Too much vst , vsti, etc. Dont limit creative ?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by ryck, Nov 4, 2019.

  1. ryck

    ryck Guest

    What do you think about this

    today we have, intelligent vst, eq, compressor, limiter. Like izotope necta and ozone 9. This do it all for you.
    And others vst can create for you chords, ritmics...etc

    I know this makes work easier but on the other hand does not limit the creative ?
  3. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    It's not complicated. Either you are doing the work or you are not. So when an AI vst is giving you the chords, the rhythms, etc. it is no longer you writing anything(alone). Just like if you were in a band. The instant a band mate tells you some chords, or rhythms, lyrics or etc. -in a song you started writing- they instantly become a co-writer.

    And sure, it is easier for your mommy and daddy to tie you shoe for you. But if you never learn tie yours yourself, you are still an infant. Also people don't pay babies to do anything. Like, Anything.

    Double also, if you never increase you skills at these tasks, because you don't know how to bowl without the bumpers over the gutters. One is basically, utilizing and perfecting their own replacement in any given field. How dumb...
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  4. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Well, not is the same machine at band.
    A machines give you all and you dont need know what happneg ( chords rimtics) .
    In a band and when you create a band. Anyone knows something and share knowledge. And i think this is the part magic in the art. When shared and discover thinks. A machine and too inteligente vst for me not is the same.
    on the other hand...people dont nead learn..just all It is done. only if we take the initiative to know what is happening inside a compressor or chord etc. then I think it would be opening the door to creative.
    I dont undertand what u say whit " how dumb ". Sorry english not is my native lenguege
  5. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    "How dumb" = Que estupido.
    Es mejor? No puedo explicar en espanol, por que yo estoy perezoso. Tambien, yo hablo y escrito espanol malo todavio. Lo siento.
  6. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    That is total nonsense. If you have decided on a song key, the options are limited. It makes no difference whether you know the chords by heart or have to look it up in a book or an app. Music theory is just math, but a song is created through decisions. As long as the decisions are made by you, it's your decisions. So it's your song. Of course, that does not mean that it is unnecessary to deal with music theory.
  7. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    There is two ways of work, whenever i download something new i just open it to play around and catalog it in my mind, either it's compressor, equalizer, a saturation plugin, or a kontakt library.

    Then when i work on serious project i know exactly what i have and what sound i need to grab in order to get the specific sound in my head, or in my clients head.

    Not sure how other people do it, but that's how i usually work (sometime i make a song with a new library i'm trying just to test it in a real life situation).
  8. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Well , is this stupid. You can refrain from comment..i dont comment something that seems stupid to me the least that's also stupid.
    The idea from the post is to share.
  9. recycle

    recycle Guest

    if you feel that frustration, it's time for you turn off computer and to build an outboard gear studio. A couple of Volcas, a Model D Behringer and a litttle mixer could be enough to start.
    A whole world of new opportunity is waiting for you: go dawless!

    here is one of my favourite youtube dawless artist:
  10. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I do not think that such AI plugins suppress the creativity. Some take on tasks that are not possible without artificial intelligence - such as soothe or gullfoss.
    Other plugins provide suitable chords for the selected song key. Chords you would know anyway, if you have basic knowledge in music theory.
    Other algorithms analyze the audio material and create dynamic presets as a starting point. It's just a suggestion. I'm not sure how a constructive proposal should limit my creativity. I am the one who decides. It's only questionable if you're lazy and accept any suggestion the AI plugin makes.
  11. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Not, i dont feel that. And this not its about of me. I want to know what think some people about of this . Just like i said. The idea is share.
  12. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    You are literally reiterating what i said. Which was if the AI is mkaing the decisions you are not. Just like if you co-write withe someone and they make a decision that you follow it''s their decision. That is all i was saying.

    First of all, I did share. But still we have a breakdown in communication. I wasn't saying anything you said was dumb. I was commenting on the statement I myself made. You took the very last words of my entire paragraph out of context. That's not good comprehension skills. If no one here is going to take the time to actually read, and not take things personally or read into things that are not there, I can see why a lot of veteran members- with cogent thoughts - have decided to comment less, or leave out right.

    Not to say no one can disagree with me. But communication is impossible if people are not willing to read what is written, to the point of disagreeing, just to turn around and say the same thing using different words.

    And yes, you strangers on the internet can feel free to disagree with me. As if that changes the fact that you have taken the time to read this.
  13. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    For years I've been trying to simplify my set-up without sacrificing too much.
  14. ryck

    ryck Guest

    I asked why he wanted you had meant
    Just... " sow dumb" . and you answered in Spanish is stupid.
    and there was a misunderstanding.I am 38 years old and come from many forums to participate across the time 1999 " lol" . and obviously also I join this page is to participate.

    I am in agreement on some points and not others.but respect and appreciation that have participated and that's the idea ideas exchange
    And I think that exchanging ideas that's what knowledge is enlarged

    what I feel and it's not for me alone but for all.we now use for example a compressor sometimes has neither attack nor release
    and people use it and put a voice on a low battery in a master
    but to understand how it works the attack and release of a compressor I think it is very important as it affectsA how it will sound a songthen sometimes I feel that there is too much and people still have not learned to use what already exists as a native compressor including myselfand I feel that the same thing happens when you use a program to use chords and if those who know what chords are using So it seems to me that to creative
  15. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    What d you mean exactly by "limit the creative"?
    In which sense?
    Do you mean that too much choice can limit creativity, because of the time you spend learning these tools?
    Or do you mean that it limits creativity because we spend too much time on the sound itself instead of the idea?
    Or anything else...?
  16. ryck

    ryck Guest

    No las herramientas son geniales. A mi me han ahorrado mucho tiempo.
    Si tmb creo que pasamos mucho tiempo pensando en el sonido ...como si sonar mejor va a ser un hit.
    Pero lo que quiero decir exactamente. Es que hoy en día hay bibliotecas de sonido con riff de guitarras, loops, de bateria , bajos , sintetizadores que ya vienen secuencias. Compresores sin ataque y release. Paginas que ofrecen mastering online como herramiente magica . Y pienso y les pregunto a ustedes . Si esto no les parece que limita la creatividad .
    Porque creo que la creatividad se basa en eso , en crear, en investigar, en romper esquemas, y conforme pasa el tiempo me da la sensación que nos limita . No digo que no sean utiles. Me parecen geniales y se me cae la baba cada vez que sale un vst nuevo. Me siento como un niño esperando en nuevo juguete.
    Pero siento que nos limita a crear.

    No tools are great. I really have saved me so much time.

    And too think we spent much time thinking about the sound ... like it sounds better going to be a hit.

    But what I mean exactly. It is that today there are sound libraries guitar riff, loops, drum, bass, synths and strings come. Compressors attack and release. Sites offering online mastering tool lower Magica. And I think and I ask you. If this does not seem to them that limits creativity.

    Because I believe that creativity is based on that, to create, to investigate, to break schemes, and as time passes I get the feeling that limits us. I'm not saying they are not useful. I look great and I drool every time you get a new vst. I feel like a kid waiting on new toy.

    But I feel that limits us to create.
  17. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    It is all about your mindset.
  18. Oimsio

    Oimsio Ultrasonic

    Apr 3, 2017
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    maybe it's you who's limiting yourself, no offense.

    it doesn't matter whether a compressor is automatic or intelligent,
    whether virtual instruments are there to simplify things for us.

    do you think we'll use a stick and lead tube to make an evacuation
    or a ready-to-use kit to make a flow (and that goes for everything)

    music is an act of creation, and the tools to record sculpting and mixing must
    be used to shape what you want to express through your music.

    some like to create sound design in their creations, others
    are keen to be as close as possible to the sound that already exists,

    we may think that making music is an intellectual act except
    if you are able to write it directly on a score, I consider it to be
    a craft act, with your hands in the flour, in the most noble sense.

    therefore, if for you there are too many easy tools and they seem to limit creativity,
    why not go back to simplicity and his friend the difficulty...

    if you want to write songs, a guitar, a piano, a kazoo

    or better as said above, in a band,

    if on the contrary you like to write electronic music (in the broad sense)
    for the moment it's paradise, there are tons of "music" boxes

    In short, IMO creativity comes from us, it doesn't come out of the tools!

  19. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    No, what you said is fundamentally different from what I said.
    Just because you use a chord progression that was first used by the beatles, the beatles are not co-writers.
    Just because you're using a Hall Preset by Andrew Scheps, Andrew Scheps is not the co-engineer.
    And just because a friend says "Hey try instrument x instead of instrument y!" and you decide to do it, he is not your co-producer.
    Yes, it is not your basic idea. But it is your decision to implement this idea!

    Even with an extreme example like Orb Composer, which is capable of implementing a whole composition by artificial intelligence, the end result is ultimately based on your decisions. If you make enough adjustments to the AI's basic proposal, then your decisions lead to an absolutely unique result. Your result!
    As I said earlier, music theory is just math. It is not crucial who provides the basic building blocks for the formulas, but who composes these building blocks into a total formula.

    What matters is not what you use ... and whether it has an AI or not. What matters is how you use it!
    Composing doesn't mean that you have to play every instrument yourself. It means that you instruct instrumentalists to implement your vision. And it's up to you how much freedom you give these instrumentalists. And it's also your decision to allow an AI to make certain decisions which helps you to realize your vision!
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2019
  20. CharlieCrizzle

    CharlieCrizzle Kapellmeister

    Sep 10, 2019
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    More plug ins don't remove creativity. But I think you will be better off Mastering less plug ins as opposed to half assing with hundreds. But new toys definitely spark creativity with me
  21. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    More instruments spark creativity in me. So do some effect plugins. That said having too many just means a full drive and long list. Most don't get used because you forget they are there and even what they do. So you end up going to your short list anyway.