TransVst : UNABLE TO LOAD VST ( Lexicon Reverb Vst & Brainworx Digital V2)

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by wilfriedd44, Feb 17, 2021.

  1. wilfriedd44

    wilfriedd44 Newbie

    Feb 13, 2021
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    Hello , i've downloaded Pro Tools 12.5 AudioUtopia version , thanks to you guys ....

    I got a legit Pro Tools licence allowing me to run V10,11,12, 2018,2019,2020 .
    I started with Pro tools 10 , but i bought a recent Powerful Computer with Win10 , and upgraded to 12 & 2020. I didn't know it was just AAX64 VERSIONS . So All my projects i've done with x32 and x64 VST (no AAX) don't work.

    I chose to give a try to Protools 12 Audioutopia with TransVst .... it almost did the job .

    I have some vsts i use a lot (discontinued Brainworx digital V2 and Lexicon Reverb) which are .dll don't load . I have the message : UNABLE TO LOAD in the VST EXCLUDED FOLDER ...

    Could someone explain me why ? I mean TransVst was able to load numerous Vst plugins into the daw .
    Are there some problems with VST3 or VST on TransVst ?

    I could use BLUE CAT PATCHWORK , but problem is i used these missing vst directly into the PRO TOOLS 10 DAW in all my projects ....So i can't chose Bx digital v3 ( which is working fine as .AAX) for the moment .

    Hope you understand .
  3. Soul1975

    Soul1975 Platinum Record

    May 13, 2015
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    32 and 64 bit vsts won't load on old projects because PT 10 (or lower)doesn't use vst just rtas.
    Brainwork and Lexicon are in 64bit axx so there should be no problem loading those in PT12.

    Whatever old projects you have just remove the plugin that isn't loading and load in the new axx version and it should pop right up. Assuming you have the axx version installed. Look to the sister site, i'm sure you'll find everything you need there.(BX, Lexicon,Softube, Waves etc.)

    And if you need to wrap anything with Transvst, make sure to apply the fix. There's a thread in here on how to do that.
  4. wilfriedd44

    wilfriedd44 Newbie

    Feb 13, 2021
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    Hello . Thanks Soul for your reply , but maybe you didn't understand all i said :)

    I was using RTAS on Pt10 , you're right . But some plugins like Bx digital v2 are only available in Vst format ( it's old and discontinued)
    So i was trying to open that. I could use Pt12 to load some projects , because surprisingly , it doesn't make difference loading the plugin in Rtas or Vst since it's the exact name . Pro tools is searching if the names match and bingo .

    As for TransVst , i did follow the correct rules since it's loading a lot of plugins . For 64 bit plugins , i used TransVst Fixer to slide all my .AAX PLUGINS onto that application . That's why i dont understand .

    Btw , i'm new , so i don't know what you mean by "sister site" . It's the second time i read this "sister" thing .
    Is there an equivalent to this site? Could you tell me its name please ?

    Thank you
  5. keyone1a

    keyone1a Kapellmeister

    Jan 4, 2021
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  6. wilfriedd44

    wilfriedd44 Newbie

    Feb 13, 2021
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    You have to Wrap FIRST , your plugins in TransVST . If TransVst is unable to see them , it's over

    As i said , i followed the correct rules since most of my plugins work , so i think i'm doing the thing accurately.

    TransVst is able to wrap normal VST , and automatically transform them to .AAX

    TransVst Fixer in the other hand is just for x64 .AAX plugins that need to be modified ...

    So for my plugins .dll (vst) files to work , they need to be recognize in TransVst program , and here it's not .
    Maybe because TransVst only allow you to load 64 bits VST and not 32 bits VST (talking about VST , no AAX ) .

    Could someone tell me what is the Sister site ?
  7. keygen.exe

    keygen.exe Producer

    Apr 29, 2020
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    audioz dot download
  8. keyone1a

    keyone1a Kapellmeister

    Jan 4, 2021
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    -you cannot use 32 bits, so you need something like jbridge
    -if you have a dll file it is not necessarily a 32 bit file
    -sometimes you have to start the plugin first before transvst works, so take another daw to start your plugins once
    -there is the "Vst2AAX wrapper" on the sister site, it is an alternative and should work with lexicon
  9. Soul1975

    Soul1975 Platinum Record

    May 13, 2015
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    No disrespect but, forget about wrapping your plugins.
    I've had a few that worked fine wrapped and others that caused some minor issues and crashes.

    Check out the site sister (keygen posted it) and you will get all the plugins you need in axx.
    bx_digital is available but as version 3, which probably isn't a bad thing. So you'll have to replace those plugins in older projects with the newer version but it shouldn't be that time consuming and will definitely be worth it.Lexicon plugins are on there as well. And softube was part of a HUGE wave to end last year.
  10. wilfriedd44

    wilfriedd44 Newbie

    Feb 13, 2021
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    Thank you Guys for your help !!

    What i tried before doing what Soul & Keyone suggested .

    I've Downloaded Jbridge V1.78 right ? I put the folder where Brainworx digital v2 is , and it converted successfully the 32 bit .dll file into a 64 bit file . I noticed that the 32 bit file size was 2 Mb . Now it's only 300 Kb after converting in 64 bit file .

    What i did , you guessed . I put the new 64 bit file into TransVst , wrapping it ( 1st conversion in .AAX ) before injecting in TransVst fixer ( 2nd fixing COnversion) with a successful (green message) conversion. Then this one converted it in .AAX . But again , the file converted was almost the same size ( 300 kb) ...

    All the other plugins .AAX from Brainworx are almost 10 Mb .... So , i knew something was wrong .

    I tried it in Pro tools . I did a test . With the first .AAX converted with TransVst , Pro tools gives me an error ( No Valid .AAX 64 Bit detected) which is normal .

    With the 2nd (fixed with TransVst Fixer) , there is no error ...Why ? The file is not detected anymore or simply cannot appear in Pro tools .
    I'm not surprised with this small size . So maybe , trying to convert from 32 bit to 64 bit , then from 64 bit to AAX 64 with 2 differents softwares is too much ....
  11. keyone1a

    keyone1a Kapellmeister

    Jan 4, 2021
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    yeah this is the case.

    This is why this part was confusing for me:
    Transvst can only wrap 64 bits and you will still need the fixer!

    it is worth knowing that there are two types of wrapping.
    1)the first and most common way is that a wrapped file is created which really acts as a shortcut to the original file, so your are not allowed to move the original file....
    2)the second way is that a wrapped aax is created which contains the original dll (as i mentioned the "Vst2AAX wrapper" on the sister site) But this method has a limited compatibility

    so if you try jbridge, i do not think that the bridged vst (from 32 to 64) file contains the original file, then you are trying to wrap it again to aax with transvst. SO you are creating a shortcut to an shortcut to the original file. Unfortunately, i do not think that you will have any success with this.

    to wrap it up :rofl: you have to options:
    1. use jbridge and bluecats patchwork
    2. find the 64x version and then use transvst

    but if someone has another even better method/workaround, I would also be interested to know more. But I doubt it, to be honest....
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2021
  12. Papidaddy702

    Papidaddy702 Noisemaker

    Nov 14, 2022
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    I fixed the Auto-Tune 8.1 issue. I used "vst3shell" to convert the 32bit vst3 file in to a 32bit/64bit VST.dll file. Then I used "jBridge" to make it an official 64bit VST.dll file. Then I wrapped it with TransVST and fixed it with TransVSTFixer. Working with out issues in both stereo n mono. I use AT Unlimited now. But i couldn't let this go. N this kept bugging me until i figured it out and fixed it. I put the 32bit vst3 file in the 64bit vst3 folder and then used vst3shell to make it a 32bit/64bit VST file. I dont know how that makes sense, but it worked and still working.

    You can have success with this. I jBridged Auto-Tune 5 , Auto-Tune Evo, and Auto-Tune 8.1. And the then i wrapped them with TransVST. The only technical difficulty i have experienced is with Auto-Tune 8.1. I used vst3shell to make Auto-Tune_81.vst3 into Auto-Tune_81.dll and then wrapped it with TransVST. And Auto-Tune 8.1 only Loads up in Stereo vocal tracks.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2022
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