Time for a new PC?

Discussion in 'Software' started by torontoleech, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. torontoleech

    torontoleech Noisemaker

    Sep 25, 2014
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    A Million Caribou Street
    Im almost certain its my PC. its gotta be!
    I use a factory refurbished laptop PC thats an i7 processor, 2.4ghz with room for up to 3.2, and 8g ram x64bit , running x32 bit ableton.
    I just purchased a legit version of ableton, komplete and spire 2 days ago because ive been having very frustrating crashes due to corrupt cracks and a few other bugs with ableton itself.
    even after i purchased ableton, im still having problems. i feel like i have some bugs embedded into my computer itself from the cracked buggy software of certain plugins in ableton that carried over to the new licensed version. could that be? cuz even when i uninstalled the cracked version and installed the new one, my default template set was still there.... so i think some data was obviously carried over, some of which are these same bugs and crashes in ableton that ive been experiencing for a while. its either that or i just have a corrupt/slow PC that cant handle the size of a project with over 50 channels, and its time for an upgrade.... which i am ready to do!! i need a computer that can handle literally anything! i just ordered komplete and i hope to be able to use it to its ful potential..... :break:
    when i do things like duplicate a drumrack, or duplicate a synth channel or anything , sometimes even try to save or export, it wont let me save unless i overwrite a current file, or it crashes upon exporting.... a whole list of ridiculous problems that kill my workflow and put big restrictions on my work! i shudnt be having all these bugs now that i went legit!!!
    just by the way i do scans on my computer regularly with malware bytes and from the looks of it my computer is pretty "healthy" in that regard. :grooves:

    :break: :dunno: anyone have any input or can diagnose this situation??? shud i be looking into getting a new desktop computer for the studio?
  3. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Hey mate. I don't use Ableton, but I have had similar cases with other software. If you are considering buying a new computer, you might as well backup everything and re-build this old one and see if that works well. It is always nice to start from scratch. SO install windows from scratch wiping EVERYTHING and install your software again. My best advice is that if you do this, BACKUP EVERYTHING AND ALLOW A FEW DAYS TO DO SO. You may think you have backup up everything and then you'll remember something else.

    If the re-built computer is giving you trouble still, maybe you should consider a desktop. I would never work on a laptop. I have a fat desktop computer that I got built thinking of the future. So it had lots of RAM (32gb) expandable to 64, which it is now. ALl my data is in an external device, and I use the computer only for software, plugins, etc. All my files, photos, music, work, etc go into a NAS, but any powered external drive will do (BUT ALWAYS REMEMBER TO BACK-UP!).

    In a nutshell, with things like Komplete, I'd invest on a new desktop computer, definitely.

    Anyway, my two cents. Good luck!
  4. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Ableton crashes no matter if it's legit or cracked, just like a lot of many other programs. Also, the combo of a x64 OS/computer with x86 software is irrelevant, because you just waste
    performance. I know you may have a lot of 32bit plugins and that's why you can't go with the x64 version of Ableton, but regarding crashes, there's no bug-free software in this world, that's why developers come with updates regulary.
    Reformating and reinstalling everything from scratch may help, but if the crash is DAW-related or triggered by a certain 3rd-party plugin then you'll have to find the exact problem and fix it or simply to just avoid the thing which causes the actual crash.
    Good luck!
  5. beatroot

    beatroot Producer

    Nov 14, 2012
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    Demon has a valid point and I would agree with him.Been thro' this problem myself so I would go for a desktop.You could even try to go for a :wink: Hackintosh.Good luck.
  6. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    system specs are way better than mine, a fresh instalation of windows could help. and should be done every 6 months in my opinion.
    cracked and buggy plugins should be deleted, torrents are not a good option and most likely the r2r versions are the best.

    This year I only started to use 1 site for my warez (you can gues witch one :P) and it changed in positive way

    last but not least: the last couple of months I hear a lot of ableton users complaining, you might want to try a older version?
  7. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Its NEVER the PC its always the PERSON BEHIND THE PC
  8. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Yes but the crashes involves third party plugins or programs and in the pc world also sometimes audiodriver related crashes its almost never the DAW itself.

    When i work in Cubase 5 or Reaper or Sonar and dont use any third party plugins its almost always works fine well i cant remember a crash anymore that happen when i just use the DAW without any plugins it must have been a very long time ago.

    And its the same on my Mac Pro working fine in Logic but when i load some third party plugins it freezes so i have to do a reboot and thats even happens with freewares
  9. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Yep, or even better. Once you have installed all your operating system, software and updates. Make a system image!!! Then if things go to shit, you just restore that image. It has saved me tons of time.

    Again, good luck!
  10. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Always wanted to do that, but it never happends because I don't know exactly when and how.....
  11. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    If this was my machine, that's were I would start fixing things...
  12. Qinuyen

    Qinuyen Newbie

    Feb 9, 2012
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    :excl: Totally agreed with Guitarmaniac64!I had the same problem with my current project (fixed) & this is my thought: review all third-party plugins in the project, there must be one of them not working or need updated. Disable them one by one or all of them then let see what happen. Good luck buddy :)
  13. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    Use the x64 version of LIVE. If you really need to use 32 bit plugs, then use JBridge, or install another DAW (or 2)

    I use the following ;

    - FL Studio as a power sequencer for just samples/loops/plugs ; x32 and x64 bit plugs

    - LIVE x64 as a seq/DAW

    - SONAR X3 x64 as a DAW w/ x64 and x32 plugs using built-in bit bridge.

    - SAMPLITUDE X x64 as a DAW for all things x64 only.

    I have 4 2TB drives in my desktop. So, when the SYSTEM drive needs to be re-imaged, I only have to re-image that drive to start again w/ a fresh OS.

    Drive #1 - System drive / and misc stuff
    Drive #2 - VST fx / VST i installation drive (and some *.exe KONTAKT soundsets etc..)
    Drive #3 - SAMPLES & LOOPS & NKI & BATTERY & blah blah...... (3 TB)
    Drive #4 - Audio (recording) drive

    LIVE leaves behind a lot of folders and "crap" when you uninstall, so make sure that those elements that are left behind have been deleted completely before you reinstall legit version.

    Also, give BITWIG a try too.
  14. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Once you have installed Windows, all your programs and run all Windows updates. Go to the start button and search "backup" and select "backup and restore". Then select on the left "create system image". It will ask you where to save the image, make sure you select an external drive other than your C drive. Then select which drives you want to backup, make sure you select the C drive only. It will ask you to confirm, just click on "start backup".

    Please note that you'll need a drive with enough space to hold as much as you have on your C drive.

    Then it'll ask you if you want to make a boot disk. If you don't have one, go ahead and make one; you'll need a blank CD and a CD Rom drive.

    If your system ever dies, you start the computer through the boot disk, and then do a system restore with the backup drive.

    You have no idea how many times this has saved me...

    Good luck mate!!!
  15. Alpha0ne

    Alpha0ne Producer

    Jan 26, 2012
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    You have a top Laptop. Whats your problem? I can tell you its not your Laptop, since you have also crashes with other software, then it could be your hardware RAM, Mainboard, GK, CPU or HD.
    Its not Ableton what is bad cracked. Maybe some bad plugins.

    I used Avira Antivir for long time but since 2009 i switched to MSE. Had no problems since then, but it was my overcaution then the antivirussoftware itself. I use PC since 1994 and i got a lotta Viruses and so I formated my PC x-times because of lack of knowledge. I had also defects concerning hardware causing my PC to crash/freeze.
    Before you setup a DAW google the internet for setting up a PC for Musicproduction. Disable Windows services, which you dont use, but be carefull, because after times you or your OS or new installed programms could need these deactivated Services. Be carefull of downloaded exe and bat files. Allways look the endings of downloaded files. E.g. If you want to download a zip file or a jpg file but the file you have downloaded has the named endings, you could activate a virus or a trojan. Go do Virustotal.com and let the files scan and ask/read on forums about these files.
    Keep killing and deinstalling backgroundprograms that are unnecessary for your needs. Allways check Windows autostart and delete unnecessary programs. Learn to clean your Registry, not only with CCleaner etc. but also manually. Go into the registry and look under Software HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (also under Wow6432Node) which software you dont have anymore and delete these corrosponding files. My registrytools which I use for a long term are : CCleaner, WinAso Registry optimizer, RegCleaner and since last year Glary Utilities also a good tool to delete unncessary/junk files is System Ninja. But learn these programs and know what they do.
    Update your drivers by deleting old driver completely and reinstalling the new ones.
    Disable your DAWs internetconnection via Firewall and also under Ableton Live preferences.

    Have a good time. And sorry 4 my English. I hope i could help a bit.


    PS: Hey and you dont need to setup your Windows every 6 months. I have Win7 64 bit, and i install and deinstall alot of apps and games. I did a complete new install only last year.
  16. E.C.R

    E.C.R Platinum Record

    Aug 28, 2014
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    why did you install 32 bit>? if your pc is 64 bit go 64, i run 64 and mine hasnt crashed for almost a year since i rebuilt my pc, Ableton needs the full ram for sure, please update to 64 and see, also with kontakt the new update is full of bugs which Native Instruments are trying to fix, as far as 32bit vsts etc goes just use jbridge to convert to 64, been using that for 2 years trouboe free
  17. Mechanix604

    Mechanix604 Kapellmeister

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Have you delete this files My link ?

    You can use tools like IObit Uninstaller/revo Uninstaller to delete ableton, after this CCcleaner.

    But i think you have bad Vst... Check freevst and oldvstĀ“s first . good luck and sry 4 my englisch xD
  18. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    If you have other apps crashing frequently on your computer or blue screens or reboots I will strongly suggest to do a memory test and a stress test on your computer (there are free utilities out there). After you are 100% sure that your hardware is working flawlessly you can start investigating the software.
  19. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    working for a cable company for yrs, so many people give me there old pc stating it was running badly so they bought a new one
    so i take it home format and fresh install of windows! pc is like new So Definettly fresh install of OS make sure to Format erasing any previous trace of Windows
    and Guarantee? Youde be good to go :wink:
  20. dautrac

    dautrac Newbie

    Oct 1, 2014
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    I've been in jams like that and what I do is actually erase my entire PC and rebuild from scratch...this works every time. What I do in Windows 8.1 is use GLARY UTILITIES which has the old Windows 7 'image' function for creating system copy backups, this works in the same fashion as Apple's Time Machine but has to be done manually on a PC. I can access anything in my backed up image file after I rebuild my PC.

    I repair most computers this way...erasing and rebuilding from scratch. I can even install and run Windows from an external hard drive or flash drive...all I have to do is plug in my external drive...boot up to the menu selection and choose that external drive and I can run any Windows version I have on any external drive.
  21. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Yes, that's a good point, but DAWs may crash too. I faced "native" crashes with a lot of daws, even on undo-ing an automation point i just draw after another automation point (this is one of the examples i just remembered). May not crash as often as the "chemistry" between a bad 3rd party plug and the daw itself, but most of the daws have bugs and problems and sometimes leads to crash. Look at one of Bitwig's change-logs for example, they even mention "fixed: doing thing X causing a crash" and if they wanted to actually mean about 3rd party plugs, they would've mention it. In a lot of DAWs's change-logs you'll see "fixed crash" entries.