Trying to make a bootleg of Ayla-Ayla (DJ Taucher Remix)

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by acatnamedharmony, May 24, 2021.

  1. acatnamedharmony

    acatnamedharmony Ultrasonic

    May 9, 2017
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    I've been really wanting to make a bootleg, specifically of the DJ Taucher remix.

    I've yet to hear a modernized version or remix of it that really captures the beauty & simplicity of that particular track. It still gives me chills.

    Usually when I'm working on a bootleg I'm pretty good at figuring out a combination of filtering the sections I want and layering them with a few synths but there's a lot of extra background noises during the breakdowns that makes it particularly difficult to sample. Also, sound designing from scratch has never been a strong suite for me. Mostly I'm just looking to recreate the Pads, Plucks and Leads in a way that's accurate to the original and doesn't sound corny. I know they aren't overly complex but a few pointers might help. I've had some luck with U-he Diva with the Pads. Also that vocal sample has got to come from somewhere but I've got yet to locate it or find an acceptable way to sample it. I remember years ago reading that it came from some Turkish thing . . . I think.

    Either way, Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks =)
    Last edited: May 24, 2021