Trump can't block users on Twitter

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TonyG, May 23, 2018.

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  1. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I think FAIR found that (~ before Fox News at any rate =) there was no overall bias in reporting in the USA. The job of journalists is to give neutral accounts; both sides of controversial stories etcs. It's what they're trained to do, their whole raison d'etre. This "overcorrection" of (merely) perceived bias actually results in bias. That is all.
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  2. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    Is the one from the Virginia case having brunch with Ronald Reagan? In that case the federal judge in Virginia ruled that Loudoun Chairwoman Phyllis J. Randall (D-At Large) violated a Loudouner’s right to free expression by temporarily banning him from her “Chair Phyllis J. Randall” Facebook page. Judge James C.Cacheris was appointed by President Reagan.

    That is what really counts and matters in all of this. Now the Right complains and the Left is rejoicing but in so doing both ignore that in 3 or 7 years we could have a Democratic president and whatever decisions are reached by the courts today will dictate how the courts rule tomorrow. As the saying goes 'live by the sword, die by the sword". In sum, these arguments should no be based on Right/Left nor Republican/Democratic. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights do not allow government to control what political opinions we express. We should, and must, defend the Constitution. The Constitution is the only thing that bind us together. When we fail, it is because of the failures of citizens to respect the equality of all under the Constitution, or the failures of public officials to respect just limits on power.
  3. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    About the link, they're surveys/questionnaires, sent to "news organizations" currently owned by the likes of Time Warner, Disney, Comcast, and some much smaller corps like News Corp, The McClatchy Company, and The New York Times Company, to name a few, which completed way back in April 1998. Putting aside that they're "progressive" activist themselves who apparently point out, today, biases in the same "news organizations" in this list. This proves nothing, and even less than that as it relates to the very clear lefty bias you can see and hear with your own eyes ans ear today. Shit, several of these corps, like Time Warner, (being one of Hillary's top donors) have long since donated to the Clinton's, for example. Several of these corps, the bigger ones, you know, the lefty ones, all push the feminist/social justice message in one way or another. Just watching any of the new superhero shows, for example, on TV right now, you'll hear, as if woven into the dialog, feminist and or social justice rhetoric. I've actually stopped watching shows over this. Also, FFS they're questionnaires in 1998, they don't tell us any details (that I've seen), like did those receiving them know where these questionnaires came from? Did it have a big FAIR stamped in it? IDK. :dunno:

    Bah, worthless survey is worthless.

    And now the kicker:

    When I said left leaning media, I mean the left owns the vast majority of the media. Meaning, the production of the vast majority of TV shows, Movies, Music, News, and Art. To say these aren't predominantly liberal people is to piss on reality.

    BTW, I'm not a Conservative or Liberal. These are my observations. The left run media has in the last few years become a bit of a cult. Whether it's for business (doesn't seem to work but they keep doing it) or their new ideology (my guess), IDK for sure, but it's clearly there. Sorry to you "'I'm a classical Liberal" types, the word Liberal, in this context, has been hijacked.

    Thanks for playing. :mates:

    interesting, Jeff Cohen FAIR founder (also was a regular pundit on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC), was formerly a lawyer for the ACLU and is co-founder of who "is one of the two organizations that launched the Impeach Donald Trump Now petition on Inauguration Day".

    Roots Action a group of progressive political activist: Jamani Montague, Pia Gallegos, Deborah Thomas (of FAIR), Crystal Zevon (of FAIR), Norman Solomon (co-founder, Founder and President, Institute for Public Accuracy), Jeff Cohen, "endorsed by such respected, independent-minded progressives as":

    and more.

    Hey guise, progressive lefty activist say that the people on the left are neutral, because that's their job. :suicide:

    Anyways, I had to point that out. Let's not start arguing specifically about politics. It's bad enough it's unavoidable given the subject. Bias is just par for the course and it's most certainly there.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2018
  4. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    They explain the methodology and survey in detail, and there's an in-depth PDF. And the ("left-leaning media") trope was old news, even in 1998. A cliché birthed by Nixon. It was not true then, either. As evidenced by empirical data. Rather than the (wrong in 1998) supposition that journalists (per se) are necessarily "left wing elites". The survey (reality) found that they are more likely right wing economically, and liberal on some social issues, centrist overall. In Washington, at any rate. The whole idea that this affects reportage of the news has been debunked, links from the article will take you there too. It is merely an excuse for Fox News et al to "overcorrect" for assumed bias. Which is seemingly accepted without question.

    This (proud!) overcorrection is the opposite of what reporting the news is about, I hope you'll agree? (Also: I'm not sure that "Hollywood" dudes or musicians or sculptors report the news? Irrelevant straw man is irrelevant.)
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  5. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    President Donald Trump has unblocked the seven plaintiffs who sued him and members of his administration for blocking them on Twitter, but the president plans to appeal last month's ruling by a federal judge who said that Trump is in violation of the Constitution when he blocks Twitter users.

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  6. Lazybones

    Lazybones Member

    Oct 20, 2011
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    This is what I say to both far left and right partisans.... however wrong and idiotic, etc, you think the opposing side is, is that there's a 95%+ chance your views are just as wrong and idiotic. :thumbsup:
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2018
  7. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    It's as if you simply did not read anything I said. You're fixated on your interpenetration of what you think I said. Even in that tiny portion that you quoted, the details I speak of, you're not understanding what I'm asking for, or refuse to acknowledged it for whatever reason. Maybe it's me, I'm not communicating effectively.

    Now on the subject of your link, I didn't mention it before because I maintain my position that the results are not relevant today and that the entire organization is heavily biased, the link to the pdf is broken, it was when I tried it then, and it still is today.

    Also, your standard of empirical data is way below mine. I would never consider a survey, something so malleable, the answers of depending on any number of environmental and or beforehand knowledge factors, for example, reliable empirical data, only in the loosest sense, by definition. That is to say, just because it falls under the definition of empirical data doesn't mean the data is worth a shit.

    But none of that matter because:

    I say again: "When I said left leaning media, I mean the left owns the vast majority of the media. Meaning, the production of the vast majority of TV shows, Movies, Music, News, and Art. To say these aren't predominantly liberal people is to piss on reality." You assumed I meant the news in particular right off the bat, and you're sticking to it as if I haven't already explained myself otherwise.

    Why is a left owned media relevant? For one, it's the context of which I was speaking of to begin with, and two: In case you're asking, because it's only natural that liberal ideas will be expressed through a liberal media. Social issues, politics, morality, and or ideologies are expressed in the mainstream, the mainstream, unfortunately, shapes a lot of minds, beliefs and or opinions. Everything most people believe and or know about Trump, for example, is shaped by media, naturally. Yet people will speak of the man as if the have a personal relationship with him, like they know what he's thinking. That's the media at work, via his camp, or that side, or the opposition (which is far larger in terms of ownership and presence in the mainstream media).

    Talk about a straw man, intentional or not. You were off right from the get. Why don't you understand this? I never said "Hollywood dudes or musicians or sculptors report the news", never. It was never about the news in particular.

    Put simply, when I said "All it took was an (R), and a consistant push from an overwhelmingly left leaning mainstream media to change the narrative." You quoted only: "from an overwhelmingly left leaning mainstream media", and took it out of context. The sentence is referring to how rappers viewed Trump then VS how some of the same rappers view him now. Snoop Dogg, for example.

    That said, I think a new study, by a non-lefty, non-right, non-political activist entity would find the majority of news to be very biased to the left today, as in right now. I don't give a shit what a 20 year old "study" by a lefty activist group, based off a survey has to say. Even if you take the position it's somehow still relevant* (see below). Your say so, that survey = No shits at all. NULL.

    Sorry, I wasn't going to bring it up because it's besides my point from the beginning, but you do realize that society, many people in it, tend to change over the course of 20 years right? Opinions change, people move on, some new blood in, some old blood out, political landscapes change, societal norms change, ect. A lot can change in 20 years. Yes, even a reporters intellectual integrity can change to an ideological based approach, for example. That's ignoring that what an individual personally believes is not always what they'll express or may be called on to express. Just the fact that an individual works for company X may heavily weigh on that individual's answers to any given question regarding company X alone sidesteps the validity of this survey based approach, imo. The idea that this survey is still relevant 20 years later is just laughable to me man. I don't see how it isn't to you. As if the world, the particular businesses in question, and or everyone involved in them just remained stagnant since.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
  8. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    @freefeet12 You need to get back "ON TOPIC". As the title clearly states, this threat is about a court deciding that Trump can not block users on Twitter. I appreciate your participation but if you are going to continue "off topic" you need to start your own thread. All this left/right argument sooner or later ends up in heated arguments. We do not need that here. Thank you.
  9. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    That's all good, but I'm not going to stand by while someone twists, intentionally or not, what I'm saying. Also, there is no left VS right argument coming from myself. I've not positioned myself on the right or left, nor defended either side.

    But hey, at least the thread had something going on for the last couple weeks. Peace.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
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