Thoughts and Prayers to the people of Texas

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Voo, Aug 28, 2017.

  1. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    Al Gore and friends/that sort, Even It is the same as the idiot alt-right guy that ploughed into counter protesters in that Charlotssville
    mess and some media along with Democrats used it as a way to do what their programmed to do going after guns/second ammemdment.
    It's predatory and people that do engage in such behaviour get my goat, As do idiots whom think communism is a good idea and idiots that think replicating a national socialist Germany do get my goat.
    From what I have looked into regarding this whole climate thing, It is not uncommon at all for this planet to go through cold periods/cycles and hot periods/cycles which happen over quite a long span of time, An example being the last ice age we had.
    In regards to our alledged involvement making things worse, If that is true then it has gone past the point of being fixedable already, So there is naff all that anyone can do about it.
    I'm a bit of a conspiracy theory type admittedly and it would not suprise me one bit if it is all a hoax to fuck with the mind's of people and push whatever agenda the people or whatever the things are that are running the show want pushed, We are all on a whole so easily programmed via propaganda and we are not even aware of it.
    I've been accused quite a lot of "fence sitting" with regards to my stance on politics, I refuse to play into the whole left-wing/right-wing game, I believe there has to be a balance of both liberal and conservative ideals, Therefore I simply can not and will not choose a "side". I'm certainly absolutely against identity politics and refuse to play that game, It is really horrible and dehumanizing I find.

    All the best your way and to all, Peace


    Last edited: Aug 31, 2017
  2. MichaelPatterson

    MichaelPatterson Kapellmeister

    Aug 31, 2017
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    As someone who lives near Houston (but who is thankfully out of the danger zone), allow my first post on this forum to be a sincere THANK YOU to all who have expressed kind thoughts toward my neighbors. Watching many of my family and friends suffer and struggle right now is devastating; we're doing all we can to help those who were hit, but it still feel like so little.
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