Two non-English J-Pop songs for a bunch of girls.

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by ARTHEMISC, Jul 23, 2024.


    ARTHEMISC Producer

    Dec 10, 2022
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    Hello, how are you?
    Hope everyone have a great day always.

    Anyway, I made two songs with J-Pop references. I don't know if it's still same as J-Pop music influences there.
    I wrote the songs, made the vocal melody (only vocal melody, not lyric), arranged it, did everything from recording/making all the instruments, mixing, and mastering.

    I made these two songs initially using the same chord progression in the chorus, then I developed it from there. Of course, I differentiate between the arrangements and the music.

    This one I made without the distortion guitar, and I made it softer than the other one. I used a synth from Serum for the melodic solo part.

    Meanwhile, I made this one rockier than the previous one.
    I used the guitar to fill the guitar solo.

    Maybe there are suggestions for my future production?
    Thank you for your attention, listening, and opinions.

    Wishing you all a great day always.
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