Timing Oddity...

Discussion in 'DAW' started by BooBam, Feb 17, 2018.

  1. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Maybe you have to tell Mixcraft what portion of the audio file has an exact number of bars at 80bpm.
    If you don't, then maybe it uses the full file length which is most likely wrong.
    Can't you set markers for that? I don't know Mixcraft but a DAW than can time-stretch needs this information.
    Or, what if you cut the wave file to exactly 4 bars before importing?
    Does it match the project tempo then?
    Just a rough guess but it seems that Reaper by default doesn't correct time while Mixcraft does?
  2. BooBam

    BooBam Ultrasonic

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Thank you for your suggestions and questions.
    Cutting the wav to 4 bars makes no difference, it still does not match the midi's bars.
    The long and short of the rest is...I do not know.
    All I care about is the result of placing a sound file that was made from a midi track onto another track.
    Seems to me they should match automatically, exactly...simply one changed to the other.
    I don't care why or how...it should be a no brainer.
    And that's the way it is with Reaper but that has not been my experience with Mixcraft.

    I even uninstalled my version and loaded in the latest version of Mixcraft...same results.
    What I cannot figure out is, has no one else experienced this? Seems like it would be impossible to work with and not?
    There must be a simple answer, but I haven't gotten one yet.
    I did post on the Mixcraft forum where reps from the company are present but got no replies...go figure.

    So I will, like I said, go to Reaper and work with it. Cheers!
    And thanks again!
  3. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Thanks for your feedback! It seems to me that you've tried everything imaginable by now...
    And good luck with Reaper. Should be the better choice in the long run anyway :wink: