Time bomb with Modo Bass 2.0.2 (by R2R with "Automatic Registration (Windows)")

Discussion in 'Software' started by Blanche Neige, Jul 14, 2023.

  1. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    After about 6 months after my previous post, MB still fully operational.
  2. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    Been using Atmosphere then Omnisphere for over a decade and NEVER experienced any "time-bombs" with ANY version. But then NONE of my production machines has EVER seen the internet. They do not even contain a network interface of any sort to do so. Further, I don't believe I have ever encountered a time-bomb of any sort with any software before.

    The thing of it is when you internet connect machines with production warez on them all it takes, in some cases, is a momentary connection (mere seconds) just long enough for the phone-home connection to occur (completely unannounced and in the background) and some file or unknown patch can be downloaded that disables a target app for good. The only thing one can do at that point as a last ditch effort is use a grep-like search tool that hunts down every instance of keyword (the dev/company name, app name, etc) in a file name or file contents and delete those files. Short of that since you never can really tell what the dev has done to kill the app remotely the only course of action left is to completely full surface erase ALL storage devices on said machine and rebuild the OS from ground zero. Unless one wishes to experience a repeat of the same behavior DO NOT EVER reconnect that machine to the internet.
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