Two main problems.

Discussion in 'Reaper' started by Wolfang, Jun 2, 2020.

  1. Wolfang

    Wolfang Producer

    Apr 17, 2019
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    Reaper seems pretty decent so far. Two things I'm still struggling with are duplicate and FX button in the midi editor.

    When you crrl+D in the arrange view, the new item is copied and pasted at the right next to the original one. However, it doesn't work in the same way in the midi editor. Sometimes, it works fine but many times, it is pasted elsewhere. I still don't get the system.

    Second, there is no way to pull up the instrument window on the midi editor full-screen mode. I need to check the instruments to see the key-switches and etc, but nothing worked. I tried to add the action, but it didn't work in the midi editor.