To all guitar & bass players please help...

Discussion in 'Guitars' started by spyfx, Mar 13, 2018.

  1. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Again, I DID NOT play guitar on that track. All comments especially with the track posted where intentionally put for misleading reasons. Even on the song that was up the guitar player was named. He was a client.

    As for being an asshole? No i said real opinions never get just a "thank you". The only other thing you can take as "being an asshole" is people being mad I said don't ask for musicians to help with writing and production. Sure some musicians can write, some can composer, arrange and many other things. Yeah I can understand those who contributing to it think "oh he just said I sucked" not true in the least, i dont even know how helped did what nor care.

    As for a rough draft of course it is. Which is why i stated I like the idea and concept of the song.

    But it's nice to know not a single one of you actually took any of my opinions and just started attacking me. Then INTENTIONALLY tried to mis-represent me making lies and acting like some mega haxor who found a song I posted which as this IS A ROUGH DRAFT. hell it was never released and was a throw away song which is why it was on there. It was never getting used. So it's so nice for all you people to not even read what I said but just go off the comments of butthurt liars.

    And midiman I have no idea you did the guitar. I said it sounded digital and I don't know how you can be offtime in midi. You think that's an odd statement for someone writing in midi to be offtime? I do. It may have nothing to do with you, it could be your software I have no idea. I didn't walk in here like anything. I get paid per hour to work on music everyday its 90% of my income whether its giving opinions the artists don't like, making the song better, or even making the song from a single musicians who can't write anything else and doesn't have the musicians to fill their band before they have a demo to gain such musicians. All I'm saying is I don't usually give advice because THAT"S WHAT I MAKE MONEY ON. Do you really think if I was just being a dick troll I would have listened to it that carefully and made real points?

    I'm sorry if I didn't like what "you" put in it or I thought the idea was ok but "off" but it was. And as said there was NO NOOB statement. He stated outright he have never tried anything like this and has no concept of writing guitar or bass. How does that translate to me calling eveyrone a noob? it doesn't but thanks for just reading replies of a liar.

    And yes before the track was posted the same IP listened to 8 of the songs on my "crap never going anywhere" soundcloud page I upload to just to let people here early demos...

    Anything else you guys wanna make up that I didn't say and get offended? I think it's kinda funny when I replaced the song no one talking shit about what I replaced it with.

    This is nothing but a case of someone not liking my opinion on something they added to it. I have no clue who did what I simple said how it is. Do you think people get paid to arrange songs just for funzies? no because most musicians don't spend the time to understand song and music theory. Nor do many think outside of their own instruments. If that was the case I'd be out of a job if all musicians could do everything themselves.

    Again You want my guitar playing? As I said that was a client and the first time I had ever worked on any reggae music. But again ignore anything you can't hate on.

    This is a rough demo of my personal music

    If you don't like my opinion fine, but if you wanna play this "oh we all pro's anyone who says anything we don't like must be a liar" well have fun with yes men. It'll never get you anywhere untill someone tells you what's actually good and bad about the song.
  2. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    So maybe just drop the bs lies and get back to the thread. Don't like my opinion don't listen to it, and keep doing the song and stop acting like I ran over your dog 20 times for giggles.
  3. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    But thank you midi man for actually admitting I didn't do that. You may not like how I said it but all this hate at me is over made up shit and you even admit I didn't say any of those things. And holding my entire skill on a reggae client.. just sad Get back to the song make it better.
  4. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I did not see anywhere where some called you personally an a-hole? I did not read every single post and I might have missed that where someone attacked you personally?
    Actually you did some really good metal things in another thread where I complimented your abilities.

    For me and perhaps only me, I tend to make and view music as a recipe that works or does not and I use what I know or believe works whether skills or attitude because both can make or break any musician.
    Everyone has their own M.O and everyone is a critic but you are the ultimate judge of your own music. If you like it, does it really matter what anyone else thinks?

    Music is an expression. You define yourself not anyone else and you are better than this post of yours indicates. I know this because I have listened to your music. You have nothing to prove to anyone except yourself. :)
  5. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Thank you for the compliments on my music. But even in my original post I said I liked the idea and concept of the song. It could be a great song. But things I pointed out where things done by the people talking smack. No idea who did what for the song and my opinion had nothing to do with their skill or anything. I gave my opinion and simply stated I don't usually give opinions because unless its a "oh that's awesome" people don't usually want to hear it. Everything has positives and negatives but every positive thing I said was brushed aside and even what could be considered "negitive" was taken personally. And then just a bunch of shit talking posts calling me a liar and all this other crap for simply having an opinion outside of theirs. It's one of the reasons I stopped coming to this board, one of the reasons I stopped helping people on this board. Before the new board came up I had almost 1000 likes because I helped, I gave helpful opinions and at least for a long while people listened or at least considered it without just out right attacking me on it
  6. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest


    Unfortunately not everyone sees the world in the same way. Through their own life experiences, some are pissed off with the world, some people sadly who are innocently unaware from their own bad experiences get a "trigger" by what someone says and it generates a response to a statement that under normal circumstances they would not consider saying. They unwittingly are attacking their past not you. As the person under attack that is very difficult to see and justifiably.

    Wanting to help people is a beautiful thing, do not let people stop you from doing that or respond either sometimes as hard as that can be.
    As long as there are people that genuinely want to help others get where they want to go, the world is better off because of it.
  7. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    First I never called you and Asshole. Not my style. I did say I did not think your comments were not warranted since it was just a raw rack.
    I did not do the Rhythm guitar in Midi either. I did a lead on top of it. Please review the tread and you will see I asked for Hurr Derr to do the Rhythm Guitar part.

    Now as far as your post great to hear something from you. Now for my comments I can tell you I have been playing a real guitar for over 30 years and you sound just like ever other metal guitarist to me. Your playing is on time, nothing bad, but do you have your own style? I do hear your mastering is very good. Nice and hot and loud. Just like all the people want it.

    A little advise when you are new to a group it's not what you say it how you say it. I can tell from you constant responses you might have realized you made a mistake in how you came to address this thread I for one can accept that. I also can greatly appreciate good feedback.
    So now if you would like to assist us on this track I am ok with that, so long as the others are.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
  8. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I don't mean to add fuel to the fire, but that's an inaccurate remark. Spyfx said he is a keyboard player looking for guitar players to take his raw idea in a collaborative effort. I said I heard the song and let raw inspiration go in the direction I played the bass. Neither of us have ever said anything about not having played the style or not knowing how to compose ideas. The idea that any of the participants in the song has never tried anything like that before is all you. Of course the bass a G that does not belong when the song progresses to D minor, but I had an idea with that, a rhythmic loop that just changed root notes. Of course, that last chord in the progression would have to become Dm Add11 or something like that. Anyhow, people have suggested the idea doesn't take off and I agree. I'm working on my next version.
    I never took offense personally, but i did find your opinon unnecessarily patronizing, and as you can see I wasn't the only one. I have never disrespected you and I don't think you are an asshole. But being condescending doesn't do any favors to anyone.
    Again, like I have said before, I don't like the idea of musicians being called pros, it's a money-oriented concept -not an artistic one; in fact, everyone here is an artist in their own measure, and criticism without backing up your opinon with action is not constructive at all. No one is asking you to clock hours in this song, but if you clocked the time it has taken you to offer so lengthy opinions, you'd surely realize you're wasting your money on this. I'd better use said time to contribute to the song with a guitar part if I were you. Please, take into account that you have criticized a raw idea that is still in the works. You yourself have felt offended when one of your trashbin tracks was criticized in the same vein you did.

    Best of luck. The next time I post here, it will be music.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
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  9. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Come on man, one thing is positive criticism and another is going for the jugular like you did. Specially in the context of this thread.
    Everyone reacts in his own way but you can't say you were respectful. Respect doesn't mean not swearing.
  10. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    if its real guitar then it could just be a line up error. I even considered that originally. As for others they read your post and not mine meaning they had the opinion I was being "patronizing" before they even read what I said.

    As for Pro, I'm pro as a commercial producer and composer, as I said 90% of my income is soley from writing music for other people. As for the throw away track, I don't like it because ya obviously went through several of my songs and picked and most unfinished thing I had and instead of even retorting anything I said just started talking shit.

    And criticizing a raw idea is where it needs to be. Getting it after hand half the time is pointless.

    And your right it was a waste of time, even with valid opinions. If the "pro" thing is what pissed people off I'm sorry. Music isn't a hobby for me, its something I do 12-16 hours a day for money and have to travel around the country every month to do. so if this is just for funzies your right it was a waste of my time to even listen to it to give comments.

    I won't post on this topic again. Have fun, I hope the song goes well. Ignore my advice and move on or consider it and you may see why I gave such advice. But I'm done with this. I'd post 50+ personal songs im not under an NDA for, but after the comments which where nothing but shit talking and intentional mis-representation not even worth it. And honestly it's that instant hate without question is why i stopped coming to these boards and stopped helping a crap load of people with everything from Daw, kontakt, hardware issues and more. It may be a hobby or fun for you guys but it's my life, I even went through a divorce because my career in music.

    So yeah I can just say "sounds good" say nothing else, but yes men don't really help do they? Anyway I'm done. Have fun with the song.

    And "going for the jugular" thats called telling the truth. I know its a rough concept but Id rather tell the truth than lie about it.
  11. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    great .. now we can get back to developing the concept.... I can't believe people actually pay you for that attitude..
    but then.. no they don't.. you just have to keep your damn mouth shut and get on with it... nice you could come here
    and vent your slaggy spleen... don't act so surprised that it wasn't appreciated much.. if at all

    all the best gents... I am done venting as well...
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  12. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    For the record, @xoso proudly posted this above the now deleted track as a good example of a song.
    No mention of a client playing the guitar.

    Your comment bothered @spyfx so much he replied 5 times in a row.
    I bet you don't talk to your clients that way.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2018
  13. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    If he does he has no clients. LOL
    Dradonhill I sent you a message about you otto stems?
  14. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Just checked, I don't see your PM.

    Ah, it was a post in the thread. Yes please have fun with it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2018
  15. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Cool thanks. I will post if I have make something good out of it. I really like the rawness of it.