
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rorer, Aug 13, 2020.

  1. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

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  3. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

  4. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

  5. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

  6. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    When we Dance with Music
  7. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    Alan Watt August 9 2020
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  8. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

  9. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    Carl Gustav Jung

    19? :)
  10. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

  11. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

  12. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    Twist everything 180 degrece just like the news and you see the truth.
    Warning to the "news agency's"... The clock is ticking.
    Blood is on your hands.
  13. CrankHank

    CrankHank Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    I’m not sure what you wanna tell us and if I would agree with you, but the way you rolled out this thread is really cool! Congrats!
  14. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    I know it's to complicated to tell the truth. That's why i formulate it this way.
  15. thomas78

    thomas78 Kapellmeister

    Apr 15, 2020
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    rorer, please try to explain the truth, looking all your videos takes too much time. just some simple words, what do you want to say :)
  16. CrankHank

    CrankHank Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    OK. I totally agree. „Truth is a fiction“ W.Herbst (http://www.phunst.net/wp/personnel/statement/). There are only viewpoints that can be discussed. But if someone is going to tell you the truth you can smell the lie immediately :rofl:
  17. Alan Watts embraced what would become hippie ideals very early in the 20th century and studied philosophy, going on to adopt Buddhism as his personal choice as a way of living, although many eastern practicioners of Buddhism stated his Western interpretations were misguided. He wrote a number of books, none of which would be considered remarkable in the same way as others that came after him like Timothy Leary or Terrence McKenna. The video stating August 9 is confusing since as far as I know he was not a Prophet and if he was, he mustn't have been a very good one since that date has passed without event. His snooze inducing lectures on time are simplistic and uninformed about time as a non-linear dimension. He died in the early 1970's an alcoholic.
    Edit: it would seem that the Alan Watt of prognostication fame is not Alan Watts.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2020
  18. You are not being succinct in conveying any singular message in this way. Imagine you have watched a film. Now write a short synopsis of that film. You clearly thought you had something of value to share with us, so please inform us of your intentions. I find philosophy intriguing, but your random collection of videos is not giving me any clarity regarding your purpose.
  19. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

  20. E35E7E6B-8D23-4D00-BB15-BDE8578B8EB3.jpeg

    Two Moons. Your turn.
  21. Rorer

    Rorer Guest
