Tricks everybody should use

Discussion in 'Logic' started by bwem, Oct 31, 2012.

  1. bwem

    bwem Newbie

    Oct 16, 2012
    Likes Received:
    G Town
    I made this topic to discuss Logic's possibilities in stead of only talking about the occasional error which I see happening all across the board on different DAW's alike.
    I love working with Logic and love to learn hence this topic:

    One of my main Tricks is using the alt key as often as possible (also cmd and ctrl but alt the most)
    If you hold alt when you have a track on solo and you click on another track's solo button you can switch from listening to the tracks quickly, very good for A/B'ing.
    Also, if you click a parameter, like a volume fader, pan pot or loads of pluggin knobs, holding alt it goes back to 0 or nominal.

    When editing audio however, be careful holding alt because it will stretch. Awesome but tricky if your try to hold alt as much as possible :grooves: .

    When you want to set some audiofiles perfectly right you can hold ctrl to set it almost right,
    if you want that last 1 1 1 240 to be an 1 1 2 1 hold down ctrl together with shift to set it with one step at a time.

    Just an button holding start I guess, who can top this?? :wink: *yes*
  3. bwem

    bwem Newbie

    Oct 16, 2012
    Likes Received:
    G Town
    I admit, in Live this is way more easy but still its doable to use an: arpeggio in Logic
    It is noted in the video but really do bounce in realtime or it wont sound like an arpeggio.
    Props to Solaremusic of coarse.
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