Trying to learn arrangement

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by user1293435134, Aug 3, 2021.

  1. Don't get me wrong. I have gratitude for everyone who contributed at all. Thanks for trying to help out some stranger on the internet. Good humans.
  2. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    "We need someone experienced/ knowledgeable to break it down.
    Please stop sending comments on this thread if it is the same old bullshit."

    No, you need to put yourself into it, and just DO IT.

    It doesn't matter who comes, and how experienced/paradigm shifting their words are,
    or how useful/true are the tutorials/vids he links..

    As long as you refuse to put yourself into it, and just do it,
    like every single one of us has always ever done.

    You have had very valuable advice come from very different angles already,
    but you haven't put any of it into practice already.. have you?

    But you just complain like a Cheems meme like "it doesn't work, I cannot do it, I've got diarrea"
    Enough excuses already!!

    Just do it, do it for yourself and by yourself.
    Follow your Will and your vision/intuition..
    and if you need help, try re-watching, re-reading and rethinking about the advice that has already been given.

    (Or find new proper material by yourself, you can google too..)
    (Or come back and ask the Proper Questions that you need answered..)

    The same old bullshit you reject,
    is the same old bullshit you should have tackled, dealt with, sift through, and internalized a long time ago,
    or all the while..

    And is the same old bullshit that's gonna come to you until you deal with it once and for all..

    You can fight/reject it all you want,
    but shit will never work until you really Deal with it, fully and directly in all aspects.

    Some of them are Technical,
    some of them are Musical > Theoretical/Harmonical, Structural, etc..

    But this Shit is not/never gonna do itself,
    or install itself in your mind, no matter how much you complain...

    So yeah, go for it and do it, or don't..
    But don't expect ppl to do it for you, because nobody can, regardless of his experience..

    Only you can!
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  3. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Image-Line if you're reading this, please make a "Whip this track up into a Grammy" plugin for this mofucker so he can inster it into his master channel I beg you and you better make it fucking dance like that girl does in your other plugin or the deal is off!
  4. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    One-click Grammymeika'.. lol

    Actually I thought about a good forum activity we could integrate, the..
    Make a (musical) Turd day!

    Where noobs come and get all hands-on and DO IT,
    or collab on doing it, Fast, Dirty and True..

    And experienced guys watch and smirk/laugh from afar, or give proper advice/mansplain like:
    use the fork, put more salt, no not balsamic vinegar.. etc :rofl:
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  5. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    He whine, he complain.
    But he still want that Grammy and the fame.

    He like morning sex but there ain't nothin he like more than these green checks.
  6. I love you guys
  7. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I see why Max needed a Swedish Camp Mafia to work their ass to the bone in the next 3 days or Michael Jackson doesn't even want it. OP's last name is Jackson.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021

    SSSSHHH Noisemaker

    Sep 1, 2019
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    Yes, same feeling. I have not find a good explanation.
    I think this will help to solve our problem, the answer to this question.
    For example, I'm going to select an "easy" genre I'm interested: classic boom bap hip hop.
    I know some beats are the same all the time but for example a beat that have only: Intro - Verse - Chorus........(in different order), what is the relation between the chord progression of the verse and the chord progression of the chorus? Is there any characteristic change?
    I think if we solve this, and someone tell us that the most characteristic boom bap arrangement is: Intro - Verse............... I think we could work on this thing in different tracks and go out of the arrangement trap doubt.

    I said boom bap because is something I think that could be easy and when I/we get used to it, we could do something similar in other genres like house for example.

    I think that when I have one genre structure I will enjoy a lot the process, without that loop feeling.
  9. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I'd love you more if you watched that beginner series on what Fl Studio is even
  10. I was thinking about the same thing (moving genres) in order to understand arrangement. But I like a challenge. I do not want to make Trap. Everyone makes the same shit, distorted 808s everywhere with an Omnisphere bell arp. What skill is required really to make trap. You just need an Okay ear.

    I am not moving to an easier genre because if I can understand this difficult one, I will automatically understand the easier ones. It is more efficient. Just strive to understand the hard stuff and you'll be able to do everything all at once from the skills you learn.

    I am sure that if I started making Trap I would understand structure pretty easily, since most tutorials on YouTube nowadays are for Trap anyways. Trap is "Urban Pop". Every kid listens to it and every producer makes it, that's why everything is trap centered now.

    I respect Trap producers though, they make good money making easy beats. Little investment, high reward.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2021
  11. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    A-Are you sure?
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  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Probably just a misunderstanding.
  13. I'm saying you did not explain yourself clearly/ simply enough.
  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    O.K, in other words, can you deal with FX or what are you still lacking in knowledge or skills?
    Is a little difficult sometimes because I use a google translator. I speak little English.
  15. Those effects you sent are external plugins, I am not familiar with any of them.
  16. Sorry my bad, didn't know English wasn't your first language. To answer your question, yes, I still do not know when and where in my song to use which FX. I don't know the conexts, I know it is used for transition right? But I don't know which to use. Also, I use the Vengeance Sound sample packs by the way, thats where I get my FX (uplifters/ sweeps, downlifters/ downsweeps, hits/ impacts, etc).

    E.g. Vengeance Essential House Vol. 2 (VEH2), Vengeance Effects Vol. 1 (VFX1), etc.
  17. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    This is one of the possible sequences: EQ -> Delay -> Reverb -> Stereo Enhencer -> Compressor -> Limiter
  18. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Please read in and learn.

    What is Mixing? Mixing is the process of mixing recorded soundtracks together. Various processes such as equalization (EQ), compression and reverb effects are used. The aim of mixing is to get the most out of your multi-track recording by equalizing volumes, determining the position of a track within the stereo image and applying audio effects ( e.g. chorus, reverb, delay). You should shape your arrangement in such a way that all tracks are optimally proportioned to each other. All recordings with more than one track must be mixed. There is no right or wrong number of tracks - just no track is not an option. The output of a mixed multi-track recording is known as a mixdown. This is the last step before mastering; it doesn't matter whether you recorded the tracks yourself or are using pre-recorded sample packs - what is more important is that you learn how to mix your music on your own. To take your music to the next level, you need to take control of your artistic and creative vision - this is how you improve your skills. Before you dive into specific areas of mixing, get started with the basic tips presented here. In this way you can fundamentally improve your mix without becoming an absolute professional.
  19. Oh I see what the issue is, it's probably translation. When I say FX I don't mean effect plugins, I mean FX samples. Just like the examples I gave above.
    I already know about EQ, delay, reverb, compression etc. at least the basics of them in sound design. I would not even be able to make melodies or even basic drum loops if I didn't know that stuff. That's not what this thread is about. I've said that many times.

    This thread is about being able to make a complete and full song. How to arrange loops/ patterns into a complete song.

    You probably cannot help me, the language barrier will not let either of us describe certain intricacies. Thanks for trying to help, friend.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2021
  20. If only people would stop trolling, so people can actually contribute to the thread. Trolling means people will take this thread as a joke. Stop for the love of Christ or whoever you serve. Jokes aren't funny when someone is struggling with something. I am dead serious here, trying to learn how to make music. There's thousands of members on this forum yet only a handful tried to comment here and help. Ironically, this is a music forum.