There is an "Exporting Stems Masterclass" floating around

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by breezexx, Mar 2, 2024.

  1. breezexx

    breezexx Newbie

    Mar 5, 2022
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    Hello everyone.
    Im sure that most of us "Pro's" know about how to Track-Out your whole Mix when you have lets say, a whole production which gets send out to the individual "Mastering Engineer" to Cut the Vocals perfectly to the production via his/her ability.

    I make my beats (especially Trap based Drums) In FL Studio for its "Softclipper" sound.
    Ever since then i tried to Color my drums with a Softclipper on the Master Chain.
    But Tracking-Out with the Master Chain (Which came out with an FL Studio Update) brings not the same result as for example just having a Softclipper on the Master chain.
    Since it is individual Track-Out of each Drum Sound.

    And putting a Softclipper individually on every Mixer-Track is also giving a different (bad) result.

    Putting all the individual Track-Outs into lets say, Logic Pro X always sounds "different"
    The BAD kind of different...
    Its never like i hear it INSIDE FL Studio.

    I Have a whole workaround for this which is just literally me making the magic happing inside the MIXDOWN session in Logic or Pro Tools. (Submixes <3)

    But im still wondering for years... is there maybe any option or workaround?

    On to my heavy google search im stumbled up on an "Exporting Stems Masterclass" from a Producer Community which is famous on various Platforms which sells Sounds/Drumkits and more + Heavy in-depth Tutorials and awesome stuff to watch especially for an beginner.

    I dont want to just leak the link since i dont really know if something like this is allowed here in the forum (but if its allowed im happy to share)


    The "Masterclass" is SOLD OUT for like months...
    In the Description of the masterclass it says:
    "This course is for FL Studio users who want to level up their samplemaking by delivering polished, stemmed out melody samples.

    *hint* it doesn't involve "split mixer tracks"


    So for the Guru's over here at AudioSEX...

    Has anyone ANY idea to Track-Out your Production/Mixdown in FL Studio WITHOUT:
    1 - Splitting The Channels (Via Export + Mix Faders)?
    2 - Exporting the Track-Outs via the Playlist (Where you can Enable the Master FX)?

    Another option would OBVIOUSLY be to Export every Track One by One... but yeah.. im kinda lost and confusion is taking me over or maybe im just really overthinking the hell out of this topic.

    Thanks for reading and i would be happy to read your thoughts about this....
    I hope i explained everything well but if yall need more info pls just let me know.

    Kind regards
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    is it really that complicated to export stems?

    usually you group: Drums, Bass, Melodic, Vocal-work, FX and of course nothing on the master.
    there is also the possibility to export all channels separate with nothing on the master.

    - tipps: keep level of the channels always very low

    i dont think there is a masterclass needed or a tutorial series ...
  4. breezexx

    breezexx Newbie

    Mar 5, 2022
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    You should read my post before just mindlessly commenting.
    I mentioned exactly what you said already.

    You clearly do not get my point on WHY im tried to achieve this method.
    In such a forum like this one... happened here way to many times.
    No wonder when its literally 98% self entitled mix and mastering engineers lol

    I have a workaround now and i posted it here.
    (so dont mind to "help" now since you literally skipped over my post just like that and thought you were cooking lmao)

    But one of the Mods literally (just like you) did not read my post and just the title and removed it because its "not the topic" while its literally the topic.

    Well anyways im completely done with this website if any mods are reading this.
    Cant navigate most of the time or comment (even just 3 words) because of this website cannot handle my IP somehow so it says its spam.
    One admin already solved it (hurray) but for one day.

    bye bye guys and best wishes