Those That Stand On The Sidelines Remain There Forever

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. halcyo

    halcyo Newbie

    Dec 11, 2013
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    I'm pretty new around here (and busier than ever lately in 'real life'), but I definitely hope to contribute what I can! I was able to share some small drum libraries with a fellow audioz member recently, and it was cool to spread the love!
  2. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    Awesome thread! This place needed some shaking up, ha! I was thinking of reviewing some of the hardware that I use as I have had others here ask me about some of it. I wouldn't be opposed to reviewing some software too. I figure that if everyone reviewed what they had, then we could have a pretty complete set of reviews in no time. :thumbsup:
  3. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    I strongly agree with you bud ! You know that :wink: However as I said before its a Dog Eat Dog World out there,im personally flatterd by your strong and willing devotion to this site, Saint should be real proud, I think after creating this thread a lot of the true people in here will come to senses then theres a lot who wont,
    im not gonna tie up to much of your time, So keep up the good work and you, Yourself Catalyst will be rewarded in one way or another.. I promise bro
  4. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Location Location
    Your getting There just a few More to go (50 posts & Up) !!!! :bleh: :dancing:

    That's true in the Real World but Here Digitally... @AudioSex Motto is "I Eat, You Eat" and the other way around!!!!

    No one should be left out, but at some point you got to draw the line!. We can't have new members join Pm one of us for help without saying Hello in the forum?? Maybe it's us to blame? As i was browsing through the forum i can't help notice we don't have a introduction sub-forum maybe the lounge forum could suffice but i believe it's not adequate? IMO.

    Don't get me wrong i enjoy helping people (as you see my track record) but i enjoy it more when i solved their problem with them, because it takes a team to troubleshoot and gain results.

    All i see Catalyst Asking, Enforcing & Encouraging on behalf of the Family Here is:

    Advanced Member,
    New Members,
    Even Guest

    Pay Homage
    is that too much to ask?

    I'm impress with the feedback so far the Love is real here But as i quote "Action Speaks Louder Than Words".
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    The Demon
    For obvious reasons I can't be aware of what you're doing privately since your private mailbox is just that…your private mailbox. However my advice to you is mix it up with a little public life so that you get on my radar. Not only that but privately you can't increase your rating, that is a public component so the number won't reflect your true standing in the community. At least now I know that you are involved in this capacity and that gives me a better picture of you. You could be amazing at something that people would really be interested in but we'd never know if you aren't vocal about it. It's very nice of you to want to share your drumless tracks and multis. You can share whatever links here that you'd like so long as they don't lead to warez.

    0on3 is actually a personal friend of mine and the epitome of exactly what I was discussing in this thread. He has supported the musicians of the world with his Kontakt libraries for years even during moments of personal hardship. His dedication is heard in every one of his amazing builds, of that you can be certain. It's funny that you bring up the dumpster library because that one reeled me in as well. I thought to myself: damn 0on3…you had me at dumpster. :rofl: Funny that the Legowelt library caught your attention too, same here. You do help me out when you tag dead threads or post a link. And I know that when you say links are dead…links are dead. I don't have to recheck what you just checked, find a working link and then have to remind you that you need to check all of them. That's a breath of fresh air right there my friend. Every action no matter how insignificant it seems is out there creating possibilities. Do you know how the AudioSexed album came about? It all started with a simple sentence. Someone said (carl to be precise): what if we create something beautiful? And that one question changed EVERYTHING. We now have a project manager keeping us on track, we have someone working on the artwork, we have cohesive mastering being done, we have a team deciding on the track order, we have physical copies being shipped out at cost all over the world, we have a ton of amazing submissions and more importantly we are taking these forums to the next phase in their evolution. We're sowing seeds and some of them are more important than even knowledge. Some people have literally started writing music for the first time in years and they're excited about what the future holds for the first time in a long time. Had it not been for the commitment of the members that chose to get involved I wouldn't have been able to keep this project even remotely on schedule when our last project manager walked off because of personal reasons. Every single action, no matter how insignificant it may seem at the time, is out there creating possibilities. The biggest problem is that people convince themselves that they have nothing of value to give and this stops them from ever even trying. What if carl hadn't been around to ask that question? What if he had chosen to simply not get involved? Put simply everything that his question spawned would cease to exist and that would be a shame. Anyway thanks for your dedication to the forums, it makes me happy to know that we have members of your caliber on board. :bow: :mates:

    Thanks mate, glad you found value in it. :mates:

    That is chilling…I actually had those exact words in mind when I was creating this post. :wow:

    Honestly I didn't have you in mind when I wrote this matt so no worries. I see you around taking part in discussions and you made a wicked song for the AudioSexed album putting yourself and your music out there. That competition sounds interesting but it's not a necessity especially if you're tight with cash. However I really appreciate the offer and your commitment to the forums. :bow: :mates:

    As usual Oly you find a way to express in a few sentences what it took me a thread to cover. :rofl: :mates:

    Exactly, it should be effortless really and there are so many things that can be done. Even the simplest act has meaning.

    Exactly! All it takes is a decision to want to get involved and the way becomes clear before long. There's a saying: when you want to do something you look for opportunities, when you don't you look for excuses.

    I am setting the course, what do you think this thread is about? I am trying to take these forums to the next level because as great as these forums are it pales in comparison to my vision. Generally on the forums I've been a part of, the people that end up managing them are those that have been committed from the beginning. You don't usually see an asshole that never contributed suddenly rise to the challenge of a moderator position unless they're on a power trip. You don't have to be a fountain of knowledge to contribute here, all you need is a decision to get involved. I'm no musical guru and I struggle with it a lot myself but yet I'm always sharing something. In fact I was contributing from the day I joined when I started Transmissions and AudioSex Academy which was even before I became a moderator here. I've kept people on top of world news, I started the Contributors In Need initiative, I've even offered my help to those falling through the cracks which certainly isn't in my job description. Everybody is good at something and if they shared even a bit of whatever that is things could really bloom. Maybe you're amazing at something that people could really benefit from but because you never contribute we'd never know. Saw an interesting YouTube video on production? Bring it back and share it with our other members. Surely you don’t have to be a musical genius to post a video right? Read a good book that could be useful? Why not make a post of resources that you've enjoyed and maybe someone else will read one and it will kickstart their creativity. Read an article about some important world news? Post it and maybe it will spark an interesting and thought provoking discussion in the forums. Liked a new VST, bring it up in a conversation. Maybe you hit on a feature that I've been looking for in a synth or you inform me of something you didn't like and now I have more information. I actually thought about frito when I was writing this because when he was homeless he still designed my signature gifs, posted mirrors on fast lockers, posted releases and even designed special images for the products that he released. Added a ton of music to Transmissions too. These are all simple things that anyone can do. Concerning Kontakt Guru I didn't say nobody could ask him a question I simply said that he's not going to go out of his way to spend hours of his time going in-depth with people that only join for that express purpose. The same way I'd rather give a coupon to a contributor he'd rather provide help for someone that shows up here. Time is limited and you can't help everyone so if you had to choose I'd choose the same course every time because that is a course with a real future. I'll tell you a secret I know within a few interactions with a person whether they will be integral here and so far I've never been wrong. This actually hits at an argument I had with my ex when we were still together. She believes in the free sharing of everything and I believe that human beings don't appreciate that which comes easily and begin to take it for granted. Interestingly enough we're not together anymore. :dunno: Time and time again I've been validated in my point of view while hers is basically an ideal that has no place in reality. Usually people that are about free sharing are the ones that never do, it's just convenient for them to think that way since it serves their needs. It is only a means to an end, the fulfillment of their own selfish desires. I always say that information is not free, it's price is effort. Everything needs balance even those things construed as positive. And by the way I perform complex queries looking at information such as how long some members have been with us in addition to how many posts or comments they've made (as well as the content of those) and too many have been here for years and haven't even tried. On AudioSex we have almost 10,000 members but I'm seeing the same names all the time. I also hope that you didn't take this as an attack on you because that wasn't my intention. It was simply a nudge in the right direction for everyone and I didn't have anyone in mind.

    I love when you post man, I always learn something or relook at something I've considered on another occasion. You have a good way of capturing the essence of the subject at hand even if it's the intangible. You're right on the money with everything you said. :bow: :mates:

    Thanks my friend for taking the time out to share some love and appreciation. :bow: :mates:

    You know you and I don't always see eye to eye but then you pop up with that wisdom and I wholeheartedly agree even admiring the wording of it all. :bow: :mates:

    We're really happy to have you on board my friend. Thanks for the kind words and for sharing with the community. :bow: :mates:

    Army Of Ninjas
    Thanks man, you know I didn't have you in mind when I wrote this. You've already been contributing since day one. If you have the time I would personally be interested in reviews of hardware and some software too. I do also know that people are busy so no pressure brother. I've already been enjoying your comments as well as the collections that you've posted on AudioZ and we've gotten into a few interesting discussions on some news that I would even like to revisit when I have time. :mates:

    Kontakt Guru
    Well said man. The way I look at it is we're building the team to do something that's never been done before and we need people that show up.

    Honestly I have a bunch of exciting projects on the horizon that would really be useful to you guys but I haven't unveiled them yet and mostly it's because they will require community input and we're simply not ready. I need people I can count on if we want to see this vision come to fruition. For example one day I hope to run an internet radio station where your music will be streaming all day. I even have the design of it completed thanks to the efforts of a kindly and dedicated female member that contacted me with screenshots to check out. It was truly excellent and I'm honored that we have people like her that go that extra mile. She didn't sit there thinking she had nothing to give, she said hey I'm good at graphic design and so she went about utilizing that skill to the advantage of the community. She actually even mentioned that it always seems like it's the same people helping out. If I showed you what I had in mind for the future you would think you're dreaming. It's so beyond even what I can comprehend but I see it. We have a chance to do something truly amazing here but it needs to be a team effort with each person adding that critical piece of the puzzle. Soon enough we will relaunch AudioSex and this community will really blossom but we need a solid springboard to get this to where it needs to be. I'm already doing everything I can and I can't do everything nor should I have to. I mean I start my day with helping members get that reup they wanted, or posting some news for them to read, or advice on some plug-ins or technical support on both forums or answering the insane amount of PMs I get, or making plans for new endeavors or updating those tens of thousands of link containers or dealing with suppliers or the many other hats I wear here. I could just be the typical moderator but I choose not to be because this isn't the typical forum. Most of the time I don't even sleep because there is so much to do and I truly want to make this place something spectacular for everyone that visits but I can't do it alone. Nobody said that anyone has to be crazy like me but I do want to see initiative. I want to see people introduce themselves, I want to see people try to contribute, I want people to really put themselves out there. It's simply unfair to expect a handful of people to carry everyone else and write it off as they're just better at production because that is irrelevant.

    Looking through the forums it's literally the same people that are involved and you see their names over and over and over. Enjoying those Kontakt library reviews? Andrew must have found some time after work to test a product and write up another in-depth review. Wow did he record a video too? He's also paid for the last 4 months of my VPN btw. Wow that's an interesting freeware release. Phloopy must have taken some time in the morning to hunt for and upload some new libraries for all the members here. He's so devoted that I had to actually make a section for him like I did for Andrew because his posts are packed with useful resources and there's plenty of them let me tell you. Oh shit nikon put up another video of his sonic experiments. Nice he's making a soundscape in this one from crowd noise, very interesting. Alraun, BuroakenSowend (or his name here: OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef) and Kontakt Guru taking care of everyone's Kontakt problems as usual, it's even comforting that if anyone here ever has a problem with a library or some Kontakt related stuff that we have people on site that will take that off your plate in a single comment and do it with a smile. That's an honor to have on site and I've never even used their services in this respect. Uh-oh someone's cooking something up, it's Kookaboo with another reversed Mac release. Sweet Interesting and informative videos we have here. Looks like SirSillySausage ran into some good ones today and was nice enough to bring them back for us to enjoy. I might even include them in AudioSex Academy, they'd fit right in. How do you think AudioSex Academy started? You think the videos just showed up one day on my doorstep and said we're ready for you Catalyst? No, I searched for them or ran into them and brought them back here for all of us to enjoy and even made the section look beautiful (which took A LOT of time) so you really enjoy your time there. Oh here's comes bigcat with another free library that he made. Diabulus In Musica can barely move his arms but that didn't stop him from posting that website or article and he has a pass from me, he doesn't need to do anything but for some reason I keep bumping into some useful stuff he's posted…Army of Ninjas, DerWander, ebaby1189, Evorax, frito, Gulliver, Horsemen, Olymoon, SAiNT, Someone, Xsze all the people that donate coupons, etc, etc, etc. The difference between people is the difference in their standards. We have to be willing to step out of the shadows, we have to be willing to look like a fool, we have to be willing to devote some time and effort, we have to be willing to open up. We have to expect more from ourselves. Beyond just the forum, you will find that it is the secret to life because if I've learned one thing it's that life begins on the edge of your comfort zone.

    PS I left you a little video on the first page of this thread. :wink:
  6. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Catalyst: No worries, I didn't take it personally. I just misunderstood the bit about KontaktGuru in your first post. Didn't know about the pm spam so went off on a bit of a tangent lol.

    And mmm love deftones <3
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Ooh I forgot one person:

    A heartfelt thanks for sharing your thoughts my friend, truly honored. :bow: :mates:
  8. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    Some people don't feel the need to be rah rah forum cheerleaders, they just come to ask, lurk, take it in.. might not come back for another two weeks and certainly don't much of a thought about community.

    Its ok for me, shouldn't be a requirement, people should be able to contribute as they feel fit, and not be looked down upon or chastised for not being part of the in crowd.

    Its pretty much the same as every other forum online.. 10% participatory and 90% dead weight. its just... how it is.

    Just because some of us enjoy the spotlight, the giving back, the camaraderie, doesn't mean everyone should have to.

    I, personally, do enjoy giving back, speaking my mind, giving input, or advice.. as I can and as time permits.

    It's a good post, but, I wouldn't expect tooo much.. after all. We are talking about humans. *yes*
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It's not a requirement, I never said it was. I did say that you won't be getting the most out of the forums and this is especially true of our neighbor sites. It's simply a challenge, we're appealing to the community because I know I'm fucking tired for one, Kontakt Guru is too because he's been giving really in-depth Kontakt help everywhere and the minority of us have to work harder to keep this forum running for everyone else. This place could stand to be so much better if we all did our part in the time we could allot for it. I see no harm in people being appreciative enough of all the work that everyone puts in for them to throw something in the pot once in a while too. We're not even asking for a 1:1 ratio here, we accept that some of us will give a lot more than others but it's nice to see some initiative.
  10. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    All great points.. its a good discussion, and alternating points of view always bring out the best in folks, as opposed to everyone bandwagoning.

    I'd love to see the site grow, been here from the beginning more or less..i'm also an example of someone who would like to do more but time constraints do not allow it.

    Stretched WAY too thin already.

  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    That's okay One Reason, like I said not everyone has time. I just like to make a distinction between those that really don't and those that simply don't make it. I can't wait until we move off of our current platform to something new and exciting with a nice new GUI and brand new features. It will be a long overdue upgrade for this place. *yes*
  12. jerryaaron

    jerryaaron Newbie

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Could not agree more Catalyst.

    I just felt the urge to contribute so I cracked the x86 VSTs of Wavesfactory Trackspacer 2. Hope it gets approved!
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    That is very awesome of you mate, thanks so much for your contribution. :bow: :mates:
  14. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    A series of tubes
    It wouldn't really be a problem for me. I've fallen into some free time lately. I've noticed that it is hard to find decent reviews of some of the new Arturia hardware (which I have). I don't have a ton of gear, but I can review what I do have (that anyone would be interested in). And there are some pieces of software I wouldn't mind reviewing either. Thanks for all the hard work Cat, the sites rock and truly have been indispensable to both myself and several other producers that I know personally. *yes*
  15. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Between worlds
    Thanks for all your support, that really keeps me going.
    Before I started writing those reviews, I wasn't sure that somebody will even take time to read them.
    But you proved me wrong.
    Not only there are people who read them, but also appreciate them.
    And that's my fuel :wink:

    Thanks goes to everyone running these forums... :break:
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Then I'm all for it, who doesn't love a good review? I actually suggested members consider reviews that would compliment Andrew's current Kontakt series and what better way than hardware and VSTs? Thanks for the kind words mate, it's always a good feeling when people are getting something out of these forums. I'm seeing more people getting involved and I think together we can really do something special here that hasn't ever been done before. The possibilities are really endless. I can't wait until we relaunch AudioSex, she really needs it badly. I actually have a notebook full of ideas I've been sketching out for a while now and I'm looking forward to working with SAiNT on integrating them here. Then I hope to get started on some projects that I have on the backburner at the moment including the radio station and some undisclosed stuff that would be a truly welcome addition but needs some prep work and the help of the community. By the way I don't know if you noticed but there is an Giveaway For Contributors In Need going on at the moment so if you need a 48 hour coupon then please let me know by posting on that thread.
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Andrew I don't think I would want to work on a forum that wouldn't truly value your reviews. I really look forward to them and I know so do many people here. You can see just from the views that they've become quite the hot topic (one of the most popular we have) and I bet they're bringing in quite a few newcomers too. Of course it's always a pleasure, the future will be bright here with many new exciting things to come. :mates:
  18. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    A series of tubes
    Yeah, I think that what is lacking on a lot of sites out there is a good catalog of knowledge/experience. If more people contributed-and with the amount of people here-I imagine that there could be a fairly hefty amount of reviews, etc. The tools of production are easy enough to track down, but it's that knowledge that is a bit tougher to come by. I think that these kinds of things could be a really cool resource for the users to enjoy and utilize.
  19. mr bagpuss

    mr bagpuss Newbie

    May 1, 2015
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    Just like those before me I appreciate this post, I know it was written long before I joined but the points made are so true...

    The one point which interests me the most is the Group Buys, I didn't even notice that there's an actual forum for that but there is, but it also looks a bit dead tho and I'm am surprised by that considering how many goodies get's released that isn't ilok secure or what ever and could be used by more than one end user.

    (obviously i know nothing about unlocking software, maybe Omnisphere isn't as straight forward i don't know, Offline authorisation?)

    I'm sure there are also small issues with particular group buys, how to get additional updates if there are any for your group buy etc as only one person would probably have access to the portal to D/L the softwares/updates as and when they come out but i'm sure ppl here can advise of the best way to do that or advise of the simplest way with some ground rules everyone will accept...

    I have to say again, Omnisphere 2 is out now if you didn't know !!!!!, i can't think of a person that A. doesn't have a DAW and B. Access to A Music forum of some sort but still doesn't know about it Spectrasonics, wouldn't some of you like to grab a copy?

    Would be nice to get at least 4-5 ppl signed up for that including myself, but the more the better. Also, I can see around 140 ppl on online presently, who knows how many of that number tomorrow will be different ppl. With each of those ppl reading this and wanting to get Omni2.. But 4,5,8,10 etc... ppl from this forum, signed up for Omni, it's doesn't seem that difficult to achieve does it, or should it??

    There's also the request from the C-Teams looking for soft's to unlock, release etc.... at the same time something like this could be given back to them (i have no problem either way on this, I've filled my drive 100's of gig's worth of bits over the years, purchased and D/L but more D/L), .....

    Now i can see it coming, why am i gonna invest in something then give it away, (Well, how do you think you've been getting half of what has been released, someone bought that in most cases then they let someone have it to crack and release)

    So, if not Omni then something else worth having but you wouldn't go for it on your own due to the hit in the pocket??, we could also wait and wait until someone else is generous enough to give but hey, when is that gonna happen, If everyone thinks like that then nothing will ever change or you'll just find less of the gems your after will be available as you have found some have become.

    We are always stronger when we help each other, work together, we also benefit individually as well just like the family, friends and work colleagues that you probably interact with each day

    If you can trust each other we get more out of life as well, I won't say names but i did a swap between a user on this forum with some registered software that we both owned, we agreed not to share those bits beyond our own realms and I truly believe they will keep their word just as i will always keep mine and because of that gentleman's agreement if you will we are both all the better for it and getting a gem for free either way....
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