This is why i love more the American eagles

Discussion in 'humor' started by Mr_Amine, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yup. If he would ditch the racism (but still not let refugees in :deep_facepalm:) I'd support him loudly. Instead I'll just vote for him quietly. I think a lot of the hate campaign against him fails to realize that while, sure, he's kind of an asshole... the people he's running against are criminals and shills for big money. The biggest joke is the democratic party and the people that support them. Every election they listen to these politicians bemoan the treatment of the poor and the middle class. They listen to them promise to make it better for the little guy. And they cheer and some of them cry. And they race to the borough hall to vote

    And they get another. eight. years. of the same. old. shit.

    Trump is the only potential president in my lifetime aside from Ross Perot who isn't secretly an employee of major corporations or unions. For fuck's sake, is it not worth at least trying something different?
    (I'm not including people here like Ron or Rand Paul, who never stood a chance)
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  2. flashback23

    flashback23 Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2015
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    embrace the London Suede instead...22/01/2016...Night Thoughts
  3. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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    For your own consideration:

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  4. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    i agree with you on that part of racism , if he never insult good citizens of America he will have 100% of the support
    since I'm Canadian & i consider America my second home , my concerned is about the faith of the country as long as i see that talk is easy and work is tough and if donald won the presidency i advice him to take allies from outside America or America will suffer more as i said before in my previous post about a lot of foreign businessmen from Dubai & Africa & Asia will leave cause he made them feel unwelcome in a country that they consider their second home and that will lead to a lot of companies to move to another countries and that will lead to more lost of jobs in America , what makes donald stupid is he want to divide America between elite citizens and second class citizens and that is really wrong especially for those who born in America is a slap in the face , as i consider donald a good man cause we did met when i was once in Dubai and isn't that arrogant towards others but i guess i was wrong about him cause he seems that he idolize hitler & that is a dangerous thing especially if he become president what will the be the faith of the good Latinos and Muslims & especially Jewish people in America since he insult Israel before
    and I'm sure that Donald is more TV personality than a president candidate ; it will be a shame if he fail to lead cause now he's making more enemies and less allies in the moment , but don't forget that base on my analyses i believe that Bernie Sanders maybe he will become the President cause a lot of people forgot that donald has more media coverage because he's a celebrity , i still believe that votes are everything and not those ridiculous polls , and i advice all Americans to vote if they want the change and please Americans don't let media own your minds when it comes to votes , GOD Bless you all
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
  5. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    @Mr_Amine yup buddy, I would agree with you in hoping that he doesn't alienate everyone. I'll just say I find it pretty likely that his media personality is different from his actual personality. I don't know about dividing between elite and second class citizens, but I do get that he's leveraging everyone's fear of terrorism. Either way, he is sadly our only hope to be free of banks, insurance companies, drug companies, etc. for a few years.
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  6. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    u fucks trying to mess with my style yo?

    I'm myself trying to secretly be an employee of major cooperations who will one day manipulate the shit out of society and turn everyone into slaves!!!!

    Don't fuck things up for me while I'm still young and shit... im investing in a dictatorial career for when I'm starting to feel murderous when I hit my 40's-50's...
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  7. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    sometimes, it seems, trembling before the known might actually be less unendurable than daydreaming beneath the unknown... :bow:
    the secret power of white magic emanating from the characters typed in by the one resident jolly jester from the great realm of utopia... :bow:
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
  8. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    my penis has vectored upwards into an orgasm after reading that comment...
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  9. After reading N2Zen's post for the 147th time I still haven'the honed in on your...vector. Maybe it's an age thing. 148, nope...149..AHHHHHHHHHH...MMMMMMMMMMM...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSES!!!

    Thanks ( . ) ( . ), I didn't think it was actually possible. That's just one more reason why I love AS, the real sense of community.
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  10. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Sadly, I don`t think it would make any difference.
    The whole "game" is rigged from the start... there is no country that I am aware of, that doesn`t get theyr cards from the same card dealer at the same table.
    It doesn`t matter where You live and what country You are a citizen of.

    I see from Your comments, that You are a very passionate patriot, and I have no problems with that... it is Your own Business; anyway, I`d suggest that You maybe reconsider Your position, and inform Yourself about the history and deeds of the country You support with so much passion.

    - Why?
    - Because even if You "win" with Your patriotism, You actually loose

    and, don`t get me wrong please; I have nothing against Your country in particular... at the end they are all the same.
    I am just sad to see my fellow humans get played so badly.
    And at the end, I am probably wrong too, with my vision of the world... who knows what is behind all of that circus, that has not been disclosed jet, and maybe never will be...

    I just hope we will come to the end of our lives without unknowingly committing any crimes against our fellow humans, and that we will find peace when that moment comes.

    Peace !

    And don`t ask me please what I think we should do and how should we act or what should we think...
    - I have no idea :dunno:
    I am just lost In all that carousel of lies
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
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  11. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Anyone who thinks that world suddenly became fucked up is mistaken. Ever since the beginning of time the biggest, strongest, cleverest boys ran the playground. The 'hidden hand', 'The elite' have been running the world forever, probably since Babylonian and Ancient Egyptian times. There have always been idiot puppet leaders, cruel sadist leaders etc, they were put there by the Elite to deliberatley mess things up. They played a good joke when they put a B movie actor in Reagan in a few decades ago didn't they? Did you miss the Arnold Scwarzernegger and Clint Eastwood jokes too? The next joke is going to be the culmination of the a very long running Bush joke when they put in Jed as Pres. The ONLY thing that is new is that humanity is growing up and realising what the're up to.
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  12. asad12

    asad12 Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2012
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    I totally agree with you Thankful. The faces that we see are just for the show. It happens over and over again and we still think that we really do have a say in this matter. Haven't we realized that the politics hasn't changed? It's only new faces that get in office for, let's say, making people think they can make change. And how many times we're going to be lied? This happens every election season.

    We all know what happens. It's the lobbies that really choose and decide who rules. This also raises a legal question. Isn't bribery and coercion illegal? This is exactly what goes on in every election and right before our eyes.

    Let's also not forget about our freedoms that are taking away little by little. To be honest with you guys, sometime I have to be careful about what to say or write. Music is my only escape and the method for me to stay out of this craziness.

    The future is very dim, not only for the US, for the whole world. I don't see a fix near.
    I wish you all peace and safety
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2016
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  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    what position should I reconsider? to not wish my country well?
    I think for all the criticism it gets, it still gives people a fairer shake than the majority of other countries in the world...

    You never saw me saying I support every action my government takes, but I still believe the principles the
    country was founded on are solid... the country was never perfect from it's formation as no person is ever perfect
    either.. countries expend people's lives to achieve their aims, and struggle militarily to maintain themselves,
    nothing has changed in all of recorded history with regards to this... however we must surely be moving
    towards something better, and if we are not... should we just sit down and let the world go to sh*t... just cuz ?

    @Rhodes do you hate and despise your own country.. and wish it to be brought to its knees
    and diluted with immigrants who have no intention of assimilation, and letting anyone in to be cheap labor for the
    benefit of corporation$ based in your land ? Should we all just shut up and agree that we should accept the
    3rd worldification of our lives for the benefit of the corporate masters who deserve it .. just cuz...??

    It sure as hell wasn't me who came up with that...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2016
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  14. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    @Herr Durr
    My Country ain`t mine...
    You think that Your Country is Yours ?

    anyway, there is no point in discussing matters like that.
    I respect Your right to have and express any opinion :shalom:
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2016
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  15. Montgent

    Montgent Kapellmeister

    Jun 22, 2014
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    I think Bernie might take it.
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  16. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    That would be nice. I dont really agree with his methods - mainly because ideas about redistributing wealth by necessity have the rich people's money going to the government, which will undoubtedly just use it for the same fuckery as always. But I think his intentions are at least good and he's bringing the right conversations to the table, so I like him.
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  17. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, all bird watching fellow members :hug:,

    how many small tribal units are there in all these states well united, existing, coexisting, of original americans, of later immigrants? :dunno:

    this here present self of mine, with me brain capabilities illustrated earlier, somehow became incapable to decide, how many in place born generations one must have on her, his, family tree, to become capable of the feeling about new immigrants diluting any country. :dunno:

    were not the waves of first generation immigrants, along with the slaves, native americans even, those who have built all the wealth of infrastructure in the country? :dunno:

    were not the situation in those countries where the ever present immigration population originated from, at least partially, shaped by the doings of the politicians of the country? :dunno:

    there might be enormous amounts of data, along with the omnipresent corporate media spin, to be aware of, to be weighed, to come to any assertion, me is afraid, besides being perfectly sure that even this amount of available data will never be the same that the decision makers are using for their so called judgement building procedures. :yes:

    wish all of us the best of the best, even more for all still remnant eagles in this world... :bow:
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2016
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  18. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    look, I couldn't give fuck all about anything here... all I know is some blonde bitch almost got hit by a majestic looking eagle and that's the funniest shit right now... I'd laugh even if that happened to my grandma. Fucking great stuff right there!

    humour section ftw!
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  19. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    the next, perchance to some extent historical even, blonde joke? :wink:

    jks jks jks jks jks

    all the best for all of us, plus please pray do include loads more of such happenstances, meaning victorious eagles, en masse if possible... :bow:
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2016
  20. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    I almost forgot one other recent elite joke played on the Americans, well it was bare-faced cheek to the ultimate humiliation - Al Gore Should have been president, he won that election, but the elite had a plan with the Bush blood-line.
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