they took a dog from a homeless man for being on the street ) :

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ryck, May 16, 2022.

  1. Molly_Lee

    Molly_Lee Producer

    Jun 10, 2021
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    Just thought I would bring it back to music.
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  2. clipper

    clipper Producer

    Aug 1, 2019
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  3. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Beatyful Song and Voice, Sweet Voice.

    What a beautiful story, incredible, but it is what happens when there are good intentions.
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  4. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Good to see these things. Give hope to humanity.

    There are places here, but they only let them stay for a while, I think 15 days.
    According to what they say. These places are in terrible conditions, without heating, theft, lice, etc.
    And at 6am they have to go out to get things done, and they can only come back at night to sleep.

    But think about this.
    As a person who was living on the street in 15 days can get a job and pay for a place to live. In fact, getting a job is already difficult for those who have resources.
    You also need money to travel, make phone calls, everything that involves looking for a job.
    They are places of the government that are like to say "look, we think of the most needy" but in the end it does not solve anything.
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  5. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    That's why this organization give them a roof and assistance, not only economically, but also psychologically. As people can't rebuild themselves easily after many years being "no one". Also most of them got down there for a reason, so this is the first cause to treat, why and how did they get to that point.
    Last edited: May 17, 2022
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  6. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    they r not growing, they r hanging
  7. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
  8. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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  9. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I really love Annie, but it pales (pun intended) to every time Billy sang it which she did to finish her shows.

  10. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    thare was a version from a male artist who released it something like 20 years ago, i recorded it on tape from the radio, but i don t recall the name, actually that was the best version in my opinion
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  11. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    What is a dyslexic agnostic insomniac?

    Someone who stays up all night wondering if there's a Dog.
  12. infinatesorrow

    infinatesorrow Noisemaker

    Jan 13, 2021
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    Pardon my french but this girl is a straight up cunt and while i have never struck one in anger this is absolutely no different than stealing a child. the man needs his dog back if anyone would be kind enough to provide any information - i will go into a couple other communities and see if i cant get some people to carry the word
    I had to put my dog down last year, a dog is happiest with his pack and taking him from his pack like that is a crime against not only the man but the dog. Its wrong and she needs to be held accountable. I swear she would have been the first woman toi ever recieve a set of black eyes from me had she tried that. Dogs are every bit as self aware as a two year old child, she is not only violating the homeless man but the dog as well
    Bitch should be ashamed of herself and arrested for kidnapping. A dog does not care about warm beds and nice yards, they care about their pack. taken away from their pack it scares them because they feel very vulnerable - that is why they tend to howl non-stop when chained up alone, they are terrified because to be without your pack is to be dead, vulnerable.
    the arrogance of people knows no bounds
  13. ziked

    ziked Producer

    Nov 30, 2019
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    No. The implication is that the woman thinks the dog's life matters more than the man's life. The implication is that the dog must be "rescued" because it is being abused/neglected by being there, with no thoughts toward the man other than perhaps that he brought his circumstances upon himself, and deserves his fate, because he possibly isn't sober or a criminal, etc.
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  14. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I have good news on this. An association that defends human rights in Argentina came out to defend the indigent and appointed him a lawyer. The lawyer filed a criminal complaint against the girl and asked the court for a search warrant. This was the last thing I heard about, because when something is no longer "garbage press" the press stops giving it importance. I mean that when it comes to something "for sale" they spread the word, but then if the homeless person eats or not, if he lives or doesn't, if the dog is well or not, the press doesn't care. So it was very difficult for me to find information on the subject, except through media that have very little diffusion. The good thing then is that they are in the process of recovering their dog and this girl will learn the lesson not to abuse "the weak" since she has a criminal case. I believe that before hurting another person he will think twice. It is also a message for society (I think) to say, "if you hurt a huge man, there will be an organization that will defend him and go after you." For my part, it gave me a little more calm, in the sense that, when I first saw the news, I couldn't believe that a part of society supports the girl regardless of the homeless person. Now he will surely recover his puppy (I hope so) and surely that body will help him. I know the director of the organization is a person who is in politics and is dedicated to helping the most vulnerable.
  15. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    If the man had any sense he would have negotiated to allow her to pay him to care for the dog. Then when his lazy ass got a job under the terms of the negotiation he could buy it back from her….
  16. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Let's see if I understood correctly... You say that the man has to pay a person who stole his dog? really? and you say "lazy ass in finding a job". It is evident that he has never been on the street, to understand all the problems that living on the street implies.
  17. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    i live in kuwait ..this will never happen in my country ,the dog will return/remains with the homeless and the
    girl (and her supporters followers ) will be trashed in the media and exposed

    what if the homeless had a son of a daughter ,would anyone would be interested in taking the kids and let the father(or mother)
    in the street just to give him or her a better shelter and possible adoption while the father or mother still a live and live in the street ?

    what will a man do if bunch of police knock on the door and wanna take his/her kids away
    because both claims of abuse and violence that the other did and theres no proof but they would take them anyway

    these FN people are interested in cats and dogs more than helping human being starving /surviving hard life
    and no one helps them

    by the way, since the homeless subject is opened

    why the police gather and bust all homeless off the street before big football games in the Tallahassee,Florida
    and keep them in prisons for 3 days until the big match is over and next day they send him back to the street again
    (its not like they wont give him free prisoners food and 3 days of showers ,but what if they got beat or stabbed /
    killed for sharing cells with some freak.nobody will check on him ,the police wont return him to his original shelter

    i swear im not joking here this been done for years now and no one is talk about it in the social media

    homeless dont have human rights too ?
    why not just kill them ? no one will ask about them ,just take them to any us army base and put them as human target for more fun

    i know im joking here but the reality makes me sick
  18. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    It's good that this doesn't happen in your country.

    And the hypotheses that it raises are true. "What if, etc"

    In my opinion, I think that many people are carried away by certain "fads", without really seeing the problem. I mean, I see that a lot of people join more in the "defense of the animal" by belonging to a group of "people who do good" than actually doing good. They do not have the ability to discern whether the group that mobilizes them is right or wrong.
    Sometimes I see videos of pranks being played on a dog or a cat, harmless pranks, just to give you an example. That you take his ball and hide it and the dog searches everywhere. Well I see it as a game. But a lot of people say "ohhh that's animal abuse". They go above all logic.

    And so they end up defending an animal more than life, sometimes from their own relatives.

    Being on the street is a terrible thing, it goes through many things, cold, hunger, despise from some part of society, job rejection. It is not easy to get out of there, to become "garbage" of what society does not want to see.
    I know that many people who live on the streets drink alcohol to avoid feeling the cold, or some go so far as to use drugs to escape that reality. Then people point at them like "look there's the bum who doesn't want to get out of his shit". And it is very easy to judge when one is not in that situation

    I did not know what happened in the United States to put them all in a prison
    3 days before a game can be played. It's terrible, at least for me.
  19. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    totally agree with you man ,and i did asked one of my friends who live in florida he did confirm right now
    about homeless bust before big games ,and he did confirm and said theres a big reason for doing that
    he said they do the ''street cleaning''and specially around the stadiums so the homeless wont find away to beg
    for those who are entering the stadiumsand also another big reason is when state invited vips/guests to watch the game
    and on their way to the location to the stadium they wont see roaming homeless /wont interfere/prevent a scene/media from publishing
    bad image for the state or city

    i dont live in states but if thats true someone brave should expose this
  20. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    From what I read. he was a homeless man on the street. What I meant is - when approached by this crazy lady - he should have considered the well being for the pup & negotiated a deal that was a win win. Have her care for the dog until he gets his shit together. THEN offer to buy the dog back AFTER he has a home & established income like the rest of productive society. Her stealing the dog was wrong, but I also have no sympathy for people who are "well enough" to "care" for a pet living on the street. In fact I think they ought not to.... Comfort in poverty only produces more poverty. Being uncomfortable in poverty is a great motivator & drives people out of it!! Need proof? Just look what unemployment, food stamps & HUD has done for the poor in the USA.