Things to do while waiting for your rar files to download

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dway, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. dway

    dway Newbie

    Dec 19, 2011
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    Things to do while waiting for your rar files to download.

    some people don't have the luxury of having an exclusive computer to, Download, scan, open, mount,

    archive, etc, etc rar files.

    If your like me your too busy, feasting on warez libraries to open the downloads right away and you end

    up with like a 100gb or more of stuff to go through. and it takes a while to do sometimes, yeah you can

    have it running in the background, but that's a distraction to music production, because you have to

    stop and monitor the rar's for crazy things like unexpectecd file end of archives and such.

    Furthermore, you can't have your Production Computer online when your producing with most Cracks. As a

    result I propose that we all chime in with, Things to do while waiting for your rar files to download.

    So here's your chance to do other things besides making music without feeling guilty. Play some video

    games although there's not too many games to play besides armchair solidiers fighting virtual wars with

    each other not knowing that the powers that be are preparing them for the bigger

    picture,I.E:EndersGame. or take in some T.V.

    Since when did the mini series become the realest Shit on cable?

    American Horror Story Coven, Sons of Anarchy, Veep, Dancing on The Edge, Spartacus saga, The White

    Queen, Eastbound & Down, Boardwalk Empire, Californication, Episodes, House of Lies, Ray Donovan,

    Shameless, Web Therapy, Borgias, True Blood, Luther.

    There's something for everybody, in most cases you don't even need cable, you can find most of this on

    the internet.
    Find something to distract you, because all this file management is "exasperating". lol
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I was actually thinking of starting a section like I did with the Transmissions series (which was music-related) but one that would focus on quality movies and shows for our members to discover. What do you think? Would you guys be interested in something like that? I ask because some people get angry when they see things not audio-related but personally I think it's cool to have a variety of topics so that AudioSex could be your one stop shop for quality entertainment suggestions as well.
  4. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    You know that I would like it.
    David Lynch, man, that thread would go on for days :)
  5. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Man, who needs TV when we gots Youtube?

    Why let some other nobody choose what you watch? TV mostly, IMveryHO, sucks.

    Great time to pick up a book while you are un`raring. Might I suggest the most incredible collection ever assembled.....

    The Holy Bible. I started it last January 1st as a new years resolution, to not just read, but also attempt to understand most of the Bible. Been one incredible journey. The history, literature, poetry, intrigue, glory, pain and joy contained within are truly out of this world.

    Ahem....... just sayin. :unsure:
  6. geraldthegenius

    geraldthegenius Noisemaker

    Dec 16, 2011
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    Out Yonder
    While my stuff is unraring i kick down doors and blow up people's supply of saran rap with my pet rocket launcher, Lock And Loadington McNuckestick.

  7. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    ... and youtube mostly doesn't??? :wow:

    I will never knock TV, cause without that I would probly never had the chance to work professionally as a musician, composer, producer.
    IMextremelyHO TV is no different from any other media. A lot is crap but some of it is friggin golden. Twin Peaks, dude...

    Got no beef with books either :wink:
  8. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    Honestly, the best use of my time while doing such things is watching production tutorial videos lol. I like to watch tuts for specific vsti's or daw's etc. Some of them have unique features I wouldn't know about otherwise. Sometimes I watch documentaries, ha!
  9. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Looks like Audiosex now has a new chaplain. Welcome to His Holiness, the Right Reverend Pilzy . . . here beginneth the lesson . . . :wink: :mates:
  10. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Why SirSilly, you old flatterer you! :hug:

    My sermon is simple: Be a better you, in every and all ways, always :wink:
  11. 8-bit

    8-bit Newbie

    Jun 21, 2012
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    Just to get this straight, is it means this kind of content should not be posted from now on or..?

    Anyhow, back to topic. My days of insane, utterly nonsense downloading of everything, especially libraries, are long gone. I used to use the text reader to listen to people arguing on forums related to alternate conciseness, aliens and stuff. It's like Stephen Hawking's lost his IQ, and locked out of himself talking crap.
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I meant irrespective of medium as in suggestions for quality movies and shows that folks might be interested in.

    Sorry Pilzy I'm an agnostic and honestly if there really were a god it would just piss me off. :rofl:
    Why an agnostic and not an atheist? Well I think it would be arrogant of me to say that I have all the answers to the intricate mysteries of existence. That being said there is nothing (and I mean nothing) that could be explained to me that would possibly justify what I've been through and what I've seen others go through. To me as close to the idea of god as you're going to get would be a nature show in which you will soon discover that the universe doesn't give two shits about us and nature is simply indifferent. Also there are some major (and I mean major) disparities between what secular scholars have written about history and what is written in the Bible. If going that route my recommendation would actually be an amazing debate on the subject of God between the world's top scientists (some of whom are religious) in various fields called Beyond Belief which is from 2006. Fascinating stuff if you're interested but it doesn't pull any punches so religious folks may not like it and I'll even admit that some scientists were arrogant and even a little aggressive. They did make a stellar response to the question what can an atheist celebrate which is the exact answer I would have given if asked. Overall whether religious or not I think it poses some interesting and thought-provoking questions that get those neurons firing if you're open. It's also really LONG because it's divided into many sessions and each one is almost 2 hours long but honestly I didn't even notice. I've linked to the playlist with all the videos so if you watch on YouTube you can watch more than the one I've posted here:​

  13. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Yeah, religion is a strange thing for sure.
    But the stuff Pilzy said about the book containing some amazing literature, poetry, intrigue, etc is still true.
    You can trace some influence from that in pretty much all the stories in Western culture ever since.
  14. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I'm not trying to say that there is nothing of value in the Bible but to me it's just a story and one fraught with plenty of contradictions. In the video I believe some non-religious scientists actually quote it and make the point that you're making which is just because we aren't religious doesn't mean that we can't appreciate it for a great work of literature. Of course many would consider that last statement blasphemous. :dunno:
  15. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I remember buying this song on 12" vinyl back in the day, remember DM got heavily criticized for it at the time, it was completely different to any of their previous poppy releases, they were heading for the darkside and didn't come back :rofl:
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Wow man you're awesome. I was actually going to post Blasphemous Rumours before, I have it open in my browser but I opted for the videos because there were some really fascinating things that were discussed if someone can get past some stuff that they might not agree with. Great track. :mates:

    By the way I hope nobody was offended by what I said because that wasn't my intention. *no*
  17. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    One of the best evah :grooves:
  18. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I for one will NEVER be offended by another`s views. We each travel our own path, with it`s own positive, negative and neutral experiences. To expect everyone to end up at the same conclusions about life, the universe, the uncrackable nature of certain plugz and everything would be naive indeed.

    I always envied people with spiritual faith. I was so indoctrinated with secular education that the existence of an omnipotent God was laughable at least, ridiculous at best! Funny where our journey can take us.

    Great link Cataly5t my friend. I find these kinds of debates extremely interesting. As you say, there are a great many top scientists working in the secular world who base EVERYTHING from a Biblical stand point. I found the discovery that Creationism has more going for it, scientifically, that Evolution, to be a total head spinner, as we are taught Darwnin as FACT, when it is actually just as much a belief system which needs some incredible "leaps of faith" to make it fit. There is simply not one scrap of evidence that supports Darwin`s "theories".

    Anyhoo, this was not the OP`s topic so is not the place.

    God bless. :bleh:
  19. New Model No.15

    New Model No.15 Newbie

    Dec 16, 2013
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    save the world
  20. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I watch porn. :wink:

    Thank you for DM posts, guys... especially "Blasphemous Rumours". Those old and still so perfect tracks are so moving. On some [all?] DM concerts I've been to I passed out at the end... so my friends had to carry me out. LOL Lack of oxygene, too much excitement, and a bit too much of wine [I'm a fan of red wine]... singing along. :wink: That was more than a few years ago, of course. Sorry for the OT.

    I love this one, too. I think "Construction Time Again" is one of their best albums along with the "Black Celebration", "Violator" and "SOFAD". Just listen to this.. damn... there are no bands today that I know of who make music as original as this. That's one of the reasons I love DM, they're original. Or they used to be original...

    It is really hard to save something that doesn't want to be saved. It's impossible. People are just going crazy about consumerism, celebrities and fashion/fashinable shit these days. They're completely infected. :( I'm thankful that I was born at a good time to enjoy the music at its peak [IMO], and all the other past bands and composers [the list would be too large to post here], to be a part of computer revolution from Commodores and Spectrums, TRS, Acorn and ATARI, to PCs and MACs, too. IRC, FTP, Gopher and Netscape, DOS and Doom and Unreal LAN parties. Beautiful, beautiful tech revolution times and I've learned so much about everything. I even learned some C++ and 8-bit assembler. LOL Now everything is going to shambles, it seems... :( What we need is a complete social revolution to make things right again, even better than before, actually, and assure our children's future to be bright.

    Don't flame me, please, I've been "experimenting" with this new red wine I got... LOL It's good. :bleh:
  21. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Where do I sign up! :mates:
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