Trying to learn arrangement

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by user1293435134, Aug 3, 2021.

  1. jiggsaw

    jiggsaw Noisemaker

    Jan 2, 2020
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    I honestly think that the thing you're looking for is automation. That's what you really need to focus on. You already have the template for the arrangement. But you're talking about FX and other things.

    Here's a quick example (using the arrangement image you posted):

    At the Pre-Chorus point, you can mute everything except the hi-hat. Do that for 2 bars. Maybe add a faint delay to them. Or change the hi-hat pattern. Then the next 2 bars, automate volume (slowly rise) for everything else except the kick and bass. This would bring you to the Chorus/Drop section. So kick and bass come in here to join the rest of the instruments. Then add something like a crash or impact sound right at the beginning as well. All of that leads up to telling the listener's ears that THIS IS THE DROP.

    That was just one example but there's TONS of ways to do it. That's literally how you get out of just making loops and actual making songs.
  2. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021
  3. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    People have even sent you YT vids since you couldn't google them yourself. Make an Intro, chorus, bridge, verse and outro at least. Then switch the pices around until you are satisfied. Do what Plainview has said about time markers and you won't even have to figure it out because it's already set up for you to fill in with your own parts.

    Again Download an acapella off the net and work your beat around that so you know what it's liek to have a leading element in your track that you should be supportive of with your instrumental. You've been giving the advice you've been giving several times now without you making any attempts. Go and try it before fapping your fingers into your keyboard once more.
  4. Thanks for some specific suggestions, are you experienced with EDM? I have a few questions.
  5. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    The basic music theory you said you learned and were ready to be quizzed on but not ready to give yourself a hand in your own track to figure out that melodies and edm melodies still follow the same rules by returning back to context as I said earlier.

    Root note then back again without hitting keys that are horrendously off. You've been told this already while claiming you did know it but you're still asking for special edm notes.
  6. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Rip an Avicii track and have at it already. It's literally easy if you try.
  7. You are being very vague, sounds like you are not sure yourself. If you really have a great understanding you would be able to tell me exactly what to do simply. Like the Einstein quote says, if you cannot break it down to be simple enough to teach a 6 year old you don't really get it yourself. Do us both a favour and please stop commenting on my thread seems like you cannot honestly help and even you are frustrated by me not understanding your points. I need more helpful opinions from other members like @jiggsaw not the ongoing ramblings of you. I am sure someone on this forum will eventually post a comment that actually points me in the right direction. They just need to think back to when they started making instrumentals. Put yourselves in my position. A newbie. How did you start making full songs?
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  8. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    From root note back in context means back to the root note without hitting all the shitty notes that sound off. Specific enough? Jesus, that's how a melody works in every style. Loop it back to the root note. Close your melody to meet the root note so it makes sense, get it?

    Everyone has already given you the answers and googled videos for oyu which you didn't even watch.
  9. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Before you load the FX inserts, slide the output controller to approx -8 to -12 dB, after you have loaded all FX, the sound at the output should be around -1 dB -to -0 dB, never above 0 dB or in the red area, that is then scrap (clipping). If the track is too quiet you can turn the make-up control on the "compressor" to the right.


    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021
  10. Do you mean the slider on the master track? You've lost me.
  11. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Right click on the knob in the mixer track next to the plugin you want to automate the mix parameter then create an automation clip. It should show up in the playlist/arrangement window.
  12. @BEAT16 What are you even describing man. How does this relate to helping me make full instrumentals or arrangement? No offence intended, I am just confused.
  13. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Its how to make automation clips like that other comment you liked. To help you mix and therefore bring your arragement together.

    Man you really are brand new aren't you? Watch the beginner course on fl studio in the image-line channel on youtube. It will help bring you up to speed on the basics. Idk why you asked about arragement when you don't even have a melody together.
  14. I understand that already, I just don't know what BEAT16 is talking about, in regards to the FX samples.
  15. Can you send a link
  16. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    SSSSHHH Noisemaker

    Sep 1, 2019
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    I feel the same. I have been a lot of years in music production and I have big problems with arrangement. Reality is that I like to make loops and don't like to arrange because I don't know a good way to make it. I want to like it and follow real steps. If anyone knows any tutorial that could help, will be very welcome. All the arrangement / structure tutorials are not what I need, I think.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021

  18. This was helpful
  19. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Jiggsaw has given you a very good/interesting advice indeed,
    and it's clear he's got experience and the right mentality for Electronic music..

    It's true that EDM music is often more repetitive and based on automated loops,
    and a big part of the variation/Interest of the tracks comes from elements like Structure and Form..

    Similarly Beat16 told you to work on Timbre interchange,
    which can also be seen as part of the structural and form matters, and give some interest/variation to your track..

    All of this is Great Advice.

    However at the stage that you're at,
    I'd put more work on the Notes, the Structure, and base instruments themselves,
    dealing with the whole thing more Directly in First person, rather than letting it loop/automate on third person..

    It's not exactly the same to drive a slots-car with a controller..

    Than being yourself directly on the wheel..

    In other words -> Get your hands Dirty.

    Of course some music styles call for/require more of one approach than the other,
    EDM will always be much more automated, while Rock music will be a much more Direct kinda experience,
    simply because you need to physically play the intruments irl, and put all the notes yourself:
    from your mind, to your fingers, into an abstract time-based structure..

    But as difficult and old-fashionesd as it can be, this type of experience/approach is very valuable/fundamental,
    because it will make you see and feel the possibilities, limitations and constraints in person..

    I think if you always address music like this remote-thing that's doing itself with little interaction from your part,
    there's hardly ever gonna be any learning/improvement..

    Ofc you cannot put your hands inside of your DAW and touch the notes,
    but you can use your Keyboard to dial-in all the notes, for all instruments, for all sections/parts, you know what I mean..

    So yeah, take your keyboard, with your Bass sound/instrument,
    and lay out/structure by hand the different sections that you want to work on..

    Minimally you will need an Intro, a Main Theme, and a Verse.. no?

    So just take the Bass, put your Bassist Hat on,
    and try to think like/be a Bassist for a while..

    When you have those sections perfectly structured/outlined,
    do the same with another instrument like whatever... the Chords Pad.

    Put on your Keyboardist Hat, and decorate/fill the track,
    following whatever chords the Bass did/implied, doing melodies, arpeggios, holding notes,
    giving the element whatever Form you want it to have, while following the structure..

    Do that for all instruments, Get your hands Dirty.

    And also deal with it Mentally,
    think about the Structure, the Form and the Harmony.

    Think about Chords, think about the Scales, determine what you want, what you need,
    and what the Track Needs..

    Work on it personally, and don't stop until it's done.

    When you have more experience, and have successfully developed your ideas in a direct/first person way,
    then you can go to a more distant/general point of view, and deal with the thing more in terms of overall Form..

    Trying to put variation/interest in the way the Form and Structure of the track evolve over the different sections and so on.

    Then it's more like decorating like, first put more lettuce,
    but then for the next section change it to potato chips, whatever..

    And that's where automation, enveloping and loops can be super mega handy in terms of extending,
    and giving variation and interest to your track.

    But first you need to break yourself out of the Box,
    and you know it, an 8 beat Loop is never gonna do it.

    You need to do it.

    And do it personally, dirty your hands,
    and use your that round thing you've got over your shoulders..
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021
  20. I knew I was not alone in this problem. I am pretty sure most beginners/ amateurs struggle with this. They call it the "loop trap". Where all we make are loops/ patterns/ song components instead of actual songs.

    I have been searching for answers for a long time. I also have been doing the same thing for like a year or 2. Knowing that the only way I would actually progress is if I completed a song/ track. But I can't. There's tutorials that's what you guys will say, well I've read them, watched the videos, etc. None helped.

    This site explains the problem itself very well, but the solutions given did not help me.

    We need someone experienced/ knowledgeable to break it down. Please stop sending comments on this thread if it is the same old bullshit.

    If your name is Donut Nyamer do not post here either. No offence, but we need a fresh take on this problem.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2021