Today`s all too obvious nepotism in the music business.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Von_Steyr, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. atreehaseyes

    atreehaseyes Kapellmeister

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Elsewhere and otherwise
  2. atreehaseyes

    atreehaseyes Kapellmeister

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Elsewhere and otherwise
    I think I've made my point here. Good day.
  3. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    The true crime of corporate "music" is that we are missing out on the real stuff would could have had if there was any honesty and integrity to the free market concept. Instead of what is good, what people relate to and what was going on in the 50s,60s,70s,80s and 90s we now have all access to the mass market controlled by just a few gatekeepers. They have no interest in giving the spotlight to "artists" with a message or alternate philosophy to what to do with a life. They only have interest in filling people's heads with meaningless consumerist stimulation. Anything else is a threat to their monopolies. They have starved out all of the middle class of the movie and music industries and only corporate puppets that keep releasing the same meaningless garbage every 18 months are allow to exist.

    Music used to be a message, it used to give people a reason to exist and to belong. Now it is just used as cheese in their advertising trap. It is little more than disposable background noise between the ads. You have to dig so deep against a lot of resistance to find anything new worth listening to.

    If you speak out against the system you will be banned from the system and marginalized into starvation. That is the new way of punishment for not conforming in 2017. If you bite the hand that feeds you, you will starve.

    Artistically and monetarily we are all starving due to the monopolies and extreme concentration of money, influence and market access.

    If you say something that is not allowed on youtube, IG, Twitter first you get the pink warning page, then you get banned. Then you starve.

    The real evil of Miley and Katy and Beyonce and the others is that it makes total mindless pointless lobotomized audio sewage the new normal and people can't remember what good even was. The younger generation never even got a chance to experience actual "music".

    You can pretend that it is just a coincidence that all corporate/consumerist music sucks.... or you can take a second to analyze it and realize that it is not accidental, it is completely by design. To limit the conversation, to steer the vision of what is possible to the lowest acceptable version of reality.

    If you rock the boat, I hope you float... cause you are going over the side never to be heard from again.
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  4. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    Tbh, I don't care about those big plastic popstars (you can probably conclude that from my username).

    What's really sad is that bands and artists, even in the "underground", are not getting fame and recognition because they have talent and good music, they get it because they are vanilla and boring enough to have lots of friends who'll like them on facebook, come to their shows, or vote for them on polls. I'm talking local scene tier bands, but also meme bands like Periphery and whoever's ass Metalsucks are kissing nowadays.

    But that's just life and there's nothing we can do about it but bitch.

    There are only two good things about Katy Perry.
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  5. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    lol Tupac said it best. There are always going to be unsucccesful and failing people who blame everything on nonexistent omnipotent entities. Most popular mainstream artist of any genre work hard to be where they are, and instead of complaining on a blog. Put in time to promote, advertise, garner fans and brand themselves. Your attitude is what's holding you back. Not the illuminati or whatever new secret society is buzzing amongst conspiracy theorist.
  6. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    Also the "mainstream" or "commercial radio" isn't indicative of success. I can name at least 15 hip hop artist who more than likely have never been on the radio, with tens and hundeds of thousands of fans, who are happy and doing damn good financially. Tech 9 is a prime example. There's nothing holding anyone back in this age of communications.
  7. atreehaseyes

    atreehaseyes Kapellmeister

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Elsewhere and otherwise
    Boobs = great. Katy's boobs = great. She knows this, we know this. Everyone knows this.

    Regarding her as nothing but a pair of boobs and of little value otherwise: sexist. She knows this, we know this. Everyone knows this.
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  8. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    I respectfully disagree.

    Tech9 is a nice guy, very talented.

    Things are different today. He never could have done what he did starting out today. There has never been this type of concentration of influence and control in our lives. It is not normal, it seems normal to the younger generation because it is the only thing they have known. It feels normal to be watched and tracked and to have your emails scanned. There is no music business now, there is only an advertising business. Virtually all small businesses are essentially just people trying to gain followers so they can gain enough influence to be used by a large corporation as a marketing tool. It is the "Kim Kardashian Economy" - gaining enough followers so that you can sell shit to people that they don't want or need. There is no music business, just database marketing. One of the only ways for middle and lower class musicians to make music is licensing their tracks to corporations for placement in advertising and within programming. No matter how good your music is if you don't have at least 50,000 followers you will NOT EVER be considered. Even if the people making the show or the ad love your music and your fans are the demographic they want. It is just numbers now. Advertising. Has very very little to do with music, organic connection between artist and audience, very little to do with message and philosophy.

    With the "tools" we have to create with we should have an embarrassment of riches in the arts with so much talent and access in the world. Instead we are starving gasping for air listening to spoiled rich kids and technically adept singers with no message or meaning willing to humiliate themselves on corporate TV music competition shows.

    I don't think Bob Dylan or Tech9 or anyone worth listening to would go on American Idol, but that is the source and the testing ground for the STARs of tomorrow.

    There is a system in place. If you don't fit in you get flushed out.
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  9. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I don't have to google to know Orwell never said it. I know my George Orwell, K?

    Orwell was a socialist and everything he wrote and worked for was on behalf of socialism - as he himself said. Conspiracy theory is antithetical to socialism in so far as socialism is about structural issues of class, whereas 'conspiracy theory' is about a malign group of individuals without whom everything would be ok (according to conspiracy folk). Conspiracy theory blames malevolent individuals whereas socialism blames socio-economic structure, specifically class. Conspiracy theory says everything would be ok as it is, if only we didn't have some folks engaged in a conspiracy. Whereas Socialism says the individuals do not matter, it's the socio-economic structure that matters, and getting rid of a few individuals will make no difference.

    Orwell never wrote about "NWO" because the term didn't exist like that before about 1990-2000.

    What do I need to be ashamed about? And no, I'm not American fwiw.
    It's also about people having false conceptions of facts and meaning. Which is why I pointed out Orwell never said what was in the quote. It's also about properly naming things and the meaning of words......and Orwell was a socialist, not a conspiracy theorist speaking about NWO.

    It's a much better book than film (isn't everything?) But I suspect much of its original menace has disappeared for new readers, as they probably just see the telescreens and surveillance as normal and omni-present already. It was supposed to be a warning, not a manual. :D

    Another take on dystopia is Huxley's Brave New World, where peoples' every whim is catered for. It's a quite different flavour to 1984 and in many ways more reflective of Western culture than Orwell's vision.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
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  10. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I miss real pop music ...

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
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  11. 2017
    The film Running Man is set in the year 2017. Two men in the film will go on to become governors of states in the USA who had both backed the president elect, one of them taking over as host for his reality TV show Celebrity Apprentice. The afore mentioned president elect is a proven liar who disregards fact for fiction and spins his stories which are regurgitated as fact by a gullible and ignorant fan base. Up is down and in is out, dark is light and the blind have sight. Welcome to The Thunderdome, welcome to our fate, welcome to a world of pain, where love is running late.
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  12. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    The 'Music Industry' might be dire but music itself is surely healthier than ever. There is so much music released now, every day, such that you can't possibly even listen to it all (without speeding it up at least! lol)

    OTOH, the ubiquity of music has devalued it. When you could only listen to the radio or buy a few singles and LPs a year then it was obviously more highly treasured and had a greater impact on our soul. Personally I find I have to fight to avoid constant music. Music sounds best when it breaks silence, so the silence is a prerequisite. And nowadays everybody is into music? It used to be a thing only some people were into, now everybody's a jazz cat.

    The Golden Age of Piracy has massively democratised it. We should be seeing a deluge of new talent because of it imo - not just in music, but also video and other digital arts. And quite likely the Corporations will be well behind the wave, as usual.

    Which reminds me.........

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  13. ddoctor

    ddoctor Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    And instead of thanking me for providing you with an opportunity to respond to something you will never see again, cause you will never see anyone again 'quote' George Orwell for fun to see if people would take the bait, you are now lecturing everyone on socialism you know nothing about; hey westerner; american 'culture' cannot in any way compare to that of the only acceptable level of what can be called culture - Europe's romantic era, - but more importantly, I was born and raised in socialist country (Yugoslavia) and here no one cares about Orwell exactly because he had no actual experience! Not meaning I am against socialism - I don't discuss anything on such a low primitive ideological level - and guess what - same internet shit is going to happen again - your response is going to be nothing of expected, completely self-absorbed and in disregard of my existence as both a person and intellect - this is what internet was invented for (in america, do not forget - but they won't let you anyway) - to provide all possible advantages to stupid people who were presumed to be a democratic majority, and therefor only ones that matter. And please don't call this Conspiracy theory, I have lost the will to type; and even though my pronunciation is good enough to use English speech recognition, I still find it... nevermind
  14. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Yugoslavia was never socialist. Stalinist, yes, socialist, no.

    So, nobody cares about Orwell there but you quoted him and you are still on about it. <shrug> I originally thought you knew it was an invented phrase. I was just pointing it out because clearly it wasn't understood by others as invented - for the purpose of a joke, right?

    Orwell was actually criticising Stalinism - and criticising the notion that *that* was socialism. Animal Farm is Stalinism, not socialism. He would have readily acknowledged the failings of so called "socialism" in Yugoslavia. But he wouldn't entertain modern conspiracy theory. Orwell was a socialist - if you don't like socialism, then why respect Orwell and his writing, why trade on his authority?

    See, plenty of people use 1984 and Animal Farm as a way to criticise socialism. Yet the fact is Orwell was a socialist. IF 1984 and Animal Farm are accurate descriptions of socialism *and* Orwell was a socialist, then that means Orwell must have wanted the world of Animal Farm and 1984 to become real......which is preposterous.

    Orwell was a socialist - which is *why* he criticised Stalinism, and *why* he would have criticised Yugoslavia too.

    Anyway, what's your beef?
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  15. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    Holy crap guys who needs the NWO when we got some of the stuff being posted on here , ive never heard so much disempowering negative defeatist rhetoric , take a chill pill and create some music , lets hear some songs ................
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  16. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I'm a socialist. lol

    If you're not a capitalist *and* not a socialist, what are you? Fascist is the only thing left? Or what?

    You seem to be making more assumptions about me and my country than I am about you and yours. Just saying.....

    And I have no idea what your beef is. What *are* you complaining about?

    ETA: I didn't attack you or anyone else personally. You can think what you like, that's fine by me. But it seems I am not allowed to also think what I like. I get personally attacked for it, not the contents of what I said.

    You are entitled to disagree with my view, obviously. I wouldn't wish it any other way. But why aren't I allowed to disagree with the views of others? Being horrible to folk, with no good reason, hardly speaks of an elevated ethic, does it?

    *I* didn't attack anyone personally, nor any nation. Instead, *I* am being attacked - for my opinion. My opinion is not being attacked (which everyone is welcome to do), rather you're attacking me personally (out of order). Not that it matters particularly, but let's be clear about it.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
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  17. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I despise the word conspiracy but the socio-economic strucure is the conspiracy.
    The general public in 1984 had no idea of all the wrong taking place because what they were conforming to had been proven to them as right. Likewise, we as a global community have very important, mind-altering, life-changing truths kept from us and we're just fine with it. Not because we don't care but because we aren't able to know.

    The term New World Order (in the seriously nefarious context) was originated in 1773 by Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

    This world is so filled with distractions that unless you go off the grid and go full on monk you don't have the time to see the ties of bondage. That's the deception. The slavery in freedom. And, again, like in 1984, we don't see it as anything but the norm.

    It can be hard to accept but think of the time, resources and effort we put into our Health and Education systems and compare it to what goes into the Entertainment industry. Most of pharmaceutical doesn't count as health as it's basically fast-food.

    This is the effect of generations upon generations of deceit and control by an elitist group who hold the majority of the world's money.

    The Kardashians are in all of it because of one reason. Robert Kardashian. His ties to not only Armenian drug cartels but occult practices. Has no one noticed that every man that comes into that family begins to breakdown? And the one man born into it got the f*ck away.

    I don't think I've ever met a person who didn't enjoy music in some form. I will respect and love everybody. It's a person's actions that I can hate. People that don't enjoy music though, you have to keep a close eye on people like that.

    Regardless of sanctity, the ability to experience and enjoy music means you still an impressionable soul.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
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  18. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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  19. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    What if belief in stuff like "The NWO" is itself part of the veil obscuring human vision?

    Most all the complaints of conspiracy theorists can easily be fit into a socialist critique - and traditionally always have been. Yet conspiracy theory invariably sees 'socialism' as part of the problem.

    When 'socialism' is seen as part of the NWO then it's seen as part of the problem.

    Obviously, if socialism is actually the answer not the problem, then seeing socialism as part of the problem is actually the problem. In that sense, conspiracy theory is a threat to progress - because it wrongly analyses the situation, and seeks to attack the real solution (socialism).

    Conspiracy theory is essentially rightwing (though a lot of lefties get taken in by it). Conspiracy theory is about individuals, not the system. Conspiracy blames individuals, not the system itself.

    Rich people don't have to conspire - they have their interests and they are clear for all to see. It doesn't need a conspiracy for such interests to be real. Without changing socio-economic structure, changing a few individuals will change nothing. That's why conspiracy theory is no solution at all and why it misses the point. Because of its misdirection, conspiracy theory is conservative and helps maintain a status quo - it prevents people understanding that it is socio-economic structure that matters, not a few individuals within the system.
  20. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    The conspiracy theorist (man, I really don't like that term) is heavily in the minority.
    Yet, the problems remain.
    This, I wholeheartedly agree with. I also believe that everyone has an agenda, innocent or not. Certain people who are afforded more power and resources have even more reason to propagate their agenda than others. That's simple human nature. Rarely will one who gains any sort of status just hand it over. Let alone spread it out amongst the masses in some attempt to equalize. It's basic self-interest.

    It's late here, bud. I'm being called to bed. Till the next.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
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