Troubles using a legit Arturia bank on cracked Pigments / Analog Lab

Discussion in 'Software' started by LemonCanned, Mar 2, 2025 at 8:13 PM.

  1. LemonCanned

    LemonCanned Newbie

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    I have a cracked version of Arturia Pigments and Arturia Analog Lab:
    - Analog Lab V v5.7.0 CE-V.R
    - Arturia.Pigments.v4.0.1.CE-V.R
    Which I both use on FL Studio 20 on Windows 10 without problems.
    I also have been able to import a cracked bank in the past (Loom by Synth Blade) and it works on both VSTs.

    Now I bought a legit plugin (IDM Grooves) from Arturia. After installing it (with an .exe installer), it didn't show up. So I deleted all the db files at C:\ProgramData\Arturia\Presets (db.db3, db.db3-shm and db.db3-wal) following the advice of an old post. I restarted FL as admin, and IDM Grooves showed up after Arturia re-created the db. But, the new presets don't work! If I click on any of them, Pigments/Analog Lab will keep using whatever preset I was using before - only the "selected preset" name changes, but the actual settings are kept the same from the previous selection. :thumbsdown:

    I searched through old posts but they didn't help:

    The installation created a .JSON file (called IDM Grooves) under ProgramData\Arturia\Presets, which contains the version: {"version": ""}
    Also, the actual IDM Grooves files (.file extension) have been created at:
    C:\ProgramData\Arturia\Presets\Pigments\Factory\IDM Grooves

    I cannot search banks from the store, as in the cracked VSTs the stores aren't being loaded.And even they did, I am not sure it would be safe to register the bank (using the legit serial I have been given) from a cracked VST.

    Some banks are new and there are no cracked versions of them. I would really like to buy more legit plugins to understand if it is worth for me to buy legit Arturia.. Anyone able to help me?

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2025 at 8:26 PM
  3. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
    Likes Received:
    Either you only use cracked software or only purchased software.
    So either only V.R and cracked presets or only Arturia, unfortunately you can't have both.
  4. LemonCanned

    LemonCanned Newbie

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    Ah, was convinced the two could work together. Well fml then, no legit more legit banks for now lol
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