laumee: "Super! Thank you for this"
    Pawlo Tojeda: "Top Sounds: great ep: thx for music: will support"
    Mihut: "Nice: thank you."
    jack cheler: "Bomb: guys"
    Alejandro Cuestas: "cool release"
    Origins Of Time: "All the tracks are great !!! top !!!"
    Osvit: "Cool Ep! thanks"
    Ben Abrahams: "Great ep! End level is my fave. Will play"
    josh wicks: 10/10
    Mau.: "love the ''summon the magic'' track ! support"
    Pablo Cornejo: "Thank you for the music. Endlevel Bass lines for me ! :)"
    Vygo: "Hansel remix for me! Thanks a lot!!"
    Dorothy's Dream: "Amazing ep! Love them all thanx:)"
    fiL: Legends...
    Saboar: "Great One! Full support!"
    Tiberiu: "sounds great.big up"
    adrianho: "good ep will play thanks"
    arseniu: "nice ep: thank you"
    brs: "nice one!"
    Enivrez Vous: "Great Ep! Thank u"
    Stanley Foster: "As Far As We Can Go! Magic work."
    GERMAN LUQUE: "very nice EP!!! Thank you!!"
    danielle nicole: "gracias !"
    Los Bastoneros: thanks
    Sebes: "amazing ep: thanks"
    dj sossa: "nice release full support"
    josh wicks: 10/10
    Angel Mosteiro: "Nice release! Thanks!"
    crescent: "as far as we can go ? buna tare : multam ! bafta multa baieti !"
    fiL: "Always great work from these two... Legends!"
    Paradoxal: "Nice sound from these guys! Always delivering"
    Bronxy: "Good release"
  3. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    you forgot THE most crucial part here....

    LINK TO THE MUSIC:dunno:
  4. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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