The world needs more drummers... like this

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Herr Durr, May 11, 2016.

  1. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    And what about white girls? Are they too busy trying to find their rich guy, so they cannot waste any time on doing something as "stupid" as drumming? I mean yeah - where's the money in that? :sad: Rather waste time browsing shops, gossiping, and criticising celebrities on their pathetic "blogs". Or the newest fad - speaking against sexism while dressing up like a whore... I mean damn it! :hahaha:
  2. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Ok, sorry @Herr Durr but this has to stop, locking the thread pending further review by mods. :(
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  3. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    My friends, Why does this happen here so often?

    A simple post and it turns in to something of such hate and harsh opinions? are we all so radically different that we cannot get along on a audiophile forum, because we are so divided on our other viewpoints in Life, religion, cultural differences? music is universal. It is what transcends all of the other difficulties in life, We may not enjoy the same genres but as a musician we all know and accept the fact that our music is what lifts us above the tragic consequences of our daily lives and circumstances. war, famine, political corruption, civil upheaval, none of these take away our love of music and the release it gives us emotionally, physically every day.

    The world devolves into chaos it seems more and more every day, and we slip closer and closer to the edge every day. this should be a place to come to escape that madness, not fall deeper into it!

    On the topic of this thread. Most of the comments are from guys, men, and the one female that I know that commented got ignored and brushed aside

    Perhaps you should all re-read her words, there are a lot of significance embedded there. Who are we to criticize others? are we perfect, do we have all the answers? I would say no, so. And as @Beth said, We Are All On Our Own Path. No one else can take that path for us, it is ours and ours alone. if you follow that is YOUR choice, but do not comment and voice an opinion on it as it is My path, you are just Following. If you don't agree or like it, Follow YOUR own path.

    and like @Beth, she said she didn't pass judgement one way or the other, because she did not know the person, and neither do any of you, yet you quickly throw out labels, whore, slut, prostitute. Is that right? Is that any different from todays headlines? labels like, Muslin Terrorist, faggot, queer, Nazi, nigger? No its wrong!

    @Herr Durr should not have added this comment to his post. then maybe this thread would not have degenerated like it had, but then again maybe it would have, can't lay all the blame on anyone person.

    no matter how she dressed in the video her skill is good.

    In this twisted world we live in, there is no equality for men and woman, we are all aware of this. the music industry is no exception. men and women are not paid equally no matter what industry or job they have even in the same position. and every one knows SEX sells. but that is the society we have built and we have allowed to grow and become the norm. There is no reason to blkame the person that uses this to there advantage because we have allowed the path to be created and used as such. that fault lies with all of us.

    Now I am going to do something we haven't done here before. I'm going to unlock this thread.

    PLEASE READ this thread before posting anything new and think very hard. some of you should apologize for things you've said and others should re-iterate the points you tried to make from a more civilized point of view. IF you decide to take this opportunity to abuse this moment to continue using this thread I will close it.

    Thanks guys.
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
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  4. Well said, Ned944.
  5. StupidifiedMoneky

    StupidifiedMoneky Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Nonsense.... the only thing that defines a person are his actions... you don't need to know anything about a person, all you need to know are his actions, playing drums in your undies, video taping and posting for public is a persona defining action.
    Who we are to judge nazis... did any of you know them personally? Everyone is on his own path... until that path crosses a person's path with different set of values.
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
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  6. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    I love girls!
    and I love drummer girls even more!
    naked girls on the drums ?!? ...well that is just too much for me; my "angina pectoris" must be kept in check :)

    nice clips!
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
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  7. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    @StupidifiedMoneky You miss the whole point of my post my friend. this forum is about music and not about your values or morals, if you cannot participate in an open forum and not bring a self righteous attitude and exist in a diverse and open environment among other musicians and audio enthusiast then this is not the forum for you. I do not let my views infect you or anyone else on this forum because we are all different I am also not a racist intolerant human on a planet full of diverse individuals with many races and religions that i do not know and or participate in. I have a wide view of the world and am tolerant and not bigoted toward anyone. as this is a public forum. its the hate and vitriol of the real world that breeds all of the chaos and problems we now face as a civilization on the brink of disaster. You Do not know me and cannot pass judgement on me my friend only god may do so. and you are not god.
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  8. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    ok fair enough... I think there are some good girl drummers. Then there are some good girl drummers who choose to enhance
    their performance with their costume. Of course she looks good and she is popular in yt, she is also a much better drummer
    than I probably could ever hope to be...

    does that clear it up some?

    It's all in lightness and a bit of fun fellas.. she made a lot of her vids, and she seems happy playing, and for guys who enjoy viewing please try to accept this thread in that light, that's how it was intended. Then if you have more accomplished talents to let us know about, feel free... good skill alone is enough... thank you
  9. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    @Herr Durr wasn't trying to lay blame at your feet my friend, just trying to let everyone know that all the sexist and labels being used where wrong in so much as there is no reason to jump upon a pedestal and preach morals in a music forum. those types of beliefs and opinions need to remain outside of this arena, and be kept for a personal arena in real life as they carry no weight here or hold no sway in an internet forum dedicated to music with a diverse and varied membership.
  10. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Sylenth and you have to be an ugly bastard offspring of two ugly lesbians in space. well, nice meeting you, Alien! UFO contact finally established.

    You condemn profane language, but you allow sexism on this board. Sexism and racism should not be allowed here as much as inappropriate language. Double standards much, ha? If you don't allow sexism, please prove me wrong, go on and delete not only comments with a faulty language, also remove comments that sound something like this "I would be glad to play with that girl's whatever". Because that's also wrong. C'mon man. Stop being selective, you mods. You take notice of me breaking the forum rules, but you prefer not to see what others are doing. I understand this must a comfortable position for you, mods, but it doesn't make it right.

    Modern female pianists go on stage almost nude and the whole auditorium is so busy observing their nudity they hardly hear what a classical composer had to say. Is this right? Is this what music is about? No. I don't think Rachmaninoff wanted his listeners to observe pianist's breasts or bottom instead of listening to his piano concertos. Sexual exploitation in music is evil. Stop raping the music. Let it breathe. And sex should belong to pornography.

    Andrew: Offending content removed
    Last edited: May 13, 2016
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  11. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    @ned944 and @everyone. Whenever the idea of locking a thread comes up, i can't help but think about the irony involved. I understand this is forum is someone else's creation and they can do with it as they please. But those same mods, defend the OP's and the strangers in random YT videos they don't either, claiming those people are free to do whatever actions they want. But we are not free to comment on their actions they presented in a public forum over the internet. That's hypocritical at best.

    Beth is right in her comments and also so are others, they are also kind of wrong to. The point is, i thought this was a forum full of diffrent people with different points of view, and if you're foolish enough to take what others say, in regards to another individuals actions personally, then you really need to get over yourself.

    Besides, just because I or anyone else describes another person's presentation for what we see doesn't mean you hate or like it. it could just be an observation. For example, if I posted a video playing guitar wearing baseball cleats, a padres uniform, a runners helmet, and was holding a bat; everyone would say i was dressed like a baseball player. Likewise, if did the same thing only wearing a Speedo everyone would say i'm playing guitar dressed like an asshole.
  12. StupidifiedMoneky

    StupidifiedMoneky Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Does it give you permission to do whatever you want? Because your doing whatever you want will end pretty quickly in society where you have to live between other people, whether you like it or not. Playing drums in your undies besides praise you will be criticized, whether you like it or not. BTW, this line is very popular between serial murderers, rapists and others who are about to be escorted from court after they are sentenced and are allowed to say something in their final statement, usually it's given them to express remorse, but they instead use it to justify themselves.
    Since you have to live with people, people are the ones who have all the right to judge you, if you don't like it, go live with God then.
    Open forum where you openly don't allow people to think freely? Because I freely think that girl in that video is a no self-esteem nor shame having slut.
    Should we only praise sluts?

    BTW I moved on, I didn't comment on that comment of that member, but you the one who brought it up, an utterly nonsense comment as some universal truth, we're not bots, we're people, your expectations are not in line with human beings, you want us to be faceless, valueless, agreeing with everything sheep. :wink: Forum is a Debate place. So we are debating prostitution and music... I moved on, but no, some one have to bring up a reply to me by someone as some kind of marvelous example of how to be a non thinking sheep, ignoring everything that's around you, allowing holocausts and everything in between to happen.
    Let me move on, because I already realized that debating anything under such a video is like going to a porn site and patronizing people there about their values.
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  13. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    @Wurlie Rocker

    snail's reproductive organs ?!? interesting, never thought about that. :rofl:

    but when I think about what You said, than

    - Better to play Rachmaninoff nude than to play EDM in a tuxedo

    (that should make sense like everything You wrote :) )
  14. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Oh, me too. Damn wiki page.

    If you think of it, it does make sense. For instance, Martha Argerich is 1000000 times a pianist than any pianist out there today. And she won her piano competitions and her fame with her amazing piano skills, not by going on stage naked. Don't know about you, but it does tell me something about her. She deserves her respect and praise 100%.

    No, nobody plays friggin EDM in a friggin tuxedo, thanks God.
  15. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    I did not nor do I condone Sexism @Wurlie Rocker I clearly stated that I was opening this thread back up to allow those who needed to to apologize for remarks they made that where unneeded and for others to re-iterate their comments in a more civilized manner. Sexism is wrong. And I agree, but we as males in this business have made it that way, no denying it. women do not control the music industry MEN do. I personally did not delete anyone's comments.

    In the end this is a public forum but it is also a regulated forum, with an owner and moderators tasked with maintaining a certain level of decorum, not an easy task. We are not always able to please everyone, but we try to maintain the peace here. We are accused of being tyrant, censors, assholes, among many other things. if we just stood aside and let everything go on without intervention, eventually you would all probably stop coming here because of things like this, so how would you like it to be?

    we are only trying to keep this place a friendly inviting place for all the members to gather to. of the 17,500 members, how many actually participate actively every day? How many lurk. mow many are afraid to participate because they read threads like this and shudder to comment based on what they see happen to others that do?

    @StupidifiedMoneky you have been a member here for just shy of a month, I have been here for 4 years. Have seen a lot more go on here and experienced more here than you, so your statements to me seem quite out of context for this argument. and quite out of context for my role and as to who I am as a person, IMHO.

    I did not say anyone was justified in comments they made in this thread about the woman in those video, i stated why they where probably made based on the societal environment that men have created. It is wrong. In this age of political correctness, we tend to see everything as wrong, racist, xenophobic, feminazism. But in the same vain it is also not a crime to appreciate a beautiful woman. She chose to dress the way she did in the video, no one forced her to do that. so it is not wrong to enjoy that as well. She obviously had a reason to do so. it has garnered her over a million views on her video. Might have happened anyways, might not have happened if she was not dressed as such.

    Whatever her reasoning it was her decision and not anyone else's and no need to label her as anything.

    And we should all just get past this fact and just get back to talking about music and making music, not Debating Morals, politics, or Religion these topics will separate and divide us. These are things where we will never find common ground, on a level playing field and should be avoided.

    So peace my Friends. Have a wonderful afternoon.
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  16. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    She is obviously very young,probably still a teen,watching all those hip modern tv shows where mostly sluts are cast and then thinks its ok,selling their integrity for literally 5 min of fame and usually these women later not only regret it but have problems coping with it.
    I have seen many miami vice episodes where it just didnt end that well...Rico knows...
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  17. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Well this has been an edifying read.
  18. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Back for my Thursday rerun... I havent even watched the rest of the vids.. first one is... just right.

    Good grief people.. its a girl playing drums in what amounts to no less than a tank top and shorts.

    Get a life:like:

    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  19. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    My grandfather survived the holocaust. I'd say he has earned the right
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  20. @Wurlie Rocker ... along with almost every wrong and despicable thing I feel you have said centering around this current topic of discussion you are also wrong about EDM and Tuxedos, LOL.

    There is plenty!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
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