(toneboosters.com) TB Morphit

Discussion in 'Software News' started by thantrax, Dec 20, 2016.

  1. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    TB Morphit


    Improve the quality of your headphones, simulate a wide variety of brands and models, or customize your own headphone sound with TB Morphit.

    Every headphone has its own, characteristic sound. Did you ever consider how the specific sonic attributes of your cans change your mixing results? Do you ever wonder how your mix would sound on different headphones?

    Virtually every existing headphone introduces unwanted changes to the audio. TB Morphit helps to reduce these unwanted artifacts by improving the response of supported headphones. Moreover, it can simulate the sound of any of the other supported headphones. Hear how your mix translates from one set to another. Monitor how your mix will sound for your audience. This is especially important since several market studies have indicated that the majority of audio content is actually consumed over headphones. For this purpose, Morphit does not only include studio headphones, but also includes stock ear buds.
    For faint-hearted headphone enthusiasts, TB Morphit also includes free-field and diffuse-field equalization modes and customizable target functions.

    TB Morphit is an excellent companion to TB Isone, our environment simulation plugin for headphones. The cascade of headphone equalization (Morphit) and room acoustic simulation (Isone) together provides an unprecedented accuracy for simulation of loudspeaker reproduction on headphones.

    Processing modes
    Morphit operates in one of three modes. These modes are explained below.

    In this mode, Morphit will correct and improve the response of the selected headphone. Unwanted resonances will be reduced, too much or too little bass response will be corrected, and alike. The graph in the user interface indicates the correction that is applied as a function of frequency.

    In this mode, Morphit will simulate the response of one headphone while using another. Two identical lists of headphones will appear: the top list is used to indicate what the headphone is you are wearing; the bottom list is used to select the headphone to simulate. Besides specific brands and types, the list includes ‘generic’ models to simulate a generic HiFi headphone, a typical ear bud, a studio reference headphone, as well as dummy-head responses (such as a free field and a diffuse-field response).

    This mode is somewhat similar to the “Improve” mode, as it will improve the response of the selected headphone in the list. However, the target response (e.g. the desired response after correction and improvements) is customizable using 4 nodes in a way very similar to that used in many equalizers. Contrary to what some believe, the target function of an ideal headphone (when measured at the level of the ear drums) is typically not flat.

    • Real-time, zero latency processing*
    • Fully resizable user interface supporting many color themes
    • Supports more than 100 popular studio headphones
    • Includes models of stock earbuds to simulate listening on the go
    • VST, VST3 and Audio Unit (Mac) versions
    • High-quality peak limiter integrated
    • Any sampling rate supported between 32 and 392 kHz
    *When enabled, the limiter introduces approximately 3 ms of latency that will be fully compensated by hosts that support plugin latency compensation

    System requirements
    • Windows 7 or better
    • 32 or 64-bit DAW host program supporting VST or VST3 plugins
    • OSX 10.9 or better
    • 32 or 64-bit DAW host program supporting Audio Units, VST or VST3 plugins

    Price: €30,00 - More info here

  3. Greggers

    Greggers Kapellmeister

    Jan 10, 2017
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    Morphit update to v1.1.5
    • Various optimizations and stability improvements
    • New headphone models: Superlux HD668B, Pioneer HDJ1000
    • Update notification: availability of updates will now be shown in the GUI
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